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Index for SurfStat

Matlab files in this directory:

 IIdentity matrix for the variance in a model formula, same as I=random(1).
 SurfStatAvSurfAverage, minimum or maximum of surfaces.
 SurfStatAvVolAverage, minimum or maximum of MINC, ANALYZE, NIFTI or AFNI volumes.
 SurfStatColLimSets the colour limits for SurfStatView.
 SurfStatColormapColormap function for SurfStatView.
 SurfStatCoord2IndConverts a vertex index to x,y,z coordinates.
 SurfStatDeleteDeletes variables including memory mapped files.
 SurfStatEdgFinds edges of a triangular mesh or a lattice.
 SurfStatFF statistics for comparing two uni- or multi-variate fixed effects models.
 SurfStatInd2CoordConverts a vertex index to x,y,z coordinates.
 SurfStatInflateInflates a surface towards two fitted hemi-ellipsoids.
 SurfStatLinModFits linear mixed effects models to surface data and estimates resels.
 SurfStatListDirLists all the file names in a directory.
 SurfStatMaskCutMask that excludes the inter-hemisphere cut.
 SurfStatNormNormalizes by subtracting the global mean, or dividing by it.
 SurfStatPCorrected P-values for vertices and clusters.
 SurfStatPCAPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA).
 SurfStatPeakClusFinds peaks (local maxima) and clusters for surface data.
 SurfStatPlotNumeric or string variables against numeric, adjusted and/or by groups.
 SurfStatQQ-values for False Discovey Rate of resels.
 SurfStatROIROI on the surface or volume with a given centre and radius.
 SurfStatReadDataReads data (e.g. thickness) from an array of .txt or FreeSurfer files.
 SurfStatReadData1Reads data (e.g. thickness) from a single .txt or FreeSurfer file.
 SurfStatReadSurfReads coordinates and triangles from an array of .obj or FreeSurfer files.
 SurfStatReadSurf1Reads coordinates and triangles from a single .obj or FreeSurfer file.
 SurfStatReadVolReads volumetric files in MINC, ANALYZE, NIFTI or AFNI format.
 SurfStatReadVol1Reads a single volumetric file in MINC, ANALYZE, NIFTI or AFNI format.
 SurfStatReselsResels of surface or volume data inside a mask.
 SurfStatSmoothSmooths surface data by repeatedly averaging over edges.
 SurfStatStandStandardizes by subtracting the global mean, or dividing by it.
 SurfStatSurf2VolInterpolates data on each surface to a volume, then averages.
 SurfStatTT statistics for a contrast in a univariate or multivariate model.
 SurfStatViewViewer for surface data or P-value or Q-value structures.
 SurfStatView1Viewer for surface and/or volume data or P-value or Q-value structures.
 SurfStatViewDataBasic viewer for surface data.
 SurfStatViewsViewer for slices of volumetric data.
 SurfStatVol2SurfInterpolates a volume to each surface, then averages.
 SurfStatWriteDataWrites data (e.g. thickness) to a single .txt or FreeSurfer file.
 SurfStatWriteSurfWrites coordinates and triangles to an array of .obj or FreeSurfer files.
 SurfStatWriteSurf1Writes coordinates and triangles to a single .obj or FreeSurfer file.
 SurfStatWriteVolwtites volumetric data to files in MINC, ANALYZE, NIFTI or AFNI format.
 SurfStatWriteVol1Writes volumetric image data in MINC, ANALYZE, NIFTI or AFNI format.
 fac2varConverts a cell array of strings or term of this to a numeric variable.
 glGenerates levels for a factor.
 randomMakes a fixed and random effects term into a mixed effects model.
 redmodReduces a linear mixed effects model by removing redundant variables.
 spectralBlack-purple-blue-green-yellow-red-white color map.
 stat_thresholdThresholds and P-values of peaks and clusters of random fields in any D.
 termMakes a vector, matrix or structure into a term in a linear model.
 var2facConverts a numeric variable or term of this to a cell array of strings.

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