Home > SurfStat > SurfStatView.m



Viewer for surface data or P-value or Q-value structures.


function [ a, cb ] = SurfStatView( struct, surf, title, background);


Viewer for surface data or P-value or Q-value structures.
 Usage: [ a, cb ] = SurfStatView( struct, surf [,title [,background] ] );
 struct        = 1 x v vector of data, v=#vertices, zeros(1,v) if empty,
                 or one of the following structures:
 P-value structure:
 struct.P      = 1 x v vector of corrected P-values for vertices.
 struct.C      = 1 x v vector of corrected P-values for clusters.
 struct.mask   = 1 x v, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
 struct.thresh = P-value threshold for plot, 0.05 by default.
 Q-value structure:
 struct.Q      = 1 x v matrix of Q-values. 
 struct.mask   = 1 x v, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
 struct.thresh = Q-value threshold for plot, 0.05 by default.
 surf.coord    = 3 x v matrix of coordinates.
 surf.tri      = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
 title         = any string, data name by default.
 background    = background colour, any matlab ColorSpec, such as 
   'white' (default), 'black'=='k', 'r'==[1 0 0], [1 0.4 0.6] (pink) etc.
   Letter and line colours are inverted if background is dark (mean<0.5). 

 a  = vector of handles to the axes, left to right, top to bottom. 
 cb = handle to the colorbar.

 To change the colour limits, use SurfStatColLim( [min, max] ).
 To change the colour map, use e.g. SurfStatColormap( 'jet' ). 
 Surfaces can be edited in the figure window by clicking e.g. "Rotate 3D".
 If you want to customize the plot, modify the code in SurfStatViewData.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ a, cb ] = SurfStatView( struct, surf, title, background);
0003 %Viewer for surface data or P-value or Q-value structures.
0004 %
0005 % Usage: [ a, cb ] = SurfStatView( struct, surf [,title [,background] ] );
0006 %
0007 % struct        = 1 x v vector of data, v=#vertices, zeros(1,v) if empty,
0008 %                 or one of the following structures:
0009 % P-value structure:
0010 % struct.P      = 1 x v vector of corrected P-values for vertices.
0011 % struct.C      = 1 x v vector of corrected P-values for clusters.
0012 % struct.mask   = 1 x v, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
0013 % struct.thresh = P-value threshold for plot, 0.05 by default.
0014 % Q-value structure:
0015 % struct.Q      = 1 x v matrix of Q-values.
0016 % struct.mask   = 1 x v, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
0017 % struct.thresh = Q-value threshold for plot, 0.05 by default.
0018 % surf.coord    = 3 x v matrix of coordinates.
0019 % surf.tri      = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
0020 % title         = any string, data name by default.
0021 % background    = background colour, any matlab ColorSpec, such as
0022 %   'white' (default), 'black'=='k', 'r'==[1 0 0], [1 0.4 0.6] (pink) etc.
0023 %   Letter and line colours are inverted if background is dark (mean<0.5).
0024 %
0025 % a  = vector of handles to the axes, left to right, top to bottom.
0026 % cb = handle to the colorbar.
0027 %
0028 % To change the colour limits, use SurfStatColLim( [min, max] ).
0029 % To change the colour map, use e.g. SurfStatColormap( 'jet' ).
0030 % Surfaces can be edited in the figure window by clicking e.g. "Rotate 3D".
0031 % If you want to customize the plot, modify the code in SurfStatViewData.
0033 if nargin<3 | isempty(title)
0034     title=inputname(1);
0035 end
0036 if nargin<4
0037     background='white';
0038 end
0040 if isempty(struct)
0041     struct=zeros(1,size(surf.coord,2));
0042 end
0044 if ~isstruct(struct)
0045     [a,cb]=SurfStatViewData(struct,surf,title,background);
0046 else
0047     if isfield(struct,'P')
0048         if ~isfield(struct,'thresh')
0049             struct.thresh=0.05;
0050         end
0052         signifpeak=struct.P<struct.thresh;
0053         if isfield(struct,'C')
0054             signifclus=struct.C<struct.thresh;
0055             t1=signifclus.*(1-signifpeak).*(127-struct.C/struct.thresh*126);
0056         else
0057             signifclus=0;
0058             t1=0;
0059         end
0060         t2=signifpeak.*(255-struct.P/struct.thresh*126);
0061         t3=(1-signifpeak).*(1-signifclus)*128;
0062         tt=(t1+t2+t3).*struct.mask*struct.thresh;
0064         [a,cb]=SurfStatViewData(tt,surf,title,background);
0065         cm=[zeros(1,3);
0066             zeros(127,1)   (0:126)'/127   ones(127,1); ones(1,3)*0.8;
0067             ones(127,1)    (0:126)'/127   zeros(127,1)];
0068         SurfStatColormap(cm);
0069         cb = SurfStatColLim( [0 255]*struct.thresh );
0071         set(cb,'XLim',[0 255]*struct.thresh);
0072         h=get(cb,'Children');
0073         set(h,'XData',[0 255]*struct.thresh);
0074         set(cb,'XTick',[1 64 127 129 192 255]*struct.thresh);
0075         pstr1=num2str(round(struct.thresh*1000)/1000);
0076         pstr2=num2str(round(struct.thresh*1000/2)/1000);
0077         set(cb,'XTickLabel',strvcat(['     ' pstr1],['   ' pstr2],...
0078             ' ',['   0 ' pstr1],['   ' pstr2],'   0'));
0079         xl=get(cb,'XLabel');
0080         set(xl,'String','P Cluster               P Vertex');
0081         dcm_obj=datacursormode(gcf);
0082         set(dcm_obj,'UpdateFcn',@SurfStatDataCursorP,'DisplayStyle','window');
0083     end
0084     if isfield(struct,'Q')
0085         if ~isfield(struct,'thresh')
0086             struct.thresh=0.05;
0087         end
0089         t1=(struct.Q<struct.thresh).*(255-struct.Q/struct.thresh*253);
0090         t2=(struct.Q>=struct.thresh);
0091         tt=(t1+t2).*struct.mask*struct.thresh;
0093         [a,cb]=SurfStatViewData(tt,surf,title,background);
0094         cm=[zeros(1,3); ones(1,3)*0.8; ones(254,1) (0:253)'/254 zeros(254,1)];
0095         SurfStatColormap(cm);
0096         cb = SurfStatColLim( [0 255]*struct.thresh );
0098         set(cb,'XLim',[0 255]*struct.thresh);
0099         h=get(cb,'Children');
0100         set(h,'XData',[0 255]*struct.thresh);
0101         set(cb,'XTick',(2+(0:5)/5*253)*struct.thresh);
0102         set(cb,'XTickLabel',num2str(struct.thresh*(5:-1:0)'/5));
0103         xl=get(cb,'XLabel');
0104         set(xl,'String','Q');
0105         dcm_obj=datacursormode(gcf);
0106         set(dcm_obj,'UpdateFcn',@SurfStatDataCursorQ,'DisplayStyle','window');
0107     end
0108 end
0110 return
0111 end

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