Home > SurfStat > SurfStatWriteSurf.m



Writes coordinates and triangles to an array of .obj or FreeSurfer files.


function SurfStatWriteSurf( filenames, surf, ab );


Writes coordinates and triangles to an array of .obj or FreeSurfer files. 

 Usage: SurfStatWriteSurf( filenames, surf [,ab] );
 filenames = .obj or FS file name (n=1) or n x k cell array of file names.
             If extension=.obj, writes a .obj file (ASCII or binary), 
             else writes a FS file (binary only).
             If k>1 then the data is split equally between the k files.
 surf.coord = n x v x 3 array of coordinates, v=#vertices, 3 x v if n=1.
 surf.tri   = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
 ab         = 'a' for ASCII (default) or 'b' for binary.

 For .obj files, the following are optional:
 surf.normal = n x v x 3 array of surface normals, 3 x v if n=1.
 surf.colr   = n x 4 matrix of colours for the whole surface, 
            or n x v x 4 aray of colours for each vertex, 4 x v if n=1,
        either uint8  in [0 255], or float in [0 1]. Default is ones(n,4).


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function SurfStatWriteSurf( filenames, surf, ab );
0003 %Writes coordinates and triangles to an array of .obj or FreeSurfer files.
0004 %
0005 % Usage: SurfStatWriteSurf( filenames, surf [,ab] );
0006 %
0007 % filenames = .obj or FS file name (n=1) or n x k cell array of file names.
0008 %             If extension=.obj, writes a .obj file (ASCII or binary),
0009 %             else writes a FS file (binary only).
0010 %             If k>1 then the data is split equally between the k files.
0011 % surf.coord = n x v x 3 array of coordinates, v=#vertices, 3 x v if n=1.
0012 % surf.tri   = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
0013 % ab         = 'a' for ASCII (default) or 'b' for binary.
0014 %
0015 % For .obj files, the following are optional:
0016 % surf.normal = n x v x 3 array of surface normals, 3 x v if n=1.
0017 % surf.colr   = n x 4 matrix of colours for the whole surface,
0018 %            or n x v x 4 aray of colours for each vertex, 4 x v if n=1,
0019 %        either uint8  in [0 255], or float in [0 1]. Default is ones(n,4).
0021 if nargin<3
0022     ab='a';
0023 end
0025 if isstr(filenames)
0026     sf=filenames;
0027     filenames=cell(1,1);
0028     filenames(1)={sf};
0029 end
0030 [n,k]=size(filenames);
0032 v=size(surf.coord,2+(n>1));
0033 t=size(surf.tri,1);
0035 if rem(v,k)>0 | rem(t,k)>0 
0036     return
0037 end
0039 vk=round(v/k);
0040 v1=1:vk:v;
0041 v2=vk:vk:v;
0042 tk=round(t/k);
0043 t1=1:tk:t;
0044 t2=tk:tk:t;
0046 for j=1:k
0047     surf1.tri=surf.tri(t1(j):t2(j),:)-v1(j)+1;
0048     for i=1:n
0049         if n==1
0050             surf1.coord=surf.coord(:,v1(j):v2(j));
0051             if isfield(surf,'colr')
0052                 if size(colr,1)==1
0053                     surf1.colr=surf.colr';
0054                 else
0055                     surf1.colr=surf.colr(:,v1(j):v2(j));
0056                 end
0057             end
0058             if isfield(surf,'normal')
0059                 surf1.normal=surf.normal(:,v1(j):v2(j));
0060             end
0061         else
0062             surf1.coord=squeeze(surf.coord(i,v1(j):v2(j),:))';
0063             if isfield(surf,'colr')
0064                 if ndims(colr)==2
0065                     surf1.colr=surf.colr(i,:)';
0066                 else
0067                     surf1.colr=squeeze(surf.colr(i,v1(j):v2(j),:))';
0068                 end
0069             end
0070             if isfield(surf,'normal')
0071                 surf1.normal=squeeze(surf.normal(i,v1(j):v2(j),:))';
0072             end
0073         end
0074         SurfStatWriteSurf1(filenames{i,j},surf1,ab);
0075     end
0076 end
0078 return
0079 end

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