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Thresholds and P-values of peaks and clusters of random fields in any D.


function [ peak_threshold, extent_threshold,peak_threshold_1, extent_threshold_1, t, rho ] =stat_threshold( search_volume, num_voxels, fwhm, df, p_val_peak,cluster_threshold, p_val_extent, nconj, nvar, EC_file, expr, nprint );


Thresholds and P-values of peaks and clusters of random fields in any D.

 [, TRANSFORM [, NPRINT ]]]]]]]]]]]] );

 If P-values are supplied, returns the thresholds for local maxima 
 or peaks (PEAK_THRESHOLD) (if thresholds are supplied then it
 returns P-values) for the following SPMs:
  - Z, chi^2, t, F, Hotelling's T^2, Roy's maximum root, maximum 
    canonical correlation, cross- and auto-correlation;
  - scale space Z and chi^2; 
  - conjunctions of NCONJ of these (except cross- and auto-correlation);
 and spatial extent of contiguous voxels above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD 
 (EXTENT_THRESHOLD) except conjunctions. Note that for the multivariate
 statistics spatial extent is measured in resels for the higher 
 dimensional space formed by adding sphere(s) to the search region.

 For peaks (local maxima), two methods are used:  
 random field theory (Worsley et al. 1996, Human Brain Mapping, 4:58-73),
 and a simple Bonferroni correction based on the number of voxels
 in the search region. The final threshold is the minimum of the two.

 For clusters, the method of Cao, 1999, Advances in Applied Probability,
 31:577-593 is used. The cluster size is only accurate for large 
 CLUSTER_THRESHOLD (say >3) and large resels = SEARCH_VOLUME / FWHM^D. 

 PEAK_THRESHOLD_1 is the height of a single peak chosen in advance, and 
 EXTENT_THRESHOLD_1 is the extent of a single cluster chosen in advance
 of looking at the data, e.g. the nearest peak or cluster to a pre-chosen 
 voxel or ROI - see Friston KJ. Testing for anatomically specified 
 regional effects. Human Brain Mapping. 5(2):133-6, 1997.

 SEARCH_VOLUME is the volume of the search region in mm^3. The method for 
 finding PEAK_THRESHOLD works well for any value of SEARCH_VOLUME, even 
 SEARCH_VOLUME = 0 (default), which gives the threshold for the image at 
 a single voxel. The random field theory threshold is based on the 
 assumption that the search region is a sphere in 3D, which is a very 
 tight lower bound for any non-spherical region. 
 For a non-spherical D-dimensional region, set SEARCH_VOLUME to a vector  
 of the D+1 intrinsic volumes of the search region. In D=3 these are
 [Euler characteristic, 2 * caliper diameter, 1/2 surface area, volume].
 E.g. for a sphere of radius r in 3D, use [1, 4*r, 2*pi*r^2, 4/3*pi*r^3],
 which is equivalent to just SEARCH_VOLUME = 4/3*pi*r^3. 
 For a 2D search region, use [1, 1/2 perimeter length, area]. 
 For cross- and auto-correlations, where correlation is maximized over all
 pairs of voxels from two search regions, SEARCH_VOLUME has two rows
 interpreted as above - see Cao, J. & Worsley, K.J. (1999). The geometry 
 of correlation fields, with an application to functional connectivity of 
 the brain. Annals of Applied Probability, 9:1021-1057.

 NUM_VOXELS is the number of voxels (3D) or pixels (2D) in the search 
 volume. For cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows. Default is 1.

 FWHM is the fwhm in mm of a smoothing kernel applied to the data. Default
 is 0.0, i.e. no smoothing, which is roughly the case for raw fMRI data.
 For motion corrected fMRI data, use at least 6mm; for PET data, this would 
 be the scanner fwhm of about 6mm. Using the geometric mean of the three 
 x,y,z FWHM's is a very good approximation if they are different. 
 If you have already calculated resels, then set SEARCH_VOLUME=resels
 and FWHM=1. Cluster extents will then be in resels, rather than mm^3.
 For cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows. For scale space, use two 
 columns for the min and max fwhm (only for Z and chi^2 SPMs).  

 DF=[DF1 DF2; DFW1 DFW2 0] is a 2 x 2 matrix of degrees of freedom.
 If DF2 is 0, then DF1 is the df of the T statistic image.
 If DF1=Inf then it calculates thresholds for the Gaussian image. 
 If DF2>0 then DF1 and DF2 are the df's of the F statistic image.
 DFW1 and DFW2 are the numerator and denominator df of the FWHM image. 
 They are only used for calculating cluster resel p-values and thresholds
 (ignored if NVAR>1 or NCONJ>1 since there are no theoretical results).
 The random estimate of the local resels adds variability to the summed
 resels of the cluster. The distribution of the local resels summed over a 
 region depends on the unknown spatial correlation structure of the resels,
 so we assume that the resels are constant over the cluster, reasonable if the
 clusters are small. The cluster resels are then multiplied by the random resel 
 distribution at a point. This gives an upper bound to p-values and thresholds.
 If DF=[DF1 DF2] (row) then DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. FWHM is fixed.
 If DF=[DF1; DFW1] (column) then DF2=0 and DFW2=DFW1, i.e. t statistic. 
 If DF=DF1 (scalar) then DF2=0 and DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. t stat, fixed FWHM.
 If any component of DF >= 1000 then it is set to Inf. Default is Inf. 

 P_VAL_PEAK is the row vector of desired P-values for peaks. 
 If the first element is greater than 1, then they are
 treated as peak values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05.
 To get P-values for peak values < 1, set the first element > 1,
 set the second to the deisired peak value, then discard the first result. 

 CLUSTER_THRESHOLD is the scalar threshold of the image for clusters.
 If it is <= 1, it is taken as a probability p, and the 
 cluter_thresh is chosen so that P( T > cluster_thresh ) = p. 
 Default is 0.001, i.e. P( T > cluster_thresh ) = 0.001. 

 P_VAL_EXTENT is the row vector of desired P-values for spatial extents
 of clusters of contiguous voxels above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD. 
 If the first element is greater than 1, then they are treated as 
 extent values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05.

 NCONJ is the number of conjunctions. If NCONJ > 1, calculates P-values and 
 thresholds for peaks (but not clusters) of the minimum of NCONJ independent 
 SPM's - see Friston, K.J., Holmes, A.P., Price, C.J., Buchel, C.,
 Worsley, K.J. (1999). Multi-subject fMRI studies and conjunction analyses.
 NeuroImage, 10:385-396. Default is NCONJ = 1 (no conjunctions). 

 NVAR is the number of variables for multivariate equivalents of T and F 
 statistics, found by maximizing T^2 or F over all linear combinations of 
 variables, i.e. Hotelling's T^2 for DF1=1, Roy's maximum root for DF1>1. 
 For maximum canonical cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows. 
 See Worsley, K.J., Taylor, J.E., Tomaiuolo, F. & Lerch, J. (2004). Unified
 univariate and multivariate random field theory. Neuroimage, 23:S189-195.
 Default is 1, i.e. univariate statistics.

 EC_FILE: file for EC densities in IRIS Explorer latin module format.
 Ignored if empty (default).

 EXPR: matlab expression applied to threshold in t, e.g. 't=sqrt(t);'. 

 NPRINT: maximum number of P-values or thresholds to print. Default 5.


 T statistic, 1000000mm^3 search volume, 1000000 voxels (1mm voxel volume), 
 20mm smoothing, 30 degrees of freedom, P=0.05 and 0.01 for peaks, cluster 
 threshold chosen so that P=0.001 at a single voxel, P=0.05 and 0.01 for extent:

   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);

 peak_threshold = 5.0826    5.7853
 Cluster_threshold = 3.3852
 peak_threshold_1 = 4.8782    5.5955
 extent_threshold = 3340.3    6315.5
 extent_threshold_1 = 2911.5    5719.6

 Check: Suppose we are given peak values of 5.0826, 5.7853 and
 spatial extents of 3340.3, 6315.5 above a threshold of 3.3852,
 then we should get back our original P-values:
   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[5.0826 5.7853],3.3852,[3340.3 6315.5]);

 P_val_peak = 0.0500    0.0100
 P_val_peak_1 = 0.0318    0.0065
 P_val_extent = 0.0500    0.0100
 P_val_extent_1 = 0.0379    0.0074

 Another way of doing this is to use the fact that T^2 has an F 
 distribution with 1 and 30 degrees of freedom, and double the P values: 
   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 30],[0.1 0.02],0.002,[0.1 0.02]);

 peak_threshold = 25.8330   33.4702
 Cluster_threshold = 11.4596
 peak_threshold_1 = 20.7886   27.9741
 extent_threshold = 3297.8    6305.2
 extent_threshold_1 = 1936.4    4420.3

 Note that sqrt([25.8330 33.4702 11.4596])=[5.0826 5.7853 3.3852]
 in agreement with the T statistic thresholds, but the spatial extent
 thresholds are very close but not exactly the same.

 If the shape of the search region is known, then the 'intrinisic
 volume' must be supplied. E.g. for a spherical search region with
 a volume of 1000000 mm^3, radius r:

   stat_threshold([1 4*r 2*pi*r^2 4/3*pi*r^3], ...
                 1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
 gives the same results as our first example. A 100 x 100 x 100 cube 

   stat_threshold([1 300 30000 1000000], ...
                 1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
 gives slightly higher thresholds (5.0969, 5.7976) for peaks, but the cluster 
 thresholds are the same since they depend (so far) only on the volume and 
 not the shape. For a 2D circular search region of the same radius r, use

   stat_threshold([1 pi*r pi*r^2],1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);

 A volume of 0 returns the usual uncorrected threshold for peaks,
 which can also be found by setting NUM_VOXELS=1, FWHM = 0:

   stat_threshold(0,1,20,30,[0.05 0.01])
   stat_threshold(1,1, 0,30,[0.05 0.01]);

 For non-isotropic fields, replace the SEARCH_VOLUME by the vector of resels 
 (see Worsley et al. 1996, Human Brain Mapping, 4:58-73), and set FWHM=1, 
 so that EXTENT_THRESHOLD's are measured in resels, not mm^3. If the 
 resels are estimated from residuals, add an extra row to DF (see above).

 For the conjunction of 2 and 3 T fields as above:

   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],[],[],2)
   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],[],[],3)

 returns lower thresholds of [3.0251 3.3984] and [2.2336 2.5141] resp. Note
 that there are as yet no theoretical results for extents so they are NaN.
 For Hotelling's T^2 e.g. for linear models of deformations (NVAR=3):

   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 30],[0.05 0.01],[],[],1,3)

 For Roy's max root, e.g. for effective connectivity using deformations,

   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[3 30],[0.05 0.01],[],[],1,3)

 There are no theoretical results for mulitvariate extents so they are NaN.
 Check: A Hotelling's T^2 with Inf df is the same as a chi^2 with NVAR df 

   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 Inf],[],[],[],[],NVAR)
   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[NVAR Inf])*NVAR

 should give the same answer!

 Cross- and auto-correlations: to threshold the auto-correlation of fmrilm
 residuals (100 df) over all pairs of 1000000 voxels in a 1000000mm^3 
 region with 20mm FWHM smoothing, use df=99 (one less for the correlation): 

   stat_threshold([1000000; 1000000], [1000000; 1000000], 20, 99, 0.05)

 which gives a T statistic threshold of 6.7923 with 99 df. To convert to 
 a correlation, use 6.7923/sqrt(99+6.7923^2)=0.5638. Note that auto-
 correlations are symmetric, so the P-value is in fact 0.05/2=0.025; on the
 other hand, we usually want a two sided test of both positive and negative
 correlations, so the P-value should be doubled back to 0.05. For cross-
 correlations, e.g. between n=321 GM density volumes (1000000mm^3 ball, 
 FWHM=13mm) and cortical thickness on the average surface (250000mm^2, 
 FWHM=18mm), use 321-2=319 df for removing the constant and the correlation.
 Note that we use P=0.025 to threshold both +ve and -ve correlations.

   stat_threshold([1 4*r 2*pi*r^2 4/3*pi*r^3; 1 0 250000 0], ...
      [1000000; 40962], [13; 18], 319, 0.025)

 This gives a T statistic threshold of 6.7158 with 319 df. To convert to 
 a correlation, use 6.7158/sqrt(319+6.7158^2)=0.3520. Note that NVAR can be
 greater than one for maximum canonical cross- and auto-correlations 
 between all pairs of multivariate imaging data. Finally, the spatial
 extent for 5D clusters of connected correlations is 5.9228e+006 mm^5. 

 Scale space: suppose we smooth 1000000 voxels in a 1000000mm^3 region
 from 6mm to 30mm in 10 steps ( e.g. fwhm=6*(30/6).^((0:9)/9) ):

   stat_threshold(1000000, 1000000*10, [6 30])

 gives a scale space threshold of 5.0663, only slightly higher than the 
 5.0038 you get from using the highest resolution data only, i.e.

   stat_threshold(1000000, 1000000, 6)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [ peak_threshold, extent_threshold, ...
0002     peak_threshold_1, extent_threshold_1, t, rho ] = ...
0003    stat_threshold( search_volume, num_voxels, fwhm, df, p_val_peak, ...
0004    cluster_threshold, p_val_extent, nconj, nvar, EC_file, expr, nprint );
0006 %Thresholds and P-values of peaks and clusters of random fields in any D.
0007 %
0011 % [, TRANSFORM [, NPRINT ]]]]]]]]]]]] );
0012 %
0013 % If P-values are supplied, returns the thresholds for local maxima
0014 % or peaks (PEAK_THRESHOLD) (if thresholds are supplied then it
0015 % returns P-values) for the following SPMs:
0016 %  - Z, chi^2, t, F, Hotelling's T^2, Roy's maximum root, maximum
0017 %    canonical correlation, cross- and auto-correlation;
0018 %  - scale space Z and chi^2;
0019 %  - conjunctions of NCONJ of these (except cross- and auto-correlation);
0020 % and spatial extent of contiguous voxels above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD
0021 % (EXTENT_THRESHOLD) except conjunctions. Note that for the multivariate
0022 % statistics spatial extent is measured in resels for the higher
0023 % dimensional space formed by adding sphere(s) to the search region.
0024 %
0025 % For peaks (local maxima), two methods are used:
0026 % random field theory (Worsley et al. 1996, Human Brain Mapping, 4:58-73),
0027 % and a simple Bonferroni correction based on the number of voxels
0028 % in the search region. The final threshold is the minimum of the two.
0029 %
0030 % For clusters, the method of Cao, 1999, Advances in Applied Probability,
0031 % 31:577-593 is used. The cluster size is only accurate for large
0032 % CLUSTER_THRESHOLD (say >3) and large resels = SEARCH_VOLUME / FWHM^D.
0033 %
0034 % PEAK_THRESHOLD_1 is the height of a single peak chosen in advance, and
0035 % EXTENT_THRESHOLD_1 is the extent of a single cluster chosen in advance
0036 % of looking at the data, e.g. the nearest peak or cluster to a pre-chosen
0037 % voxel or ROI - see Friston KJ. Testing for anatomically specified
0038 % regional effects. Human Brain Mapping. 5(2):133-6, 1997.
0039 %
0040 % SEARCH_VOLUME is the volume of the search region in mm^3. The method for
0041 % finding PEAK_THRESHOLD works well for any value of SEARCH_VOLUME, even
0042 % SEARCH_VOLUME = 0 (default), which gives the threshold for the image at
0043 % a single voxel. The random field theory threshold is based on the
0044 % assumption that the search region is a sphere in 3D, which is a very
0045 % tight lower bound for any non-spherical region.
0046 % For a non-spherical D-dimensional region, set SEARCH_VOLUME to a vector
0047 % of the D+1 intrinsic volumes of the search region. In D=3 these are
0048 % [Euler characteristic, 2 * caliper diameter, 1/2 surface area, volume].
0049 % E.g. for a sphere of radius r in 3D, use [1, 4*r, 2*pi*r^2, 4/3*pi*r^3],
0050 % which is equivalent to just SEARCH_VOLUME = 4/3*pi*r^3.
0051 % For a 2D search region, use [1, 1/2 perimeter length, area].
0052 % For cross- and auto-correlations, where correlation is maximized over all
0053 % pairs of voxels from two search regions, SEARCH_VOLUME has two rows
0054 % interpreted as above - see Cao, J. & Worsley, K.J. (1999). The geometry
0055 % of correlation fields, with an application to functional connectivity of
0056 % the brain. Annals of Applied Probability, 9:1021-1057.
0057 %
0058 % NUM_VOXELS is the number of voxels (3D) or pixels (2D) in the search
0059 % volume. For cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows. Default is 1.
0060 %
0061 % FWHM is the fwhm in mm of a smoothing kernel applied to the data. Default
0062 % is 0.0, i.e. no smoothing, which is roughly the case for raw fMRI data.
0063 % For motion corrected fMRI data, use at least 6mm; for PET data, this would
0064 % be the scanner fwhm of about 6mm. Using the geometric mean of the three
0065 % x,y,z FWHM's is a very good approximation if they are different.
0066 % If you have already calculated resels, then set SEARCH_VOLUME=resels
0067 % and FWHM=1. Cluster extents will then be in resels, rather than mm^3.
0068 % For cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows. For scale space, use two
0069 % columns for the min and max fwhm (only for Z and chi^2 SPMs).
0070 %
0071 % DF=[DF1 DF2; DFW1 DFW2 0] is a 2 x 2 matrix of degrees of freedom.
0072 % If DF2 is 0, then DF1 is the df of the T statistic image.
0073 % If DF1=Inf then it calculates thresholds for the Gaussian image.
0074 % If DF2>0 then DF1 and DF2 are the df's of the F statistic image.
0075 % DFW1 and DFW2 are the numerator and denominator df of the FWHM image.
0076 % They are only used for calculating cluster resel p-values and thresholds
0077 % (ignored if NVAR>1 or NCONJ>1 since there are no theoretical results).
0078 % The random estimate of the local resels adds variability to the summed
0079 % resels of the cluster. The distribution of the local resels summed over a
0080 % region depends on the unknown spatial correlation structure of the resels,
0081 % so we assume that the resels are constant over the cluster, reasonable if the
0082 % clusters are small. The cluster resels are then multiplied by the random resel
0083 % distribution at a point. This gives an upper bound to p-values and thresholds.
0084 % If DF=[DF1 DF2] (row) then DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. FWHM is fixed.
0085 % If DF=[DF1; DFW1] (column) then DF2=0 and DFW2=DFW1, i.e. t statistic.
0086 % If DF=DF1 (scalar) then DF2=0 and DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. t stat, fixed FWHM.
0087 % If any component of DF >= 1000 then it is set to Inf. Default is Inf.
0088 %
0089 % P_VAL_PEAK is the row vector of desired P-values for peaks.
0090 % If the first element is greater than 1, then they are
0091 % treated as peak values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05.
0092 % To get P-values for peak values < 1, set the first element > 1,
0093 % set the second to the deisired peak value, then discard the first result.
0094 %
0095 % CLUSTER_THRESHOLD is the scalar threshold of the image for clusters.
0096 % If it is <= 1, it is taken as a probability p, and the
0097 % cluter_thresh is chosen so that P( T > cluster_thresh ) = p.
0098 % Default is 0.001, i.e. P( T > cluster_thresh ) = 0.001.
0099 %
0100 % P_VAL_EXTENT is the row vector of desired P-values for spatial extents
0101 % of clusters of contiguous voxels above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD.
0102 % If the first element is greater than 1, then they are treated as
0103 % extent values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05.
0104 %
0105 % NCONJ is the number of conjunctions. If NCONJ > 1, calculates P-values and
0106 % thresholds for peaks (but not clusters) of the minimum of NCONJ independent
0107 % SPM's - see Friston, K.J., Holmes, A.P., Price, C.J., Buchel, C.,
0108 % Worsley, K.J. (1999). Multi-subject fMRI studies and conjunction analyses.
0109 % NeuroImage, 10:385-396. Default is NCONJ = 1 (no conjunctions).
0110 %
0111 % NVAR is the number of variables for multivariate equivalents of T and F
0112 % statistics, found by maximizing T^2 or F over all linear combinations of
0113 % variables, i.e. Hotelling's T^2 for DF1=1, Roy's maximum root for DF1>1.
0114 % For maximum canonical cross- and auto-correlations, use two rows.
0115 % See Worsley, K.J., Taylor, J.E., Tomaiuolo, F. & Lerch, J. (2004). Unified
0116 % univariate and multivariate random field theory. Neuroimage, 23:S189-195.
0117 % Default is 1, i.e. univariate statistics.
0118 %
0119 % EC_FILE: file for EC densities in IRIS Explorer latin module format.
0120 % Ignored if empty (default).
0121 %
0122 % EXPR: matlab expression applied to threshold in t, e.g. 't=sqrt(t);'.
0123 %
0124 % NPRINT: maximum number of P-values or thresholds to print. Default 5.
0125 %
0126 % Examples:
0127 %
0128 % T statistic, 1000000mm^3 search volume, 1000000 voxels (1mm voxel volume),
0129 % 20mm smoothing, 30 degrees of freedom, P=0.05 and 0.01 for peaks, cluster
0130 % threshold chosen so that P=0.001 at a single voxel, P=0.05 and 0.01 for extent:
0131 %
0132 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
0133 %
0134 % peak_threshold = 5.0826    5.7853
0135 % Cluster_threshold = 3.3852
0136 % peak_threshold_1 = 4.8782    5.5955
0137 % extent_threshold = 3340.3    6315.5
0138 % extent_threshold_1 = 2911.5    5719.6
0139 %
0140 % Check: Suppose we are given peak values of 5.0826, 5.7853 and
0141 % spatial extents of 3340.3, 6315.5 above a threshold of 3.3852,
0142 % then we should get back our original P-values:
0143 %
0144 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[5.0826 5.7853],3.3852,[3340.3 6315.5]);
0145 %
0146 % P_val_peak = 0.0500    0.0100
0147 % P_val_peak_1 = 0.0318    0.0065
0148 % P_val_extent = 0.0500    0.0100
0149 % P_val_extent_1 = 0.0379    0.0074
0150 %
0151 % Another way of doing this is to use the fact that T^2 has an F
0152 % distribution with 1 and 30 degrees of freedom, and double the P values:
0153 %
0154 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 30],[0.1 0.02],0.002,[0.1 0.02]);
0155 %
0156 % peak_threshold = 25.8330   33.4702
0157 % Cluster_threshold = 11.4596
0158 % peak_threshold_1 = 20.7886   27.9741
0159 % extent_threshold = 3297.8    6305.2
0160 % extent_threshold_1 = 1936.4    4420.3
0161 %
0162 % Note that sqrt([25.8330 33.4702 11.4596])=[5.0826 5.7853 3.3852]
0163 % in agreement with the T statistic thresholds, but the spatial extent
0164 % thresholds are very close but not exactly the same.
0165 %
0166 % If the shape of the search region is known, then the 'intrinisic
0167 % volume' must be supplied. E.g. for a spherical search region with
0168 % a volume of 1000000 mm^3, radius r:
0169 %
0170 %   r=(1000000/(4/3*pi))^(1/3);
0171 %   stat_threshold([1 4*r 2*pi*r^2 4/3*pi*r^3], ...
0172 %                 1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
0173 %
0174 % gives the same results as our first example. A 100 x 100 x 100 cube
0175 %
0176 %   stat_threshold([1 300 30000 1000000], ...
0177 %                 1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
0178 %
0179 % gives slightly higher thresholds (5.0969, 5.7976) for peaks, but the cluster
0180 % thresholds are the same since they depend (so far) only on the volume and
0181 % not the shape. For a 2D circular search region of the same radius r, use
0182 %
0183 %   stat_threshold([1 pi*r pi*r^2],1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]);
0184 %
0185 % A volume of 0 returns the usual uncorrected threshold for peaks,
0186 % which can also be found by setting NUM_VOXELS=1, FWHM = 0:
0187 %
0188 %   stat_threshold(0,1,20,30,[0.05 0.01])
0189 %   stat_threshold(1,1, 0,30,[0.05 0.01]);
0190 %
0191 % For non-isotropic fields, replace the SEARCH_VOLUME by the vector of resels
0192 % (see Worsley et al. 1996, Human Brain Mapping, 4:58-73), and set FWHM=1,
0193 % so that EXTENT_THRESHOLD's are measured in resels, not mm^3. If the
0194 % resels are estimated from residuals, add an extra row to DF (see above).
0195 %
0196 % For the conjunction of 2 and 3 T fields as above:
0197 %
0198 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],[],[],2)
0199 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,30,[0.05 0.01],[],[],3)
0200 %
0201 % returns lower thresholds of [3.0251 3.3984] and [2.2336 2.5141] resp. Note
0202 % that there are as yet no theoretical results for extents so they are NaN.
0203 %
0204 % For Hotelling's T^2 e.g. for linear models of deformations (NVAR=3):
0205 %
0206 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 30],[0.05 0.01],[],[],1,3)
0207 %
0208 % For Roy's max root, e.g. for effective connectivity using deformations,
0209 %
0210 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[3 30],[0.05 0.01],[],[],1,3)
0211 %
0212 % There are no theoretical results for mulitvariate extents so they are NaN.
0213 % Check: A Hotelling's T^2 with Inf df is the same as a chi^2 with NVAR df
0214 %
0215 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[1 Inf],[],[],[],[],NVAR)
0216 %   stat_threshold(1000000,1000000,20,[NVAR Inf])*NVAR
0217 %
0218 % should give the same answer!
0219 %
0220 % Cross- and auto-correlations: to threshold the auto-correlation of fmrilm
0221 % residuals (100 df) over all pairs of 1000000 voxels in a 1000000mm^3
0222 % region with 20mm FWHM smoothing, use df=99 (one less for the correlation):
0223 %
0224 %   stat_threshold([1000000; 1000000], [1000000; 1000000], 20, 99, 0.05)
0225 %
0226 % which gives a T statistic threshold of 6.7923 with 99 df. To convert to
0227 % a correlation, use 6.7923/sqrt(99+6.7923^2)=0.5638. Note that auto-
0228 % correlations are symmetric, so the P-value is in fact 0.05/2=0.025; on the
0229 % other hand, we usually want a two sided test of both positive and negative
0230 % correlations, so the P-value should be doubled back to 0.05. For cross-
0231 % correlations, e.g. between n=321 GM density volumes (1000000mm^3 ball,
0232 % FWHM=13mm) and cortical thickness on the average surface (250000mm^2,
0233 % FWHM=18mm), use 321-2=319 df for removing the constant and the correlation.
0234 % Note that we use P=0.025 to threshold both +ve and -ve correlations.
0235 %
0236 %   r=(1000000/(4/3*pi))^(1/3);
0237 %   stat_threshold([1 4*r 2*pi*r^2 4/3*pi*r^3; 1 0 250000 0], ...
0238 %      [1000000; 40962], [13; 18], 319, 0.025)
0239 %
0240 % This gives a T statistic threshold of 6.7158 with 319 df. To convert to
0241 % a correlation, use 6.7158/sqrt(319+6.7158^2)=0.3520. Note that NVAR can be
0242 % greater than one for maximum canonical cross- and auto-correlations
0243 % between all pairs of multivariate imaging data. Finally, the spatial
0244 % extent for 5D clusters of connected correlations is 5.9228e+006 mm^5.
0245 %
0246 % Scale space: suppose we smooth 1000000 voxels in a 1000000mm^3 region
0247 % from 6mm to 30mm in 10 steps ( e.g. fwhm=6*(30/6).^((0:9)/9) ):
0248 %
0249 %   stat_threshold(1000000, 1000000*10, [6 30])
0250 %
0251 % gives a scale space threshold of 5.0663, only slightly higher than the
0252 % 5.0038 you get from using the highest resolution data only, i.e.
0253 %
0254 %   stat_threshold(1000000, 1000000, 6)
0256 %############################################################################
0257 % COPYRIGHT:   Copyright 2003 K.J. Worsley
0258 %              Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
0259 %              McConnell Brain Imaging Center,
0260 %              Montreal Neurological Institute,
0261 %              McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
0262 %              keith.worsley@mcgill.ca , www.math.mcgill.ca/keith
0263 %
0264 %              Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
0265 %              software and its documentation for any purpose and without
0266 %              fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
0267 %              notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University
0268 %              make no representations about the suitability of this
0269 %              software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
0270 %              express or implied warranty.
0271 %############################################################################
0273 % Defaults:
0274 if nargin<1;  search_volume=[];  end
0275 if nargin<2;  num_voxels=[];  end
0276 if nargin<3;  fwhm=[];  end
0277 if nargin<4;  df=[];  end
0278 if nargin<5;  p_val_peak=[];  end
0279 if nargin<6;  cluster_threshold=[];  end
0280 if nargin<7;  p_val_extent=[];  end
0281 if nargin<8;  nconj=[];  end
0282 if nargin<9;  nvar=[];  end
0283 if nargin<10;  EC_file=[];  end
0284 if nargin<11;  expr=[];  end
0285 if nargin<12;  nprint=[];  end
0287 if isempty(search_volume);  search_volume=0;  end
0288 if isempty(num_voxels);  num_voxels=1;  end
0289 if isempty(fwhm);  fwhm=0.0;  end
0290 if isempty(df);  df=Inf;  end
0291 if isempty(p_val_peak);  p_val_peak=0.05;  end
0292 if isempty(cluster_threshold);  cluster_threshold=0.001;  end
0293 if isempty(p_val_extent);  p_val_extent=0.05;  end
0294 if isempty(nconj);  nconj=1;  end
0295 if isempty(nvar);  nvar=1;  end
0296 if isempty(nprint);  nprint=5;  end
0298 if size(fwhm,1)==1; fwhm(2,:)=fwhm; end
0299 if size(fwhm,2)==1; scale=1; else scale=fwhm(1,2)/fwhm(1,1); fwhm=fwhm(:,1); end;
0300 isscale=(scale>1); 
0302 if length(num_voxels)==1; num_voxels(2,1)=1; end
0304 if size(search_volume,2)==1
0305    radius=(search_volume/(4/3*pi)).^(1/3);
0306    search_volume=[ones(length(radius),1) 4*radius 2*pi*radius.^2 search_volume];
0307 end
0308 if size(search_volume,1)==1
0309    search_volume=[search_volume; [1 zeros(1,size(search_volume,2)-1)]];
0310 end
0311 lsv=size(search_volume,2);
0312 fwhm_inv=all(fwhm>0)./(fwhm+any(fwhm<=0));
0313 resels=search_volume.*repmat(fwhm_inv,1,lsv).^repmat(0:lsv-1,2,1);
0314 invol=resels.*(4*log(2)).^(repmat(0:lsv-1,2,1)/2);
0315 for k=1:2
0316    D(k,1)=max(find(invol(k,:)))-1;
0317 end
0319 % determines which method was used to estimate fwhm (see fmrilm or multistat):
0320 df_limit=4;
0322 if length(df)==1; df=[df 0]; end
0323 if size(df,1)==1; df=[df; Inf Inf; Inf Inf]; end
0324 if size(df,2)==1; df=[df df]; df(1,2)=0; end
0325 if size(df,1)==2; df=[df; df(2,:)]; end
0327 % is_tstat=1 if it is a t statistic
0328 is_tstat=(df(1,2)==0);
0329 if is_tstat
0330    df1=1;
0331    df2=df(1,1);
0332 else
0333    df1=df(1,1);
0334    df2=df(1,2);
0335 end
0336 if df2 >= 1000; df2=Inf; end
0337 df0=df1+df2;
0339 dfw1=df(2:3,1);
0340 dfw2=df(2:3,2);
0341 for k=1:2
0342     if dfw1(k) >= 1000; dfw1(k)=Inf; end
0343     if dfw2(k) >= 1000; dfw2(k)=Inf; end
0344 end
0346 if length(nvar)==1; nvar(2,1)=df1; end
0348 if isscale & (D(2)>1 | nvar(1,1)>1 | df2<Inf)
0349    D
0350    nvar
0351    df2
0352    fprintf('Cannot do scale space.');
0353    return
0354 end
0356 Dlim=D+[scale>1; 0];
0357 DD=Dlim+nvar-1;
0359 % Values of the F statistic:
0360 t=((1000:-1:1)'/100).^4;
0361 % Find the upper tail probs cumulating the F density using Simpson's rule:
0362 if df2==Inf
0363    u=df1*t;
0364    b=exp(-u/2-log(2*pi)/2+log(u)/4)*df1^(1/4)*4/100;
0365 else  
0366    u=df1*t/df2;
0367    b=exp(-df0/2*log(1+u)+log(u)/4-betaln(1/2,(df0-1)/2))*(df1/df2)^(1/4)*4/100;
0368 end
0369 t=[t; 0];
0370 b=[b; 0];
0371 n=length(t);
0372 sb=cumsum(b);
0373 sb1=cumsum(b.*(-1).^(1:n)');
0374 pt1=sb+sb1/3-b/3;
0375 pt2=sb-sb1/3-b/3;
0376 tau=zeros(n,DD(1)+1,DD(2)+1);
0377 tau(1:2:n,1,1)=pt1(1:2:n);
0378 tau(2:2:n,1,1)=pt2(2:2:n);
0379 tau(n,1,1)=1;
0380 tau(:,1,1)=min(tau(:,1,1),1);
0382 % Find the EC densities:
0383 u=df1*t;
0384 for d=1:max(DD)
0385    for e=0:min(min(DD),d)
0386       s1=0;
0387       cons=-((d+e)/2+1)*log(pi)+gammaln(d)+gammaln(e+1);
0388       for k=0:(d-1+e)/2
0389          [i,j]=ndgrid(0:k,0:k);
0390          if df2==Inf
0391             q1=log(pi)/2-((d+e-1)/2+i+j)*log(2);
0392          else
0393             q1=(df0-1-d-e)*log(2)+gammaln((df0-d)/2+i)+gammaln((df0-e)/2+j) ...
0394                -gammalni(df0-d-e+i+j+k)-((d+e-1)/2-k)*log(df2);
0395          end
0396          q2=cons-gammalni(i+1)-gammalni(j+1)-gammalni(k-i-j+1) ...
0397             -gammalni(d-k-i+j)-gammalni(e-k-j+i+1);
0398          s2=sum(sum(exp(q1+q2)));
0399          if s2>0
0400             s1=s1+(-1)^k*u.^((d+e-1)/2-k)*s2;
0401          end
0402       end
0403       if df2==Inf
0404          s1=s1.*exp(-u/2);
0405       else
0406          s1=s1.*exp(-(df0-2)/2*log(1+u/df2));
0407       end
0408       if DD(1)>=DD(2)
0409          tau(:,d+1,e+1)=s1;
0410          if d<=min(DD)
0411             tau(:,e+1,d+1)=s1;
0412          end
0413       else
0414          tau(:,e+1,d+1)=s1;      
0415          if d<=min(DD)
0416             tau(:,d+1,e+1)=s1;
0417          end
0418       end
0419    end
0420 end
0422 % For multivariate statistics, add a sphere to the search region:
0423 a=zeros(2,max(nvar));
0424 for k=1:2
0425    j=(nvar(k)-1):-2:0;
0426    a(k,j+1)=exp(j*log(2)+j/2*log(pi) ...
0427       +gammaln((nvar(k)+1)/2)-gammaln((nvar(k)+1-j)/2)-gammaln(j+1));
0428 end
0429 rho=zeros(n,Dlim(1)+1,Dlim(2)+1);
0430 for k=1:nvar(1)
0431    for l=1:nvar(2)
0432       rho=rho+a(1,k)*a(2,l)*tau(:,(0:Dlim(1))+k,(0:Dlim(2))+l);
0433    end
0434 end
0436 if is_tstat
0437     if nvar==1
0438         t=[sqrt(t(1:(n-1))); -flipdim(sqrt(t),1)];
0439         rho=[rho(1:(n-1),:,:); flipdim(rho,1)]/2;
0440         for i=0:D(1)
0441             for j=0:D(2)
0442                 rho(n-1+(1:n),i+1,j+1)=-(-1)^(i+j)*rho(n-1+(1:n),i+1,j+1);
0443             end
0444         end
0445         rho(n-1+(1:n),1,1)=rho(n-1+(1:n),1,1)+1;
0446         n=2*n-1;
0447     else
0448         t=sqrt(t);
0449     end
0450 end
0452 % For scale space:
0453 if scale>1
0454    kappa=D(1)/2;
0455    tau=zeros(n,D(1)+1);
0456    for d=0:D(1)
0457       s1=0;
0458       for k=0:d/2
0459          s1=s1+(-1)^k/(1-2*k)*exp(gammaln(d+1)-gammaln(k+1)-gammaln(d-2*k+1) ...
0460             +(1/2-k)*log(kappa)-k*log(4*pi))*rho(:,d+2-2*k,1);
0461       end
0462       if d==0
0463          cons=log(scale);
0464       else
0465          cons=(1-1/scale^d)/d;
0466       end
0467       tau(:,d+1)=rho(:,d+1,1)*(1+1/scale^d)/2+s1*cons;
0468    end
0469    rho(:,1:(D(1)+1),1)=tau;
0470 end
0472 if D(2)==0
0473    d=D(1);
0474    if nconj>1
0475       % Conjunctions:
0476       b=gamma(((0:d)+1)/2)/gamma(1/2);
0477       for i=1:d+1
0478          rho(:,i,1)=rho(:,i,1)/b(i);
0479       end
0480       m1=zeros(n,d+1,d+1);
0481       for i=1:d+1
0482          j=i:d+1;
0483          m1(:,i,j)=rho(:,j-i+1,1);
0484       end
0485       for k=2:nconj
0486          for i=1:d+1
0487             for j=1:d+1
0488                m2(:,i,j)=sum(rho(:,1:d+2-i,1).*m1(:,i:d+1,j),2);
0489             end
0490          end
0491          m1=m2;
0492       end
0493       for i=1:d+1
0494          rho(:,i,1)=m1(:,1,i)*b(i);
0495       end
0496    end
0498    if ~isempty(EC_file)
0499       if d<3
0500          rho(:,(d+2):4,1)=zeros(n,4-d-2+1);
0501       end
0502       fid=fopen(EC_file,'w');
0503       % first 3 are dimension sizes as 4-byte integers:
0504       fwrite(fid,[n max(d+2,5) 1],'int');
0505       % next 6 are bounding box as 4-byte floats:
0506       fwrite(fid,[0 0 0; 1 1 1],'float');
0507       % rest are the data as 4-byte floats:
0508       if ~isempty(expr)
0509          eval(expr);
0510       end
0511       fwrite(fid,t,'float');
0512       fwrite(fid,rho,'float');
0513       fclose(fid);
0514    end
0515 end
0517 if all(fwhm>0)
0518    pval_rf=zeros(n,1);
0519    for i=1:D(1)+1
0520       for j=1:D(2)+1
0521          pval_rf=pval_rf+invol(1,i)*invol(2,j)*rho(:,i,j);
0522       end
0523    end
0524 else
0525    pval_rf=Inf;
0526 end
0528 % Bonferroni
0529 pt=rho(:,1,1);
0530 pval_bon=abs(prod(num_voxels))*pt;
0532 % Minimum of the two:
0533 pval=min(pval_rf,pval_bon);
0535 tlim=1;
0536 if p_val_peak(1) <= tlim
0537    peak_threshold=minterp1(pval,t,p_val_peak);
0538    if length(p_val_peak)<=nprint
0539       peak_threshold
0540    end
0541 else
0542    % p_val_peak is treated as a peak value:
0543    P_val_peak=interp1(t,pval,p_val_peak);
0544    i=isnan(P_val_peak);
0545    P_val_peak(i)=(is_tstat & (p_val_peak(i)<0));
0546    peak_threshold=P_val_peak;
0547    if length(p_val_peak)<=nprint
0548       P_val_peak
0549    end
0550 end
0552 if all(fwhm<=0) | any(num_voxels<0)
0553    peak_threshold_1=p_val_peak+NaN;
0554    extent_threshold=p_val_extent+NaN;
0555    extent_threshold_1=extent_threshold;
0556    return
0557 end
0559 % Cluster_threshold:
0561 if cluster_threshold > tlim
0562    tt=cluster_threshold;
0563 else
0564    % cluster_threshold is treated as a probability:
0565    tt=minterp1(pt,t,cluster_threshold);
0566    if nprint>0 
0567        Cluster_threshold=tt
0568    end
0569 end
0571 d=sum(D);
0572 rhoD=interp1(t,rho(:,D(1)+1,D(2)+1),tt);
0573 p=interp1(t,pt,tt);
0575 % Pre-selected peak:
0577 pval=rho(:,D(1)+1,D(2)+1)./rhoD;
0579 if p_val_peak(1) <= tlim 
0580    peak_threshold_1=minterp1(pval,t, p_val_peak);
0581    if length(p_val_peak)<=nprint
0582       peak_threshold_1
0583    end
0584 else
0585    % p_val_peak is treated as a peak value:
0586    P_val_peak_1=interp1(t,pval,p_val_peak);
0587    i=isnan(P_val_peak_1);
0588    P_val_peak_1(i)=(is_tstat & (p_val_peak(i)<0));
0589    peak_threshold_1=P_val_peak_1;
0590    if length(p_val_peak)<=nprint
0591       P_val_peak_1
0592    end
0593 end
0595 if  d==0 | nconj>1 | nvar(1)>1 | scale>1
0596     extent_threshold=p_val_extent+NaN;
0597     extent_threshold_1=extent_threshold;
0598     if length(p_val_extent)<=nprint
0599        extent_threshold
0600        extent_threshold_1
0601     end
0602     return
0603 end
0605 % Expected number of clusters:
0607 EL=invol(1,D(1)+1)*invol(2,D(2)+1)*rhoD;
0608 cons=gamma(d/2+1)*(4*log(2))^(d/2)/fwhm(1)^D(1)/fwhm(2)^D(2)*rhoD/p;
0610 if df2==Inf & dfw1(1)==Inf & dfw1(2)==Inf
0611    if p_val_extent(1) <= tlim 
0612       pS=-log(1-p_val_extent)/EL;
0613       extent_threshold=(-log(pS)).^(d/2)/cons;
0614       pS=-log(1-p_val_extent);
0615       extent_threshold_1=(-log(pS)).^(d/2)/cons;
0616       if length(p_val_extent)<=nprint
0617          extent_threshold
0618          extent_threshold_1
0619       end
0620    else
0621       % p_val_extent is now treated as a spatial extent:
0622       pS=exp(-(p_val_extent*cons).^(2/d));
0623       P_val_extent=1-exp(-pS*EL);
0624       extent_threshold=P_val_extent;
0625       P_val_extent_1=1-exp(-pS);
0626       extent_threshold_1=P_val_extent_1;
0627       if length(p_val_extent)<=nprint
0628          P_val_extent
0629          P_val_extent_1
0630       end
0631    end
0632 else
0633    % Find dbn of S by taking logs then using fft for convolution:
0634    ny=2^12;
0635    a=d/2;
0636    b2=a*10*max(sqrt(2/(min(df1+df2,min(dfw1)))),1);
0637    if df2<Inf
0638       b1=a*log((1-(1-0.000001)^(2/(df2-d)))*df2/2);
0639    else
0640       b1=a*log(-log(1-0.000001));
0641    end
0642    dy=(b2-b1)/ny;
0643    b1=round(b1/dy)*dy;
0644    y=((1:ny)'-1)*dy+b1;
0645    numrv=1+(d+(D(1)>0)+(D(2)>0))*(df2<Inf)+...
0646        (D(1)*(dfw1(1)<Inf)+(dfw2(1)<Inf))*(D(1)>0)+...;
0647        (D(2)*(dfw1(2)<Inf)+(dfw2(2)<Inf))*(D(2)>0);
0648    f=zeros(ny,numrv);
0649    mu=zeros(1,numrv);
0650    if df2<Inf
0651       % Density of log(Beta(1,(df2-d)/2)^(d/2)):
0652       yy=exp(y./a)/df2*2;  
0653       yy=yy.*(yy<1);
0654       f(:,1)=(1-yy).^((df2-d)/2-1).*((df2-d)/2).*yy/a;
0655       mu(1)=exp(gammaln(a+1)+gammaln((df2-d+2)/2)-gammaln((df2+2)/2)+a*log(df2/2));
0656    else
0657       % Density of log(exp(1)^(d/2)):
0658       yy=exp(y./a);   
0659       f(:,1)=exp(-yy).*yy/a;
0660       mu(1)=exp(gammaln(a+1));
0661    end
0663    nuv=[];
0664    aav=[];
0665    if df2<Inf
0666       nuv=df2+2-(1:d);
0667       aav=[repmat(-1/2,1,d)]; 
0668       for k=1:2
0669           if D(k)>0;
0670               nuv=[df1+df2-D(k) nuv];
0671               aav=[D(k)/2 aav];
0672           end;
0673       end;
0674    end
0676    for k=1:2
0677        if dfw1(k)<Inf & D(k)>0
0678            if dfw1(k)>df_limit
0679                nuv=[nuv dfw1(k)-dfw1(k)/dfw2(k)-(0:(D(k)-1))];
0680            else
0681                nuv=[nuv repmat(dfw1(k)-dfw1(k)/dfw2(k),1,D(k))];
0682            end
0683            aav=[aav repmat(1/2,1,D(k))];
0684        end
0685        if dfw2(k)<Inf
0686            nuv=[nuv dfw2(k)];
0687            aav=[aav -D(k)/2];
0688        end
0689    end
0691    for i=1:(numrv-1)
0692       nu=nuv(i);
0693       aa=aav(i);
0694       yy=y/aa+log(nu);
0695       % Density of log((chi^2_nu/nu)^aa):
0696       f(:,i+1)=exp(nu/2*yy-exp(yy)/2-(nu/2)*log(2)-gammaln(nu/2))/abs(aa);
0697       mu(i+1)=exp(gammaln(nu/2+aa)-gammaln(nu/2)-aa*log(nu/2));
0698    end
0699    % Check: plot(y,f); sum(f*dy,1) should be 1
0701    omega=2*pi*((1:ny)'-1)/ny/dy;
0702    shift=complex(cos(-b1*omega),sin(-b1*omega))*dy;
0703    prodfft=prod(fft(f),2).*shift.^(numrv-1);
0704    % Density of Y=log(B^(d/2)*U^(d/2)/sqrt(det(Q))):
0705    ff=real(ifft(prodfft));
0706    % Check: plot(y,ff); sum(ff*dy) should be 1
0707    mu0=prod(mu);
0708    % Check: plot(y,ff.*exp(y)); sum(ff.*exp(y)*dy.*(y<10)) should equal mu0
0710    alpha=p/rhoD/mu0*fwhm(1)^D(1)*fwhm(2)^D(2)/(4*log(2))^(d/2);
0712    % Integrate the density to get the p-value for one cluster:
0713    pS=cumsum(ff(ny:-1:1))*dy;
0714    pS=pS(ny:-1:1);
0715    % The number of clusters is Poisson with mean EL:
0716    pSmax=1-exp(-pS*EL);
0718    if p_val_extent(1) <= tlim 
0719       yval=minterp1(-pSmax,y,-p_val_extent);
0720       % Spatial extent is alpha*exp(Y) -dy/2 correction for mid-point rule:
0721       extent_threshold=alpha*exp(yval-dy/2);
0722       % For a single cluster:
0723       yval=minterp1(-pS,y,-p_val_extent);
0724       extent_threshold_1=alpha*exp(yval-dy/2);
0725       if length(p_val_extent)<=nprint
0726          extent_threshold
0727          extent_threshold_1
0728       end
0729    else
0730       % p_val_extent is now treated as a spatial extent:
0731       logpval=log(p_val_extent/alpha+(p_val_extent<=0))+dy/2;
0732       P_val_extent=interp1(y,pSmax,logpval);
0733       extent_threshold=P_val_extent.*(p_val_extent>0)+(p_val_extent<=0);
0734       % For a single cluster:
0735       P_val_extent_1=interp1(y,pS,logpval);
0736       extent_threshold_1=P_val_extent_1.*(p_val_extent>0)+(p_val_extent<=0);
0737       if length(p_val_extent)<=nprint
0738          P_val_extent
0739          P_val_extent_1
0740       end
0741    end
0743 end
0745 return
0747 function x=gammalni(n);
0748 i=find(n>=0);
0749 x=Inf+n;
0750 if ~isempty(i)
0751    x(i)=gammaln(n(i));
0752 end
0753 return
0755 function iy=minterp1(x,y,ix);
0756 % interpolates only the monotonically increasing values of x at ix
0757 n=length(x);
0758 mx=x(1);
0759 my=y(1);
0760 xx=x(1);
0761 for i=2:n
0762    if x(i)>xx
0763       xx=x(i);
0764       mx=[mx xx];
0765       my=[my y(i)];
0766    end
0767 end
0768 iy=interp1(mx,my,ix);
0769 return

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