Home > SurfStat > SurfStatPeakClus.m



Finds peaks (local maxima) and clusters for surface data.


function [ peak, clus, clusid ] = SurfStatPeakClus( slm, mask, thresh,reselspvert, edg );


Finds peaks (local maxima) and clusters for surface data.
 Usage: [ peak, clus, clusid ] = SurfStatPeakClus( slm, mask, thresh ...
                                    [, reselspvert [, edg ] ] );

 slm.t       = l x v matrix of data, v=#vertices; the first row
               slm.t(1,:) is used for the clusters, and the other 
               rows are used to calculate cluster resels if k>1. See
               SurfStatF for the precise definition of the extra rows.
 slm.tri     = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
 slm.lat     = nx x ny x nz matrix, 1=in, 0=out, [nx,ny,nz]=size(volume). 
 mask        = 1 x v vector, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
 thresh      = clusters are vertices where slm.t(1,mask)>=thresh.
 reselspvert = 1 x v vector of resels per vertex, default ones(1,v).
 edg         = e x 2 matrix of edge indices, 1-based, e=#edges.
 The following are optional:
 slm.df      = degrees of freedom - only the length (1 or 2) is used
               to determine if slm.t is Hotelling's T or T^2 when k>1.
 slm.k       = k=#variates, 1 by default.

 peak.t      = np x 1 vector of peaks (local maxima).
 peak.vertid = np x 1 vector of vertex id's (1-based).
 peak.clusid = np x 1 vector of cluster id's that contain the peak.
 clus.clusid = nc x 1 vector of cluster id numbers
 clus.nverts = nc x 1 vector of number of vertices in the cluster.
 clus.resels = nc x 1 vector of resels in the cluster.
 clusid      =  1 x v vector of cluster id's for each vertex.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ peak, clus, clusid ] = SurfStatPeakClus( slm, mask, thresh, ...
0002     reselspvert, edg );
0004 %Finds peaks (local maxima) and clusters for surface data.
0005 %
0006 % Usage: [ peak, clus, clusid ] = SurfStatPeakClus( slm, mask, thresh ...
0007 %                                    [, reselspvert [, edg ] ] );
0008 %
0009 % slm.t       = l x v matrix of data, v=#vertices; the first row
0010 %               slm.t(1,:) is used for the clusters, and the other
0011 %               rows are used to calculate cluster resels if k>1. See
0012 %               SurfStatF for the precise definition of the extra rows.
0013 % slm.tri     = t x 3 matrix of triangle indices, 1-based, t=#triangles.
0014 % or
0015 % slm.lat     = nx x ny x nz matrix, 1=in, 0=out, [nx,ny,nz]=size(volume).
0016 % mask        = 1 x v vector, 1=inside, 0=outside, v=#vertices.
0017 % thresh      = clusters are vertices where slm.t(1,mask)>=thresh.
0018 % reselspvert = 1 x v vector of resels per vertex, default ones(1,v).
0019 % edg         = e x 2 matrix of edge indices, 1-based, e=#edges.
0020 % The following are optional:
0021 % slm.df      = degrees of freedom - only the length (1 or 2) is used
0022 %               to determine if slm.t is Hotelling's T or T^2 when k>1.
0023 % slm.k       = k=#variates, 1 by default.
0024 %
0025 % peak.t      = np x 1 vector of peaks (local maxima).
0026 % peak.vertid = np x 1 vector of vertex id's (1-based).
0027 % peak.clusid = np x 1 vector of cluster id's that contain the peak.
0028 % clus.clusid = nc x 1 vector of cluster id numbers
0029 % clus.nverts = nc x 1 vector of number of vertices in the cluster.
0030 % clus.resels = nc x 1 vector of resels in the cluster.
0031 % clusid      =  1 x v vector of cluster id's for each vertex.
0033 if nargin<5
0034     edg=SurfStatEdg(slm);
0035 end
0037 [l,v]=size(slm.t);
0039 slm.t(1,~mask)=min(slm.t(1,:));
0040 t1=slm.t(1,edg(:,1));
0041 t2=slm.t(1,edg(:,2));
0042 islm=ones(1,v);
0043 islm(edg(t1<t2,1))=0;
0044 islm(edg(t2<t1,2))=0;
0045 lmvox=find(islm);
0046 lmt=slm.t(1,lmvox);
0048 excurset=(slm.t(1,:)>=thresh);
0049 n=sum(excurset);
0051 if n<1
0052    peak=[];
0053    clus=[];
0054    clusid=[];
0055    return
0056 end
0058 voxid=cumsum(excurset);
0059 edg=voxid(edg(all(excurset(edg),2),:));
0061 % Find cluster id's in nf (from Numerical Recipes in C, page 346):
0062 nf=1:n;
0063 for el=1:size(edg,1)
0064     j=edg(el,1);
0065     k=edg(el,2);
0066     while nf(j)~=j j=nf(j); end
0067     while nf(k)~=k k=nf(k); end
0068     if j~=k nf(j)=k; end
0069 end
0070 for j=1:n
0071     while nf(j)~=nf(nf(j)) nf(j)=nf(nf(j)); end
0072 end
0074 % find the unique cluster id's corresponding to the local maxima:
0075 vox=find(excurset);
0076 ivox=find(ismember(vox,lmvox));
0077 clmid=nf(ivox);
0078 [uclmid,iclmid,jclmid]=unique(clmid);
0080 % find their volumes:
0081 ucid=unique(nf);
0082 nclus=length(ucid);
0083 ucvol=histc(nf,ucid); 
0085 % find their resels:
0086 if nargin<4
0087     reselsvox=ones(size(vox));
0088 else
0089     reselsvox=reselspvert(vox);
0090 end
0091 nf1=interp1([0 ucid],0:nclus,nf,'nearest');
0093 % if k>1, find volume of cluster in added sphere:
0094 if ~isfield(slm,'k') | slm.k==1
0095     ucrsl=accumarray(nf1',reselsvox)';
0096 end
0097 if isfield(slm,'k') & slm.k==2
0098     if l==1
0099         ndf=length(slm.df);
0100         r=2*acos((thresh./slm.t(1,vox)).^(1/ndf));
0101     else
0102         r=2*acos(sqrt((thresh-slm.t(2,vox)).*(thresh>=slm.t(2,vox))./ ...
0103             (slm.t(1,vox)-slm.t(2,vox))));
0104     end
0105     ucrsl=accumarray(nf1',r'.*reselsvox')';
0106 end
0107 if isfield(slm,'k') & slm.k==3
0108     if l==1
0109         ndf=length(slm.df);
0110         r=2*pi*(1-(thresh./slm.t(1,vox)).^(1/ndf));
0111     else
0112         nt=20;
0113         theta=((1:nt)'-1/2)/nt*pi/2;
0114         s=(cos(theta).^2)*slm.t(2,vox);
0115         if l==3
0116             s=s+(sin(theta).^2)*slm.t(3,vox);
0117         end
0118         r=2*pi*mean(1-sqrt((thresh-s).*(thresh>=s)./ ...
0119             (ones(nt,1)*slm.t(1,vox)-s)));
0120     end
0121     ucrsl=accumarray(nf1',r'.*reselsvox')';
0122 end
0124 % and their ranks (in ascending order):
0125 [sortucrsl,iucrsl]=sort(ucrsl);
0126 rankrsl=zeros(1,nclus);
0127 rankrsl(iucrsl)=nclus:-1:1;
0129 % add these to lm as extra columns:
0130 lmid=lmvox(ismember(lmvox,vox));
0131 lm=flipud(sortrows([slm.t(1,lmid)' lmid' rankrsl(jclmid)'],1));
0132 cl=sortrows([rankrsl' ucvol' ucrsl'],1);
0134 clusid=zeros(1,v);
0135 clusid(vox)=interp1([0 ucid],[0 rankrsl],nf,'nearest');
0137 peak.t=lm(:,1);
0138 peak.vertid=lm(:,2);
0139 peak.clusid=lm(:,3);
0140 clus.clusid=cl(:,1);
0141 clus.nverts=cl(:,2);
0142 clus.resels=cl(:,3);
0144 return
0145 end

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