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T statistics for a contrast in a univariate or multivariate model.


function slm = SurfStatT( slm, contrast );


T statistics for a contrast in a univariate or multivariate model.

 Usage: slm = SurfStatT( slm, contrast );

 slm.X    = n x p design matrix.
 slm.V    = n x n x q variance matrix bases, normalised so that
            mean(diag(slm.V))=1. If absent, assumes q=1 and slm.V=eye(n).
 slm.df   = degrees of freedom = n-rank(X).
 slm.coef = p x v x k matrix of coefficients of the linear model.
 slm.SSE  = k*(k+1)/2 x v matrix of sum of squares of errors.
 slm.r    = (q-1) x v matrix of coefficients of the first (q-1)
            components of slm.V divided by their sum. 
 slm.dr   = (q-1) x 1 vector of increments in slm.r.
 contrast = n x 1 vector of contrasts in the observations, i.e.
          = slm.X*slm.c', where slm.c is a contrast in slm.coef, or
          = 1 x p vector of slm.c, padded with 0's if length(contrast)<p.

 slm.c   = 1 x p vector of contrasts in coefficents of the linear model.  
 slm.k   = k=#variates.
 slm.ef  = k x v matrix of effects.
 slm.sd  = k x v matrix of standard deviations of the effects.
 slm.t   = 1 x v vector of T = ef/sd if k=1, or Hotelling's T if k=2 or 3,
           defined as the maximum T over all linear combinations of the k
           variates; k>3 is not programmed yet.
 slm.dfs = 1 x v vector of effective degrees of freedom. Absent if q=1.

 Note that the contrast in the observations is used to determine the
 intended contrast in the model coefficients, slm.c. However there is some
 ambiguity in this when the model contains redundant terms. An example of
 such a model is 1 + Gender (Gender by itself does not contain redundant 
 terms). Only one of the ambiguous contrasts is estimable (i.e. has slm.sd
 < Inf), and this is the one chosen, though it may not be the contrast
 that you intended. To check this, compare the contrast in the 
 coefficients slm.c to the actual design matrix in slm.X. Note that the
 redundant columns of the design matrix have weights given by the rows of


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function slm = SurfStatT( slm, contrast );
0003 %T statistics for a contrast in a univariate or multivariate model.
0004 %
0005 % Usage: slm = SurfStatT( slm, contrast );
0006 %
0007 % slm.X    = n x p design matrix.
0008 % slm.V    = n x n x q variance matrix bases, normalised so that
0009 %            mean(diag(slm.V))=1. If absent, assumes q=1 and slm.V=eye(n).
0010 % slm.df   = degrees of freedom = n-rank(X).
0011 % slm.coef = p x v x k matrix of coefficients of the linear model.
0012 % slm.SSE  = k*(k+1)/2 x v matrix of sum of squares of errors.
0013 % slm.r    = (q-1) x v matrix of coefficients of the first (q-1)
0014 %            components of slm.V divided by their sum.
0015 % slm.dr   = (q-1) x 1 vector of increments in slm.r.
0016 % contrast = n x 1 vector of contrasts in the observations, i.e.
0017 %          = slm.X*slm.c', where slm.c is a contrast in slm.coef, or
0018 %          = 1 x p vector of slm.c, padded with 0's if length(contrast)<p.
0019 %
0020 % slm.c   = 1 x p vector of contrasts in coefficents of the linear model.
0021 % slm.k   = k=#variates.
0022 % slm.ef  = k x v matrix of effects.
0023 % slm.sd  = k x v matrix of standard deviations of the effects.
0024 % slm.t   = 1 x v vector of T = ef/sd if k=1, or Hotelling's T if k=2 or 3,
0025 %           defined as the maximum T over all linear combinations of the k
0026 %           variates; k>3 is not programmed yet.
0027 % slm.dfs = 1 x v vector of effective degrees of freedom. Absent if q=1.
0028 %
0029 % Note that the contrast in the observations is used to determine the
0030 % intended contrast in the model coefficients, slm.c. However there is some
0031 % ambiguity in this when the model contains redundant terms. An example of
0032 % such a model is 1 + Gender (Gender by itself does not contain redundant
0033 % terms). Only one of the ambiguous contrasts is estimable (i.e. has slm.sd
0034 % < Inf), and this is the one chosen, though it may not be the contrast
0035 % that you intended. To check this, compare the contrast in the
0036 % coefficients slm.c to the actual design matrix in slm.X. Note that the
0037 % redundant columns of the design matrix have weights given by the rows of
0038 % null(slm.X,'r')'
0040 [n,p]=size(slm.X);
0041 contrast=double(contrast);
0042 pinvX=pinv(slm.X);
0043 if length(contrast)<=p
0044     c=[contrast zeros(1,p-length(contrast))]';
0045     if sum((null(slm.X)'*c).^2)/sum(c.^2)>eps
0046         error('Contrast is not estimable :-(');
0047         return
0048     end
0049 else
0050     c=pinvX*contrast;
0051     r=contrast-slm.X*c;
0052     if sum(r(:).^2)/sum(contrast(:).^2)>eps
0053         warning('Contrast is not in the model :-(');
0054     end
0055 end
0056 slm.c=c';
0058 slm.df=slm.df(length(slm.df));
0059 if ndims(slm.coef)==2
0060     slm.k=1;
0061     if ~isfield(slm,'r')
0062 %% fixed effect
0063         if isfield(slm,'V')
0064             Vmh=inv(chol(slm.V)');
0065             pinvX=pinv(Vmh*slm.X);
0066         end
0067         Vc=sum((c'*pinvX).^2,2);
0068     else
0069 %% mixed effect
0070         [q1,v]=size(slm.r);
0071         q=q1+1;
0073         nc=size(slm.dr,2);
0074         chunk=ceil(v/nc);
0075         irs=zeros(q1,v);
0076         for ic=1:nc
0077             v1=1+(ic-1)*chunk;
0078             v2=min(v1+chunk-1,v);
0079             vc=v2-v1+1;
0080             irs(:,v1:v2)=round(slm.r(:,v1:v2).*repmat(1./slm.dr(:,ic),1,vc));
0081         end
0082         [ur,ir,jr]=unique(irs','rows');
0083         nr=size(ur,1);
0084         slm.dfs=zeros(1,v);
0085         Vc=zeros(1,v);
0086         for ir=1:nr
0087             iv=(jr==ir);
0088             rv=mean(slm.r(:,iv),2);
0089             V=(1-sum(rv))*slm.V(:,:,q);
0090             for j=1:q1
0091                 V=V+rv(j)*slm.V(:,:,j);
0092             end
0093             Vinv=inv(V);
0094             VinvX=Vinv*slm.X;
0095             Vbeta=pinv(slm.X'*VinvX);
0096             G=Vbeta*(VinvX');
0097             Gc=G'*c;
0098             R=Vinv-VinvX*G;
0099             E=zeros(q,1);
0100             for j=1:q
0101                 E(j)=Gc'*slm.V(:,:,j)*Gc;
0102                 RVV(:,:,j)=R*slm.V(:,:,j);
0103             end
0104             for j1=1:q
0105                 for j2=j1:q
0106                     M(j1,j2)=sum(sum(RVV(:,:,j1).*(RVV(:,:,j2)')));
0107                     M(j2,j1)=M(j1,j2);
0108                 end
0109             end
0110             vc=c'*Vbeta*c;
0111             iv=(ir==jr);
0112             Vc(iv)=vc;
0113             slm.dfs(iv)=vc^2/(E'*pinv(M)*E);
0114         end
0115     end
0116     slm.ef=c'*slm.coef;
0117     slm.sd=sqrt(Vc.*slm.SSE/slm.df);
0118     slm.t=slm.ef./(slm.sd+(slm.sd<=0)).*(slm.sd>0);
0119 else
0120 %% multivariate
0121     [p,v,k]=size(slm.coef);
0122     slm.k=k;
0123     slm.ef=zeros(k,v);
0124     for j=1:k
0125         slm.ef(j,:)=c'*slm.coef(:,:,j);
0126     end
0127     j=1:k;
0128     jj=j.*(j+1)/2;
0129     vf=sum((c'*pinvX).^2,2)/slm.df;
0130     slm.sd=sqrt(vf*slm.SSE(jj,:));
0131     if k==2
0132         det=slm.SSE(1,:).*slm.SSE(3,:)-slm.SSE(2,:).^2;
0133         slm.t=slm.ef(1,:).^2.*slm.SSE(3,:) + ...
0134               slm.ef(2,:).^2.*slm.SSE(1,:) - ...
0135               2*slm.ef(1,:).*slm.ef(2,:).*slm.SSE(2,:);
0136     end
0137     if k==3
0138         det=slm.SSE(1,:).*(slm.SSE(3,:).*slm.SSE(6,:)-slm.SSE(5,:).^2) - ...
0139             slm.SSE(6,:).*slm.SSE(2,:).^2 + ...
0140             slm.SSE(4,:).*(slm.SSE(2,:).*slm.SSE(5,:)*2-slm.SSE(3,:).*slm.SSE(4,:));
0141         slm.t=      slm.ef(1,:).^2.*(slm.SSE(3,:).*slm.SSE(6,:)-slm.SSE(5,:).^2);
0142         slm.t=slm.t+slm.ef(2,:).^2.*(slm.SSE(1,:).*slm.SSE(6,:)-slm.SSE(4,:).^2);
0143         slm.t=slm.t+slm.ef(3,:).^2.*(slm.SSE(1,:).*slm.SSE(3,:)-slm.SSE(2,:).^2);
0144         slm.t=slm.t+2*slm.ef(1,:).*slm.ef(2,:).*(slm.SSE(4,:).*slm.SSE(5,:)-slm.SSE(2,:).*slm.SSE(6,:));
0145         slm.t=slm.t+2*slm.ef(1,:).*slm.ef(3,:).*(slm.SSE(2,:).*slm.SSE(5,:)-slm.SSE(3,:).*slm.SSE(4,:));
0146         slm.t=slm.t+2*slm.ef(2,:).*slm.ef(3,:).*(slm.SSE(2,:).*slm.SSE(4,:)-slm.SSE(1,:).*slm.SSE(5,:));
0147     end
0148     if k>3
0149          warning('Hotelling''s T for k>3 not programmed yet');
0150          return
0151     end
0152     slm.t=slm.t./(det+(det<=0)).*(det>0)/vf;
0153     slm.t=sqrt(slm.t+(slm.t<=0)).*(slm.t>0);
0154 end
0156 return
0157 end

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