Home > SurfStat > SurfStatDelete.m



Deletes variables including memory mapped files.


function SurfStatDelete( varargin );


Deletes variables including memory mapped files.

 Usage: SurfStatDelete( variable_list [, qualifiers] );

 variable_list = comma-delimited list of quoted strings: 'var1', 'var2',
 ..., 'varN'. You can use the wildcard character * to delete variables
 that match a pattern. For example, SurfStatDelete('A*') deletes all
 variables in the current workspace that start with A.

 If a variable is a memory map, then the mapped file is also deleted. 

 To clean up everything, use SurfStatDelete with no arguments (you will be
 prompted to confirm). It is a good idea to do this before exiting MATLAB,
 otherwise memory mapped files will not be deleted. 

 qualifiers = those variables in variable_list that meet all
 qualifications specified in qualifiers. See "help who" for a list.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function SurfStatDelete( varargin );
0003 %Deletes variables including memory mapped files.
0004 %
0005 % Usage: SurfStatDelete( variable_list [, qualifiers] );
0006 %
0007 % variable_list = comma-delimited list of quoted strings: 'var1', 'var2',
0008 % ..., 'varN'. You can use the wildcard character * to delete variables
0009 % that match a pattern. For example, SurfStatDelete('A*') deletes all
0010 % variables in the current workspace that start with A.
0011 %
0012 % If a variable is a memory map, then the mapped file is also deleted.
0013 %
0014 % To clean up everything, use SurfStatDelete with no arguments (you will be
0015 % prompted to confirm). It is a good idea to do this before exiting MATLAB,
0016 % otherwise memory mapped files will not be deleted.
0017 %
0018 % qualifiers = those variables in variable_list that meet all
0019 % qualifications specified in qualifiers. See "help who" for a list.
0021 if nargin==0
0022     reply=input('Are you sure you want to delete everything? Y/N [Y]: ', 's');
0023     if isempty(reply)
0024         reply='Y';
0025     end
0026     if ~strcmp(reply,'Y')
0027         return
0028     end
0029 end
0030 if nargin==0
0031     w=evalin('caller','whos');
0032 else
0033     s=['''' varargin{1} ''''];
0034     for i=2:nargin
0035         s=[s ' , ''' varargin{i} ''''];
0036     end
0037     w=evalin('caller',['whos(' s ')']);
0038 end
0039 n=length(w);
0040 for i=1:n
0041     isc=false;
0042     if strcmp(w(i).class,'struct')
0043         if evalin('caller',['isfield(' w(i).name ',''coord'')'])
0044             isc=evalin('caller',['isa(' w(i).name '.coord,''memmapfile'')']);
0045         end
0046     end
0047     if strcmp(w(i).class,'memmapfile') | isc
0048         if isc 
0049             m=evalin('caller',[w(i).name '.coord']);
0050         else          
0051             m=evalin('caller',w(i).name);
0052         end
0053         filename=m.Filename;
0054         evalin('caller',['clear ' w(i).name]);        
0055         [pathstr,name,ext]=fileparts(filename);
0056         filenameResid=fullfile(pathstr,['Resid' ext]);
0057         warning off all;
0058         delete(filename);
0059         delete(filenameResid);       
0060         warning on all;
0061         if length(dir(pathstr))==2
0062             rmdir(pathstr);
0063         end
0064     else
0065         evalin('caller',['clear ' w(i).name]);
0066     end
0067 end
0069 return
0070 end

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