Centre de Recherche en Théorie des Catégories
-- Montréal --
Category Theory Research Center

List of current seminars

Some upcoming meetings

What is Category Theory?

Some past seminars, conferences, and meetings in Montreal

Lambekfest2013, Montreal, 21 September, 2013

Octoberfest 2012, Montreal, 27 - 28 October, 2012

 Makkaifest 2009

Models, Logics and Higher-Dimensional Categories - a meeting in tribute to the work of Mihaly Makkai, CRM, Montreal, 18-20 June 2009
  Also: 1-day workshop held at McGill in conjunction with the Makkaifest, 18 June 2009
  A proceedings volume is available in the CRM Proceedings series.

Octoberfest 2008, Montreal, 4-5 October 2008.

"OctoberFest": Category Theory Meeting, October 16-17, 2004

André Joyal's 60th birthday, 11-12-13 April 2003

"OctoberFest": Category Theory Meeting, October 16-17, 1999



The CRTC/CTRC held a special 3-day conference in May 1997, in honour of Michael Barr's sixtieth birthday.
A special issue of the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra devoted to the Proceedings of this conference has been published: JPAA Vol 143. [Available at Science Direct]
 In addition, several tributes of a more personal nature are available on triples:


Joachim Lambek, 1922-2014
Joachim Lambek, FRSC, December 5, 1922 - June 23, 2014 A tribute essay in the Spring 2015 issue of Le Bulletin (21-1), Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (pp 12-13).  

Lambekfest 2013: 21 September 2013 at the CRM, celebrating the career (and 90th birthday) of Prof Joachim Lambek.

Lambek Fest 2002
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of McGill University held a day of scientific activities to celebrate the 80th birthday of Professor Joachim Lambek on Thursday, December 5th, 2002. Further information is available on this site.

On December 5th, 1997, a one-day symposium was held in honour of Joachim Lambek's 75th birthday: the program and some photos of that occasion may be found here.

In addition, the journals Theory and Applications of Categories and Mathematical Structures in Computer Science have published special volumes in honour of the work of our colleague Joachim Lambek, and in celebration of his 75th birthday. Their tables of contents are here. The MSCS volume has appeared as Vol 10 (2000), No. 2; the TAC volume has appeared as Volume 6 (1999).
A further volume of papers in linguistics, in celebration of his 80th birthday, has been published by CSLI - details may be found here. You can also find the table of contents here.

Papers and home pages for members and some (past) visitors of the Centre:


Some Maths and Category Theory Sites



For comments or help, please contact
RAG Seely (

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