Centre de Recherche en Théorie des Catégories
-- Montréal --
Category Theory Research Center
Category Theory OctoberFest
Concordia University, Montreal
Saturday - Sunday, October 27 - 28, 2012
Update: The meeting is now over, but this page will remain for reference.
Timetable and abstracts
We invite you to join us in Montreal next October for a weekend
meeting in Category Theory, the "not-quite-annual" OctoberFest. As has
been the tradition with these meetings, we invite talks from all
participants. If you wish to give a talk, send your request along with
a short abstract (well before mid-October please) to
Robert Seely at the address below.
The final schedule of talks will be handed out at the meeting, but a
schedule is available now.
Please note that any correspondance should be sent to
Michael Barr from now on,
rather than Robert Seely. Thanks
Please let us know if you intend to join us by sending a short
email (before mid-October if possible) to Robert Seely.
We will meet in Concordia's Faubourg building on Saturday morning,
October 27th. The FG building is located at 1616 St. Catherine W.,
corner of St Mathieu ("FG" on the
Lectures will be in room FGB040 in the basement of the FG building. To
access this, the easiest way is via the Ste Catherine St entrance
opposite Pierce St, then go two floors down.
Check this map for
more explicit instructions, and we'll post signs to help on the day.
Coffee will be available from 8:30 am. The first talk will be at 9:15.
Concordia has an indoor parking garage in the LB (Library)
building, 1436 Mackay, near the site of the talks - the daily rate on
weekends is about $6.
There will be a registration fee ($20, gratis for students, who should
apply for funding in fact)
to cover refreshments and sundries. Registration will take place
during Saturday morning, before the first talk and during the first coffee
Local Information
Below you will find a list of hotels and tourist rooms close to
Concordia. We've provided links to those that ought to be the most suitable.
Please note that October is a popular month for visiting Montreal, and
early booking is recommended.
I have added some links in the hotels and tourist rooms section to
budget accomodation, which might be suitable for some attendees.
If you have any further questions, please contact one of us.
In June this past summer, Basil Rattray died at the age of 84. Many
in the categorical community will remember Basil, particularly for his
work in category theory with Jim Lambek. In his memory, his wife
Samaa has generously donated a sum of money to support students
attending the Categorical Octoberfest, being held at Concordia, 27-28
October 2012. It is our intention to divide this sum between students
attending the meeting, proportional to their expenses. So, any grad
student who is planning to attend and would like support should write
Robert Seely
(by Oct 25 please) and make a request. We may or may
not be able to help with travel expenses, but we should be able to pay
for local hotel bills, although everything depends on how many
applicants there are. Participants will have to submit original bills
to be reimbursed. Sorry, but it will be impossible to provide money
It can be warm, cold, wet, dry ... anything is possible
in October (including snow). We suggest you check the forcast for
the Weather Network
Map of the
Concordia campus area
General map of the area around Concordia
The Faubourg building (where the talks
are to be held)
(Mention you are visiting Concordia University for possible discounts)
- Le Chateau Versailles, 1808 Sherbrooke W, 514-933-8111 (1-888-933-8111)
- Le Meridien Versailles, 1659 Sherbrooke W, 514-933-8111 (1-800-543-4300)
- Hotel du Fort, 1390, rue du Fort, 514-938-8333 (1-800-565-6333)
- Hotel Europa Best Western, 1240 rue Drummond, 514-866-6492 (1-800-361-3000)
- Hotel Maritime Plaza, rue Guy, 514-932-1411 1155
- La Tour Belvédère,
2175 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, 514-935-9052 (1-888-922-9052)
- L'Appartement*, 455 Sherbrooke W, 514-284-3634
- Howard Johnson Plaza*, 475 Sherbrooke W, 514-842-3961
- Mariott Courtyard*, 410 Sherbrooke W, 514-844-8851
- Holiday Inn*, 420 Sherbrooke W, 514-842-6111
- Hotel du Parc*, 3625 Park Ave, 514-288-6666
Tourist Rooms:
(Prices vary depending on choice of single/double room, private/shared
- Manoir Ambrose, 3422
Stanley, 514-288-6922 (1-888-688-6922), (excellent)
- University B&B*,
623 Prince Arthur W., 1-866-842-6396
- Armor***, 157 Sherbrooke E, 514-285-0140
- Bienvenue B&B*** 3950 Laval, 514-844-5897 (1-800-227-5897)
- Casa Bella**, 258 Sherbrooke W, 514-849-2777
- Centre Ville B&B**, 3458 Laval, 514-289-9749
- Pierre***, 169 Sherbrooke E, 514-288-8519
*15 minute walk from Concordia
**30 minute walk from Concordia
***45 minute walk from Concordia
(Note that using the Metro or bus makes the trip shorter)
Budget accomodation
Michael Barr
Robert Raphael
Robert Seely