Address: Dept of Math, McGill University, Burnside Hall, Montreal, PQ.
E-mail: darmon at
Web Page:
Telephone: Work:, Fall 2016. (514) 398-2263 FaX: (514) 398-3899
Born: Oct. 22, 1965 in Paris, France.
Citizenship: Canadian, French and Swiss.
Ph.D. Mathematics, Harvard University, 1991.
B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science, McGill University, 1987.
University Positions:
Sept 1991-August 1994. Princeton University, Instructor.
(On leave from Sept 1994 to August 1995.)
Sept 1994-Aug 1996. Princeton University, Assistant Professor.
(On leave from Sept 1995 to August 1996.)
Sept 1994-Aug 1997. McGill University, Assistant Professor.
Sept 1997-June 2000. McGill University, Associate Professor.
June 2000-Present. McGill University, Professor.
2005-2019. James McGill Professor.
2020-present. Distinguished James McGill Professor.
Other Positions:
1991-1994: Cercheur hors Québec, CICMA.
1994-present. Chercheur Universitaire, CICMA.
1998-present. Director, CICMA (Centre Interuniversitaire en Calcul
Mathématique Algébrique).
1999-present. Member, CRM (Centre de Recherches Mathématiques)
2005-present. External member, European network in Arithmetic Algebraic
Geometry (Milano node).
Visiting Positions:
1991, July 1 - August 31, Visiting member, IHES, Paris.
1995, June 1-August 31, Visiting Professor, Universita di Pavia.
1996, Spring. Visiting member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute,
1996, March. Visiting professor and guest lecturer, University of Barcelona
1997, May. Visitor, Institut Henri-Poincaré, Paris.
1997, June. Visiting Professor, Université Paris VI (Jussieu),
1998, Spring. Visiting Professor and Nachdiplom lecturer, ETH, Zurich.
1999, July, Visiting Professor, Universita di Pavia.
2001, June, Visiting Researcher, Universita di Padova.
2001, November, Visiting Professor, Korean Institute for Advanced Study.
2002, December, Visiting Professor, Saga University, Japan.
2003, June-July, Visitor, Morningside Center, Beijing, China.
[Cancelled because of the SARS epidemic]
2003, June-July, Visiting Professor, Université Paris VI (Jussieu), Paris.
2003, September-December, Visiting Professor, Princeton University.
2004, June-July, Visiting Professor, Université Paris VI (Jussieu),
2006, June 15-July 15. Visiting Professor,
CRM, Barcelona, Spain.
2006, December 17-23. Visitor, Harish-Chandra Institute, Allahabad.
2006, December 24-31. NCTS, Taipei.
2008, June-July. Université Paris-Sud.
2009, January. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay.
2010, June-July. CRM, Barcelona.
2011, July, NCTS, Taipei.
2013, July, Professeur Invité, Paris 6 Jussieu.
2015, November-December. Professeur Invité, Paris 7 Denis-Diderot.
2016, January. Visiting professor, Morningside Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
2023, January-May. Clay senior scholar, MSRI, Berkeley.
Research-based distinctions:
1987. Governor General's Gold Medal. McGill University.
1990-91. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation
1996-98. Alfred P. Sloan Research
1996. G. De B. Robinson Award.
1997. Prix
1998. Coxeter-James
Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
2002. E.W.R. Steacie
Memorial Fellowship
2002. Ribenboim Prize, Canadian Number Theory Association.
Earle Raymond Hedrick Lecturer of the MAA
2003. Elected fellow of the
Royal Society of Canada
2008. Killam Fellowship of the Canada Council of the Arts.
2008. John L. Synge award of the Royal Society of Canada.
2015. Simons Fellowship.
2017. Cole Prize of the American Mathematical Society.
2017. CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize.
2018. Fellow of the Fields Institute.
2020. Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society.
2023. Simons Fellowship.
2023. Clay Senior Scholar.
2024. Guggenheim Fellowship.
Teaching Awards
1993. Princeton Engineering Council's Excellence in Teaching Award.
Carrie M. Derick Award for graduate teaching and supervision.
David Thomson Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Supervision.
2016. Leo Yaffe Award for Excellence in Teaching.
1992-94. NSF grant in Algebra and Number Theory.
1995. Visiting fellowship from CNR
(Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche).
1999. Visiting fellowship from CNR
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
2001. Visiting fellowship
from CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
1994-97. FCAR "Nouveaux chercheurs" grant.
1987-90. NSERC '67 Doctoral Award.
1991-92. NSERC Post-Doctoral research award.
1994-1997. NSERC research grant (18,000$ per year).
1997-2001. NSERC research grant (32,000$ per year).
2001-2005. NSERC research grant (47,000$ per year).
2002-2004. NSERC Steacie supplement (120,000$ and 135,000$).
2006-2011. NSERC Research grant (52,000$ per year.)
2006-2009. NSERC Accelerator supplement.
2011-2016. NSERC Research grant (56,000$ per year.)
2017-2022. NSERC Research grant (56,000$ per year.)
2011-14. FQRNT Team Grant (with Goren and Iovita).
2014-17. FQRNT Team Grant (with Goren, Kassaei and Iovita).
2017-21. FQRNT Team Grant (with Goren, Rosso, and Iovita).
2023-26. FQRNT Team Grant (with Allen, Goren, Rosso, and Iovita).
2023-26. NOVA Team Grant (with Rosso, Allen, Goren, and Iovita).
2024-2029. NSERC Research grant (60,000$ per year.)
PhD Thesis:
Refined class number formulas for derivatives of L-series, PhD.
thesis, Harvard, 1991, under the direction of B.H. Gross.
Publications: (If you have access to MathSciNet, here are some
of the reviews.)
Membership of Editorial Boards
1996-present. Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Quebec.
1999-2005: Journal of Number Theory.
2001-2005: Editor-in-chief, Canadian Journal of Mathematics
2004-present: Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de la Société Royale du Canada.
2003-present. Commentari Mathematici Helvetici
2005-2010. International Journal of Number Theory.
2007-present. Publicacions Matematiques of University of Barcelona.
2011-present. Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal.
2015-present. The Ramanujan Journal.
2016-present. Transactions and Memoirs of the AMS.
2020-2021. Editor-in-chief, Transactions and Memoirs of the AMS.
2021-. Coordinating editor, Transactions and Memoirs of the AMS.
2020-. Pure and Applied Mathematics quarterly.
2022-. Journal of the AMR.
Organization of conferences
Special Session organizer, AMS Annual meeting in Orlando Florida, January
1996. (With Granville).
Organizing committee, CNTA-5 Conference, Ottawa, August 1996.
Special Session organizer, AMS meeting in Lawrenceville, New Jersey,
October 1996. (With Rodriguez-Villegas).
Special session organizer, Colloque des Sci. Math. du Quebec, Montreal,
April 1997.
Special session organizer, AMS meeting in Montreal, September 1997.
Organizer, CRM special year on automorphic forms and number theory in
1998-99. (With Kisilevsky).
Organizer, MSRI workshop on special values of Rankin L-series,
December 2001. (With Shouwu Zhang).
Organizer, CRM-McGill workshop on
Hilbert modular forms and varieties,
Far Hills, January 2002. (With Goren).
Organizer, concentration period on the Geometric Langlands program,
CRM, April-May 2002. (With Hurtubise).
Organizer, Princeton/AIM workshop on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture,
November 2003. (With Skinner and Wiles).
Organizer, CRM-McGill workshop on
Computational aspects of p-adic cohomology, Far Hills, January 2004.
(With Pila).
Organizer, CRM Workshop on p-adic representations,
Montreal, September 2005. (With Iovita).
Organizer, CRM Workshop on intersection of arithmetic cycles
and automorphic forms, Montreal. December 2005. (With Goren)
Organizer, CRM Special year in Number Theory, Montreal,
September-December 2005. (With David and Granville).
Organizer, Clay Institute summer school on the arithmetic of curves, surfaces and varieties. Gottingen, July-August 2006. (With Hassett and Tschinkel).
Arithmetic Geometry session, Canada-France Meeting. Montreal,
June 2008. (With Gaetan Chenevier.)
Special semester on algebraic cycles and Shimura varieties, CRM, Barcelona,
2009-2010. (With Bas Edixhoven and Victor Rotger.)
Special semester
on Number Theory as experimental and applied science,
CRM, Montreal, March-May 2010. (With Eyal Goren).
Number Theory and Representation Theory, conference in honor of Benedict Gross's 60th birthday, Harvard University, May 2010. (With Elkies, Ellwood,
Gan, Taylor, and Zhang).
p-adic modular forms and computations, September 2012, Oxford, UK (with
Minhyong Kim, Alan Lauder and Jan Vonk).
2014. Chair of organising committee, Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic,
ICM satellite conference, Pohang South Korea.
2014-15. Organiser, Number Theory Special Year. CRM, Université de Montréal.
2017. Organising committee, Special Semester on
Euler Systems and Special Values of $L$-functions,
Bernoulli Center, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
2018. Organising committee, Modular forms and Galois representations,
ICM satellite conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
2019. Organising Committee, Journees Arithmetiques, Istanbul.
2019. Organising committee, Iwasawa 2020, Bordeaux.
2019. Organising committee, CRM thematic semester on ``cohomology and arithmtic".
2020. Organising committee, CNTA 2020, Toronto.
2019-. Organising committee, special semester on Euler systems and algebraic
cycles on Shimura varieties, MSRI.
2020. Thematic semester in number theory at the CRM.
2024. ICMS workshop on Hilbert's twelfth problem.
University Committees
1994-1996. Mathematics Department Library Committee.
1996-1997. Dean's Advisory Committee on the Selection of a new Chair.
1998-1999. Dean's Advisory Committee on the Selection of a new Chair.
1996-2015. Mathematics Department Advisory Committee.
2004-2005. Dean's Advisory Committee on the Selection of a new Chair.
2014-2015. Dean's Advisory Committee on the Selection of a new Chair.
2018-2020. Hiring committee for a number thoery position in the department.
2019-2020. Chair's advisory committee.
National Committees
1999-2004. CMS Board of Directors.
1998-2003. CMS International Affairs Committee.
2000-2002. Steering committee, Banff International Research Station (BIRS).
2001-2005. CMS prize committee.
2002-2003. NSERC Circle.
2004-2007. NSERC Grant Selection Committee.
2004-2008. Fields Institute Scientific Advisory Panel.
International Committees
2004. Panel for site visit to Universitat Munster, Germany.
2009-present. Scientific advisory panel, Pohang Mathematics Institute,
POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea.
2010. Panelist for the FRG, Germany (Program of centers of excellence).
2012. Member of external review panel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
2015-16. Grant selection committee, Simons Foundation.
2016-2018. ERC Grants Selection committee.
2018. Chair of Canadian delegation, General Assembly meeting of the IMU, Sao Paulo.
2019. Chair of HCERES site visit committee to IHES.
2024. Member of expert panel, DFG (German granting agency).
2024-2028. Member of Scientific Committee of the IHES.
Other contributions
Regular contributor to Math
Reviews .
Teaching experience:
``Topics in Galois theory", Senior Tutorial seminar, Harvard, Winter
term 199O.
Calculus of one variable, Princeton, Fall 1991.
Multivariable Calculus, Princeton, Winter 1991 and Fall 1992.
Mathematics for Economists, Princeton, Winter 1993.
Algebraic Number Theory and Elliptic Curves, Princeton Junior Seminar,
Winter 1993.
Topics in Algebra, Princeton University, Fall 1993.
Evolution of mathematical concepts, Princeton University, Winter 1994.
Student-initiated seminar on Galois theory, Princeton University, Winter
Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces, McGill University, Fall
History and Philosophy of Mathematics, McGill University, Fall 1994.
Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, McGill University, Winter 1995.
Honors Linear Algebra, Princeton University, Fall 1995.
Basic Algebra I (189-235A), Fall 1996.
Algebraic number fields , (189-726A), Fall 1996.
Algebra II (189-251B), Winter 1997.
Galois theory, Diophantine equations, and Modular forms, Nachdiplom-Vorlesung
at the ETH, Zurich, Winter 1998.
Modular forms and the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Graduate course,
CRM, Fall 1998.
Higher Algebra I (189-570A), Fall 1999.
Higher Algebra II (189-571B), Winter 2000.
Higher Algebra I (189-570A), Fall 2000.
Higher Algebra II (189-571B), Winter 2001.
Introduction to automorphic forms (189-709B), Winter 2002.
Rational points on modular elliptic curves, weekly seminar,
Princeton University, Fall 2003.
Basic Algebra 1 (189-235A), Fall 2005.
Algebra 2 (189-251B), Winter 2006.
Modular Forms II, Winter 2008.
Number Theory (189-346/377B), Winter 2011.
Topics in Number Theory (189-726A), Fall 2011.
Honors Algebra 2, (189-251B), Winter 2012.
Abstract Algebra 1, (189-2335A), Fall 2012.
Number Theory (189-346/377B), Winter 2013.
Abstract Algebra I (189-235A), Fall 2013.
Graduate number theory seminar (189-666A), 2013-14.
Honors Linear Algebra (189-251B), Winter 2014.
Graduate student seminar, 189-666A, 2014-15.
Honors Algebra 4 (189-371B), Winter 2015.
189-596A. A graduate course on modular forms, Fall 2016.
189-457B. Honors Algebra 4, Winter 2017.
189-570A. Higher Algebra I, Fall 2017.
189-571B. Higher Algebra II, Winter 2018.
189-596A. Class field theory. Fall 2018.
189-666A, B. Graduate seminar on the exceptional zero conjecture of
Mazur, Tate and Teitelbaum. 2018-19 academic year.
189-571B. Higher Algebra II. Winter 2019.
189-570A. Higher Algebra I. Fall 2019.
189-251B. Honors Algebra 2. Winter 2020.
189-666B. Graduate student seminar on rational points on curves.
Winter 2020.
189-725A. The theory of complex multiplication. Fall 2020.
189-596+726A. Quadratic forms, orthogonal groups, and modular forms. Fall 2021.
189-223B. Linear algebra. Winter 2022.
189-456A. Honors algebra 3. Fall 2023.
189-457B. Honors algebra 4. Winter 2024.
189-456A. Honors algebra 3. Fall 2024.
189-457B. Honors algebra 4. Winter 2025.
Invited Lectures.
Number theory seminar, University of California, Berkeley.
Conference on p-adic monodromy, Boston University, Massachusetts.
Number Theory seminar, Boston University.
Number Theory seminar, Harvard University.
Quebec Vermont Number Theory Seminar, Concordia University, Montreal.
Number Theory Seminar, Columbia University.
Number Theory Seminar, University of Pennsylvania.
Number Theory Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park.
Number Theory Seminar, Princeton University.
Conference on Elliptic curves and related Topics, Ste-Adele, Quebec.
Conference on Serre's conjectures, Sundance, Utah.
Number Theory seminar, Universitá di Pavia, Italy.
February, Colloquium and Seminar, Université Laval.
February, Number Theory seminar, University of Michigan.
March, Seminar on harmonic analysis and number theory, IAS, Princeton.
April, Quebec Vermont Number Theory seminar, Mcgill University.
April, Number Theory seminar, Rutgers University in Newark.
May, Number Theory seminar, Brown University.
July, Conference on elliptic curves, Anogeia, Crete.
August, AMS-CMS special session on Number Theory, Vancouver.
October, Five College Number Theory Seminar, Amherst College, Mass.
November, Quebec Vermont Number Theory Seminar, Université Laval.
January, Quebec Vermont Number Theory seminar, University of Vermont.
February, Number theory seminar, Columbia University.
February, Colloquium and Number Theory seminar, University of Georgia.
July, Plenary lecture on Wiles' work, CNTA 4 conference, Halifax.
July, Invited lecture for undergraduates at Boston University's PROMYS program.
October, Number Theory seminar, Boston University.
October, Number Theory seminar, University of Ottawa.
October, Quebec Vermont Number Theory seminar.
February 1995, University of California, Berkeley, Number Theory seminar.
February, Colloquium, Queens University.
March, AMS special session on arithmetic geometry, Chicago.
April, Number Theory Seminar, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
May, Current Developments in Mathematics, Harvard and MIT.
May, AMS special session on arithmetic geometry, Jerusalem.
May, Number Theory Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
July, Number Theory Seminar, Universitá di Pavia, Italy.
August, Invited lecture, seminar on Fermat's Last Theorem held at Boston Univ.
September, Colloquium, University of Vermont.
October, Princeton-Rutgers Harmonic Analysis and Number Theory Seminar.
October, Plenary address, Colloque des sciences mathématiques du Québec.
November, Algebra Seminar, UPenn.
November, Number Theory Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park.
November, Number Theory Seminar, Columbia University.
January, Number theory conference, Tiruchirapalli, India.
January, Plenary address, Annual meeting of the AMS, Orlando, Florida.
March, 3 hour lecture series, Barcelona, Spain.
March, conference on elliptic curves and computation, Edinburgh, Scotland.
April, Number theory seminar, UC Berkeley.
April, Arithmetic geometry seminar, University of Michigan.
April, Number theory seminar, Université Laval.
January, Colloquium, University of Ottawa.
January, Sampson Lectures, Bates College, Maine.
March, Japan-US conference on Elliptic Curves and Applications, Johns Hopkins University.
April, Number theory seminar, UC Berkeley.
May, International Conference on Number Theory, Fez, Morocco.
May, Colloquium, University of Fez, Fez, Morocco.
May, Colloquium, University of Oujda, Oujda, Morocco.
May, Number Theory Seminar, Université Paris VI, Jussieu.
June, Workshop on arithmetic geometry, Institut Henri Poincaré.
July, Conference on Topics in Number theory, Penn State University.
October, Conference on Arithmetic applications of modular forms, Barcelona, Spain.
October, Colloquium, University of Essen, Germany.
November, Algebra Seminar, Boston University
February, Millican Lecture, University of North Texas.
February, Princeton-IAS-Rutgers Harmonic Analysis and Number Theory Seminar, Princeton.
March, Colloquium, University of Utah.
March, Lecture series, conference on the ABC conjecture, Arizona Winter School, Tucson.
April, Colloquium, ETH, Zurich.
June, Number Theory seminar, ETH, Zurich.
July, Mini-conference on number theory, Laval University, Quebec.
October, Quebec-Vermont number theory seminar.
November, Number Theory seminar and colloquium, Columbia University.
November, Colloquium, McMaster University.
December, Coxeter-James lecture of the CMS, Kingston.
May, Lie group seminar, Cornell.
May, Colloqium, Cornell University.
May, CRM workshop on arithmetic geometry.
June, CNTA conference, Winnipeg. Plenary lecture.
July, worskshop in arithmetic geometry, Oberwohlfach.
July, Invited 3-hour lecture series, Workshop on modular forms and Galois representations, Rome.
October, Workshop on Galois Actions and Geometry, MSRI, Berkeley.
October, Plenary Lecture, Colloque de l'AMQ, Sherbrooke.
October, General audience lecture on Fermat's Last Theorem, Dawson CEGEP.
December, Colloquium lecture, MSRI, Berkeley.
December, Seminar lecture, MSRI, Berkeley.
January, Colloquium lecture, York University, Toronto.
January, Number Theory seminar, University of Toronto.
March, Number Theory Seminar, Columbia University.
April, Theory of Numbers seminar, Harvard University.
September, Brandeis-Harvard-MIT-Northeastern Joint Colloquium.
October, Quebec-Maine Conference.
November, AMS meeting, Columbia University.
December, MSRI workshop on arithmetic, Berkeley.
February, Colloquium, Howard University.
March, Seminar Lecture, CUNY Graduate Center.
April, Plenary lecture, 53rd British Mathematical Colloquium, University of Glasgow.
April, Quebec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar, Montreal.
May, ISM algebra and number theory day, Montreal.
May, Number Theory Seminar, Universite Paris VI, Jussieu.
June, Lecture series, workshop on the mathematical heritage of Bernard Dwork, Villa Monastero, Italy.
June, workshop in Oberwohlfach.
August, NSF-CBMS lecture series, Orlando, Florida.
October, Number Theory seminar, Courant institute (NYU).
November, Short Course on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Korean Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, Korea.
December, Lecture series, MSRI, Berkeley.
February, Five College Number Theory seminar, Amherst.
February, Undergraduate Colloquium, Mount Holyoke.
May, Ribenboim Prize lecture, CNTA meeting, Montreal.
June, CMS special session, Quebec City.
July. Mini-course at Universite Paris VI, Jussieu, on Modular elliptic curves and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.
July. Invited speaker, Modular curves and abelian varieties conference in Barcelona, Spain.
August. Invited speaker, Conference on Stark's Conjectures, Baltimore, Maryland.
December, Conference on algebraic number theory and related topics, RIMS, Kyoto.
December, Lecture series, Saga University, Japan.
May. Number theory conference, Casablanca and Marrakech, Morocco.
June-July. Lecture series, Morningside Center, Beijing. [Cancelled because of the SARS epiemic.]
July. Séminaire de Théorie des nombres de Jussieu, Paris (Chevaleret).
August. Hedrick lecture series, MAA Mathfest, Boulder, Colorado.
August. Conference on number theory and non-commutative geometry, Max Planck Institut, Bonn.
October. Joint Columbia-CUNY-NYU Number Theory seminar.
October. Fields Institute, Toronto.
November. Workshop on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Princeton University.
November. Number Theory Seminar, UPenn.
January, Quebec-Vermont number theory seminar, Burlington.
February. Colloquium, Yale.
April. Colloquium, University of Maryland.
May. Number Theory Seminar, UC Berkeley.
June. Colloquium, Jussieu, Paris (Chevaleret).
June. Séminaire de Théorie des nombres de Jussieu, Paris (Chevaleret).
June. Séminaire de Théorie des nombres de Paris-Nord.
June. Séminaire Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique d'Orsay (SAGA).
July. Plenary Lecture, First Joint Canada-France meeting of the mathematical sciences. Toulouse, France.
August. Contributed lecture, Conference in honor of Harold Stark's 65th birthday. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
September. Invited talk, Conférence Québec-Maine, Université Laval.
October. Invited Talk, Midwest Number Theory Conference,
University of Chicago, Chicago.
April. Seminar and Colloquium, McMaster University.
May 25-27. Workshop on p-adic methods in automorphic forms. Columbia University, New York.
June 4-6. Symposium on L-functions and algebraic curves, Waterloo.
June 13-17. Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa Theory. In honor of Ralph Greenberg's 60th birthday. Boston, Massachusetts.
August 1-10. Number theory conference, Morningside Center, Beijing, China.
February 20-25. Advanced course on Arakelov
geometry and Shimura varieties. Barcelona, Spain.
April 6-7. Number Theory Days, ETH, Zurich.
April 17-18. Number Theory Seminar and Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
May 14-19. Semester on p-adic families of modular forms, Harvard, Cambridge Mass.
July 10-15. Workshop on Arakelov geometry and Shimura varieties. Barcelona, Spain.
July 17-21. Instructional conference on p-adic modular forms. Luminy, France.
July 22-August 10. Clay Institute Summer School, Gottingen.
August 22-30. International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid (Number Theory section).
December 18. Seminar and colloquium, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.
December 27. Seminar and colloquium, NCTS, Taipei.
March 25-30. "Geometrie et Arithmetique". Les Diablerets (Switzerland).
April 27-29. Geometry and Symmetry, from the Neolithic Scots to John McKay. CRM, Montreal.
April 30-May 5. Kuweit Foundation Lecture in Cambridge, UK.
May 18-22. Conference
on "L-functions and Automorphic forms", Columbia University.
June 3-8. BIRS workshop on Modular forms: arithmetic and computation. (Banff)
July 8-13. BIRS Workshop on L-functions,
ranks of elliptic curves, and random matrix theory. (Banff)
Sept. 30. Quebec-Maine conference.
October 15. UCSB number theory seminar.
February 28. Colloquium, Harvard.
March 8. Lecture on modular forms, Bellairs Research Station, Barbados.
April 30. Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Chicago.
May 1. Colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
June 30. Colloquium for the
Centenary of the Wolfskehl Prize, University of Darmstadt.
July. Arithmetic seminar, Université Paris-Sud (Orsay).
July. Colloquium, Université Paris 6-7, Jussieu.
July 13, Plenary lecture, CNTA X, Waterloo.
October 4-5,
Quebec-Maine conference, Laval University, Quebec City.
October 17.
Seminar and colloquium, University of Indiana.
November 17. Number theory seminar, Brown.
November 18. Boston College-MIT
Number Theory Seminar.
January 24-February 8. Visit of
the Tata Institute in Bombay.
April 1-3. Colloquium, Iowa State University.
May 3-10.
Conference at the
Research Station of McGill University, St. James, Barbados.
June 22-July 3.
Advanced Study Institute, CRM, Montreal.
July 12-18.
Meeting on effective methods in number theory, Oberwohlfach.
August 13-15.
Canada-Mexico meeting, Vancouver.
August 17-21.
"Noncongruence modular forms and modularity".
AIM conference center, Palo Alto, California.
September 14-17. Geometry and
analysis of automorphic forms of several variables, on the occasion of Takayuki Oda's 60th birthday, Tokyo University.
October 3-4. Quebec-Maine conference.
December 5-19. Give a mini-course at the CRM in Barcelona, followed by a one week workshop.
January 9-16. Visit POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea.
February 22-26. Magma 2010 Conference on p-adic L-functions, CRM, Montreal.
March 8-12. Graphs and arithmetic, CRM, Montreal.
March 22-26. Computer methods for L-functions and automorphic forms,
CRM, Montreal.
April 12-16. Computer security and cryptography, CRM, Montreal.
April 19-23. Counting points: theory, algorithms and practice, CRM, Montreal.
May 3-7. Conference on algebraic dynamics at McGill Bellairs Research Station, St. James, Barbados.
June 2-5. Number Theory and Representation Theory: in honor of Dick Gross's 60th birthday, Cambridge, Mass.
June 10-July 10. Visit the CRM in Barcelona.
July 5-9. Modular Conference: Arithmetic of Modular Forms and Modularity Results, CRM, Barcelona.
July 19-23. Ninth algorithmic number theory symposium (ANTS-IX), Nancy.
August 10-13, Galois Representations in Arithmetic and Geometry, the International Center, Goa, India.
August 13-18, Automorphic Forms and Number Theory , the International Center, Goa, India.
October 24-28. Premières journées arithmétiques de Meknès. Meknès, Morocco.
January, Visit to Postech, Pohang, South Korea. (Winter School on Serre's modularity conjecture).
March 12-16. Arizona Winter School, Tucson, Arizona.
April 9-10. Montreal-Toronto number theory seminar, Toronto.
April 21. PU-IAS Number Theory Seminar, Princeton, NJ.
May 2-4. Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture,
Kavli Research Center, UK.
May 5-6. Conference on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture,
Cambridge, UK.
June 12-25. Visit of NCTS, Taipei.
July 18-28, 2011. LMS EPSRC Durham symposium on automorphic forms and
Galois representations.
September 1-6, 2011. Computations with Modular forms. University of Heidelberg, Germany.
October 30-November 4. BIRS workshop on ``Cycles on modular varieties",
Banff, Alberta.
December 2-14. Visit to Milano.
January 9-14. International Winter School on the BSD conjecture. (Pohang, South Korea.)
May 5-12. Pro-unipotent fundamental groups; arithmetic and diophantine aspects Bellairs Research Station, Barbados.
June 18-22. Conference in honor of H. Hida, UCLA.
July 1-5. Visit Victor Rotger in Barcelona.
July 23-31. Visit Victor Rotger in Barcelona.
September 24-28. p-adic modular forms and computations. Oxford, UK.
November 1. Hugh C. Morris Lecture, University of Calgary.
November 19-23. Site visit, EPFL, Lausanne.
January 31. DFG Meeting, Germany.
March 3-10. Visit PMI, Pohang, South Korea.
April 17-19.
Montreal-Toronto conference, CRM.
May 3-10.
Bellairs workshop on algebraic cycles on Shimura varieties,
McGill's Bellairs Research Center, Holetown, Barbados.
June 8-10. Number theory workshop,
University of Ottawa.
July 1-31. Visit Université Paris VI, Jussieu.
August 25-30.
Workshop on Effective methods for Stark-Heegner points, Benasque, Spain.
September 20-22.
Stark's conjectures and related topics. UC San Diego.
October 5-6.
Quebec-Maine conference.
University of Maine, Orono, Maine.
October 15-17.
SCHOLAR - a Scientific Celebration
Highlighting Open Lines of Arithmetic Research.
(In honor of Ram Murty's 60th birthday).
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM), Montreal.
November 19-22. Britton Lectures, McMaster University.
April 12-14. Conference in honor of Winnie Li, LSU, Baton Rouge.
April 27. Bay Area Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry Day (BAANTAG),
May 2-9. Conference at the Bellairs center on torsion in cohomology,
Holetown, Barbados.
May 23-25. FRG conference, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.
June 2-6. p-adic variation in number theory.
Conference in honor of Glenn Stevens' 60th Birthday. Boston University, Boston.
June 16-20. Plenary lecture, CNTA XIII, Ottawa.
July 1-4. Emil Artin Vorlesung. Universitat Heidelberg.
July 6-12. Oberwolfach conference Algebraische Zahlentheorie,
Simons Visiting Professor.
July 20. Number theory seminar, Universitat Essen.
August 13-21. International Congress of Mathematicians,
Seoul, South Korea.
August 25-28. Automorphic forms and Arithmetic, ICM Satellite
conference, Pohang, South Korea.
September 8-19. Two-week mini-course in Moscow.
September 27-28. Quebec-Maine conference, Laval university.
October 18-19. AMS special session, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
November 10-14. Workshop at CRM: counting arithmetic objects, ranks of elliptic curves.
December 1-14. Visit MSRI.
January 10-13. Plenary lecture, joint AMS-MAA meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
May 26-30. UC Berkeley, p-adic methods in number theory, a conference in memory
of Robert Coleman.
July 6-10. Plenary lecture, 29th Journées Arithmétiques, Debrecen, Hungary.
July 13-17. Iwasawa 2015. Kings College, London.
August 22-30. Arithmetic
of Euler systems, Benasque, Spain.
October 3-4.
Quebec-Maine conference.
University of Maine.
October 8. Joint Columbia-CUNY-NYU number theory seminar.
October 10-11. Montreal-Toronto workshop, Montreal.
October 22-23. Simons foundation annual meeting, New York City.
November 14-December 12. Visit to Université Paris 7.