Sergey Norin

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
McGill University
1116 Burnside Hall
E-mail: snorin [at],
snorine [at]
(514) 398-3819
(514) 398-3899
Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Burnside Hall, 805 Sherbrooke West,
Montreal, QC, H3A 2K6

I received my Ph.D from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2005 in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization program. My thesis advisor was Robin Thomas.

Before coming to McGill, I spent a year as a Quantitative Analyst at D.E. Shaw & Co, a year as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech, and four years as an Instructor and Assistant Professor at Princeton University.

My research interests are in graph theory, combinatorics and their applications. Currently, my research is concentrated on extremal and structural graph theory.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Since 2018, I am co-organizing Barbados Graph Theory workshops (2018, 2019) with Paul Seymour and David Wood.

Current Teaching:
Selected Past Teaching:
Publications and Preprints

Discrete Mathematics Group