Centre de Recherche en Théorie des Catégories
-- Montréal --
Category Theory Research Center

Category Theory OctoberFest

McGill University, Montreal
Saturday - Sunday, October 16 - 17, 2004

The meeting is now over, but for information purposes, this page will remain in place for a while. The on-line info has been updated. It should be noted that the participants of the meeting took the opportunity to celebrate the occasion of M Makkai's 65th birthday, which took place during the summer of 2004.
We invite you to join us in Montreal mid-October for a weekend meeting in Category Theory, the "not-quite-annual" OctoberFest. As has been the tradition with these meetings, we invite talks from all participants. If you wish to give a talk, send your request along with a short abstract (before the end of September please) to Robert Seely at the address below. The final schedule of talks will be handed out at the meeting, but the draft schedule (etc) is available on-line: SCHEDULE   ATTENDEES   ABSTRACTS.

The talks will be held in Room 1B45, in the basement of Burnside Hall, 805 Sherbrooke West, starting on Saturday morning, October 16th. Coffee will be available from 8:30 am. The first talk will be at 9:00. Registration will take place during the morning, before the first talk and during the first coffee break.

There will be a registration fee of $CAN60 ($US50), with a possible discount for students - if any students wish to take advantage of this, please write Robert Seely, and if possible, have your supervisor get in touch as well.

There will be a dinner/party on Saturday evening, also in Burnside Hall. (Details will be announced at the meeting.) Please let us know if you intend to join us by sending a short email (before the end of September if possible) to Robert Seely, also indicating whether or not you will bring a guest to the party. (We would like to have a good estimate of how many people will attend the party about a week before the meeting.)

A list of hotels and B&B style accomodation may be found below. In the meantime, if you have any further questions, please contact one of us.

Michael Makkai [makkai@math.mcgill.ca]
Robert Seely [rags@math.mcgill.ca]

Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec

Other information

Weather forecast for the Montreal area
Map of the McGill area


(Montreal area code = 514)

Hotels: (All about $CAN 110, more if you want a double.)
We have some "deals" with major hotels near McGill - you ought to book these early, and mention that you are attending a Mathematics Conference at McGill. In a couple of cases there is a "code" you must give when booking to get the discounted rate.

Tourist Rooms: (Prices range from $CAN 60 and up, depending on single, double, shared or private bath, etc.)
Again, book early, as these rooms go quickly.

*15 minute walk from McGill
**30 minute walk from McGill