%To do this: % %> +------------------------------+ %> |******************************| %> |******************************| %> |******************************| %> |*****************+------------+ %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |***** text ******| | %> |*****************| figure | %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |*****************| | %> |******************************| %> |******************************| %> |******************************| %> +------------------------------+ %> %> % It's easy to do with the window.sty % % Here, I enclose a simple example with a PostScript figure that I compose %using the example file distributed with the style, the window style itself %and the original example. % % Enjoy ! % %\documentstyle[window,psfig]{article} % %\begin{document} %This is a test of the new technique for building %windows. Use them to display pictures in text. % %\windowbox[toplines: 2][inwindow: {% %{\fbox{\psfig{figure=../bancs-essais/graphiques-resultats/postscript/gob %in.ps,height=3cm,width=4cm}}}% % }][ratio: 2 1]% %London. Mich\ae{}lmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting %in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather. As much mud in the %streets, as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the %earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet %long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. Smoke %lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with %flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snow-flakes --- gone into %mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun. Dogs, %indistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their %very blinkers. Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas, in a %general infection of ill-temper, and losing their foot-hold at %street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers habe %been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), %adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those %points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound %interest. % %\end{document} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % This is WINDOW.STY (Elmar Schal\"uck Apr 1991) % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \message{This is WINDOW.STY by Elmar Schalueck April 1991} % These routines and macros are mainly due to Alan Hoenig % I myself found them in a lovely book named % \TeX: applications, uses, methods (Malcolm Clark, ed.), % Horwood, New York 1990 % Please report errors, suggestions for better versions, etc. to % elmar@uni-paderborn.de % \makeatletter \newdimen\@totalheight % the height of the included box \newdimen\@wordskip % interspace between box and text \newcount\@numberlines % lines corresponding to boxheight \newdimen\@tempdim % vskip box to have middle height \def\z@pt{0pt} \newdimen\point@strut % help dimension \newdimen\strut@depth \newdimen\strut@height % approximate values \newcount\n@ % count value for parshaping \newcount\old@vbadness % backup value \newcount\@top % number of full lines \newcount\@window % number of window lines \newdimen\shave@height % backup values \newdimen\old@split@top@skip \newdimen\old@prevdepth \newdimen\old@lineskip \newdimen\@side % length of windowtext left and right \newdimen\left@side \newdimen\right@side % text left and right \newcount\ratio@left % ratio of text left versus right \newcount\ratio@right \newcount\ratio@sum \newcount\ratio@zero % instead of a \newif \newtoks\parshape@spec % build the wanted parshape \newbox\window@parbox % the textbox with empty window \newbox\left@box % help box to reassemble line \newbox\right@box \newbox\build@par % text before reassembling \newbox\in@window % what to put in the window % \def\windowbox[toplines: #1][inwindow: #2][ratio: #3 #4]#5\par{% % #1 number of lines before the window starts % #2 what will be displayed in the window % #3 how many parts of the text will be on the left side of the window % #4 how many parts of the text will be on the right side of the window % #5 the actual text of the window \old@vbadness=\vbadness \vbadness=10000 \@top=#1 \setbox\in@window\hbox{#2} \ratio@left=#3 \ratio@right=#4 \ratio@zero=0 % ratio@zero = 0 iff text appears on % both sides of the window and cutting % and reassembling must be done. \ifnum\ratio@left=0\ratio@zero=1\fi \ifnum\ratio@right=0\ratio@zero=1\fi \calculate@dimens % collect all values that are necessary \create@parshapespec % create the parshape of the text \setbox\build@par=\vbox{\parshape=\n@ \the\parshape@spec \strut#5} % build the paragraph \ifnum\ratio@zero=1 \let\window@parbox=\build@par % the paragraph is ok \else\open@window\fi % cut and reassemble \vskip0.5\@tempdim \vskip\@top\baselineskip % place the box inside the window \noindent \ifnum\ratio@left=0 \else\hskip\left@side \hskip\@wordskip \fi \box\in@window % jump back to the normal beginning of \par\nobreak % the paragraph. Avoid page breaks \vskip-0.5\@tempdim \vskip-\@totalheight \vskip-\@top\baselineskip \box\window@parbox % place the actual text \vbadness=\old@vbadness % restore old settings \splittopskip=\old@split@top@skip } % \def\open@window{% % cut and paste \old@split@top@skip=\splittopskip \global\splittopskip=0pt \ifnum\@top=0 \old@prevdepth=\strut@depth\else \shave@height=\@top\baselineskip \advance\shave@height by-\strut@depth \global\setbox\window@parbox=\vsplit\build@par to \shave@height \old@prevdepth=\dp\window@parbox \fi %% \window@parbox contains the top part of the paragraph \count10=\@numberlines % for lines := 1 to @numberlines do \shave@height=\strut@height \loop \setbox\left@box=\vsplit\build@par to\shave@height \setbox\right@box=\vsplit\build@par to\shave@height %% the left and the right boxes of one line are built \advance\count10 by-1 \make@line[\left@box,\right@box] %% now they are reassembled \ifnum\@top=0 % if in first line without toplines \ifnum\count10=\@numberlines \global\setbox\window@parbox\vbox{\box0} % initiate window@parbox \else\addline@to@windowpar % else addlines \fi \else\addline@to@windowpar \fi \ifnum\count10>0 \repeat % end of window-loop %% \window@parbox has the window part too %% paste the bottom \old@lineskip=\lineskip \global\setbox\window@parbox=\vbox{\prevdepth=\old@prevdepth% \lineskip=1.5pt % This value doesn't seem to fit % for big fontsizes \unvbox\window@parbox\box\build@par} \lineskip=\old@lineskip } % \def\calculate@dimens{% \setbox0\hbox{[} % to calculate strut@height and strut@depth \point@strut=\baselineskip \advance\point@strut by -\ht0 \advance\point@strut by -\dp0 \divide\point@strut by 2 \global\strut@height=\ht0 % just approximate values \global\strut@depth=\dp0 \global\advance\strut@height by\point@strut \global\advance\strut@depth by\point@strut \global\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height\strut@height depth\strut@depth width0pt} % adjust the \strutbox \global\@totalheight=\ht\in@window \global\advance\@totalheight by\dp\in@window % the total height of the % included window \global\@numberlines=\@totalheight \global\divide\@numberlines by\baselineskip \global\@tempdim=\baselineskip \global\multiply\@tempdim by-\@numberlines \global\advance\@tempdim by\@totalheight \ifdim\@tempdim>0.3pt% \global\advance\@numberlines by 1 \global\@tempdim=\baselineskip \global\multiply\@tempdim by\@numberlines \global\advance\@tempdim by-\@totalheight \fi % number of lines for the window % and additional vskip for window \global\@wordskip=\fontdimen2\font \global\@window=\@numberlines \global\@side=\hsize \global\advance\@side by-\wd\in@window \global\advance\@side by-\@wordskip \ifnum\ratio@zero=0\global\advance\@side by-\@wordskip\fi \ratio@sum=\ratio@left \advance\ratio@sum by\ratio@right \global\left@side=\@side \global\multiply\left@side by\ratio@left \global\divide\left@side by\ratio@sum \global\right@side=\@side \global\multiply\right@side by\ratio@right \global\divide\right@side by\ratio@sum % left side and right side % according to the chosen ratio } % \def\create@parshapespec{% \global\n@=\@top % number of lines for parshape \global\advance\n@ by\@window \ifnum\ratio@zero=0\global\advance\n@ by\@window\fi \global\advance\n@ by1 \global\parshape@spec={} % initialize parshape@spec \count10=\@top % for i := 1 to @top do \ifnum\@top>0{ % add complete lines to shape \loop \global\parshape@spec=\expandafter{\the\parshape@spec \z@pt\hsize} \advance\count10 by-1 \ifnum\count10>0 \repeat }\fi \count10=\@window % for i := 1 to @window do \loop % add two shorter lines \ifnum\ratio@zero=0 % both ratio values \neq 0 \global\parshape@spec=\expandafter{\the\parshape@spec \z@pt\left@side \z@pt\right@side} \else % one ratio value is zero \ifnum\ratio@left=0 \@side=\hsize\advance\@side by-\right@side % window at the left side \global\parshape@spec=\expandafter{\the\parshape@spec \@side\right@side}\fi \ifnum\ratio@right=0\global\parshape@spec=\expandafter{\the\parshape@spec \z@pt\left@side}\fi % window at the right side \fi \advance\count10 by-1 \ifnum\count10>0 \repeat % end of loop \global\parshape@spec=\expandafter{\the\parshape@spec \z@pt\hsize} } % add full line to shape % % unwrap the vertical glue and remove the final glue \def\unwrap#1#2{\unvbox#1 \setbox#1=\lastbox \setbox#1=\hbox to#2{\strut\unhbox#1 \unskip}% } % % make a line of two halfs \def\make@line[#1,#2]{% \unwrap\left@box\left@side \unwrap\right@box\right@side \setbox0=\hbox to\hsize{\box#1\hss\box#2}% } % \def\addline@to@windowpar{% add the reassembled lines to the output \global\setbox\window@parbox=\vbox{\prevdepth=\old@prevdepth \unvbox\window@parbox \box0}% \old@prevdepth=\dp\window@parbox } % % \makeatother % disable use of @ as a letter %% %----- END OF WINDOW.STY ----- % % % The original example : % % %\documentstyle[window]{article} %\begin{document} %This is a test of the new technique for building %windows. Use them to display pictures in text. % %\windowbox[toplines: 2][inwindow: {\fbox{\Huge\shortstack{H\\e\\l\\l\\o}}}]% %[ratio: 2 1]% %London. Mich\ae{}lmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting %in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather. As much mud in the %streets, as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the %earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet %long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. Smoke %lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with %flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snow-flakes --- gone into %mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun. Dogs, %indistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their %very blinkers. Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas, in a %general infection of ill-temper, and losing their foot-hold at %street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers habe %been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), %adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those %points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound %interest. % %\parskip1ex %\large %\windowbox[toplines: 0][inwindow: {\fbox{\Huge\shortstack{H\\e\\l\\l\\o}}}]% %[ratio: 0 1]% %London. Mich\ae{}lmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting %in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather. As much mud in the %streets, as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the %earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet %long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. Smoke %lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with %flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snow-flakes --- gone into %mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun. Dogs, %indistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their %very blinkers. Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas, in a %general infection of ill-temper, and losing their foot-hold at %street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers habe %been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), %adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those %points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound %interest. %\par % %\small %\windowbox[toplines: 3][inwindow: {\fbox{\huge Hello}}]% %[ratio: 1 0]% %London. Mich\ae{}lmas Term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting %in Lincoln's Inn Hall. Implacable November weather. As much mud in the %streets, as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the %earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet %long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. Smoke %lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with %flakes of soot in it as big as full-grown snow-flakes --- gone into %mourning, one might imagine, for the death of the sun. Dogs, %indistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their %very blinkers. Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas, in a %general infection of ill-temper, and losing their foot-hold at %street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers habe %been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), %adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those %points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound %interest. %\par % %I hope these three examples make clear, what possibilties you have and %how these routines are used. %\end{document} % % %------------------------------------------------------ %Denis Girou (C.N.R.S./C.I.R.C.E.) | %Batiment 506 - B.P. 167 - 91403 Orsay Cedex - France | %E-mail : girou@circe.fr - Tel. : 33. 1. | %------------------------------------------------------