%%% ====================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-style-file{ %%% filename = "subfig.sty", %%% version = "1.2", %%% date = "28 January 1992", %%% time = "15:32:11.25 EST", %%% author = "Mauro Orlandini", %%% address = "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center - Code 666.0 %%% Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics %%% Greenbelt, MD 20771 - USA", %%% Email = "orlandini@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov (Internet) %%% orlandini@lheavx.span.nasa.gov (Bitnet) %%% 15426::ORLANDINI (DECnet)", %%% telephone = "(301) 286-1128", %%% FAX = "(301) 286-9240", %%% supported = "yes", %%% keywords = "LaTeX, floats, figures", %%% abstract = "This LaTeX style automatically redefines the %%% figure number as 2a, 2b, etc, by means of a %%% subfigure environment. Note that this style %%% changes ONLY the figure number.", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% checksum = "02721 70 314 3644", %%% docstring = "Use: If you have already 3 (floats) figures in %%% your LaTeX file, then the commands %%% \begin{subfigure} %%% \vspace{8cm} %%% \special{file.ps} %%% \caption[Short Caption]{Long caption.} %%% \label{ThisIsASubfigure} %%% \end{subfigure} %%% will create Figure 4a. A reference to %%% \label{ThisIsASubfigure} will generate the correct %%% Figure~\ref{ThisIsASubfigure} ===> Figure~4a %%% If the next figure is another subfigure, it will %%% labeled as 4b, otherwise as 5. %%% %%% 30-JAN-1992 (MO): Added the subfigure* environment. %%% 14-APR-1992 (MO): There is a bug in the case you have two subfigure %%% environments following each other (as 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b). %%% In this case you have to restore the counters manually %%% \stepcounter{figure}\setcounter{subfigure}{0} %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility." %%% } %%% ====================================================================== \typeout{Style Option: `subfig' v1.2 <28 Jan 92> (M.O.)} \newif\ifsub@@figure \sub@@figuretrue \newcounter{subfigure}[figure] \def\thesubfigure{\@arabic\c@figure\alph{subfigure}} \def\fps@subfigure{tbp} \def\ftype@subfigure{1} \def\ext@subfigure{lof} \def\fnum@subfigure{Figure \thesubfigure} \def\subfigure{\ifsub@@figure\global\sub@@figurefalse\stepcounter{figure}\fi% \@float{subfigure}} \let\endsubfigure\end@float \@namedef{subfigure*}{\ifsub@@figure\global\sub@@figurefalse% \stepcounter{figure}\fi \@dblfloat{subfigure}} \@namedef{endsubfigure*}{\end@dblfloat} \def\endfigure{\global\sub@@figuretrue\end@float} \@namedef{endfigure*}{\global\sub@@figuretrue\end@dblfloat} \endinput %%% End: subfig.sty