% curves.sty version 1.23 for LaTeX 2.09 % I.L. Maclaine-cross, University of New South Wales. % E-Mail: 73b1165@csdvax.csd.unsw.oz.au \typeout{Document Style Option `curves' <23 June, 1993>} % Draws curves in LaTeX picture environment using parabolas between points % with continuous slope at points. Equivalent to technical pens with % compasses and French curves. % A Command Summary is at the end of this file. % % curvesls.sty is a faster equivalent requiring less memory which uses % straight line drawing \specials like emTeX's. \newcounter{@sc} % number of symbols on Bezier segment \newcounter{@scp} \newcounter{@t} \newcount\@cc % coordinate count \newcount\@np \newcount\@overhang \newcount\@pns \newcount\@psc % maximum dot spacing on line in sp. \newcount\@pbs \newcount\@rc \newcount\@rtc % Uses \@tempcnta and \@tempcntb \newdimen\overhang \overhang\z@ \newdimen\csdiameter \newdimen\curvelength \newdimen\@dx \newdimen\@ddx \newdimen\@dy \newdimen\@ddy \newdimen\@pl \@pl\z@ \newdimen\@ucd \let\@td=\@tempdima \let\@ytd=\@tempdimb \newsavebox{\csb@x} \newsavebox{\@pt} \newif\ifpt@ % plot points if true \newif\if@scnt % symbol or pattern count <>0 \newif\if@csym % curve symbol defined \newif\ifccn@ % coordinate number correct \newcommand\arc{\@ifnextchar[\@arc{\@arc[0]}} \newcommand\@arc{} \def\@arc[#1](#2,#3)#4{\@setpoint{#1}\scaleput(#2,#3){\@ddx-#3\unitlength \@ddy#2\unitlength \@firstpoint \@td#4\p@ \@drwarc}} \def\bezier#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7){% \@dx #4\unitlength \advance\@dx -#2\unitlength \@ddx #6\unitlength \advance\@ddx -#4\unitlength \@dy #5\unitlength \advance\@dy -#3\unitlength \@ddy #7\unitlength \advance\@ddy -#5\unitlength \@setpoint{#1}% \scaleput(#2,#3){\@firstpoint \@bezier}} \newcommand\bigcircle{\@ifnextchar[\@bgcrcl{\@bgcrcl[0]}} \newcommand\@bgcrcl{} \def\@bgcrcl[#1]#2{\@setpoint{#1}{\@dx\unitlength \divide\unitlength\tw@ \scaleput(#2,0){\@ddx\z@ \@ddy#2\unitlength \unitlength\@dx \@td360\p@ \@drwarc}}} \newcommand\closecurve{\@ifnextchar[\@closecurve{\@closecurve[0]}} \newcommand\@closecurve{} \def\@closecurve[#1](#2){\coordn@\closecurve\thr@@{#2}{#1}% \ifccn@\scaleput(\@xb,\@yb){\edef\@ci{\@xa,\@ya,#2,\@xb,\@yb,\@xc,\@yc}% \advance\@cc\thr@@ \@tagcurve\@ci}\fi} \newcommand\curve{\@ifnextchar[\@curve{\@curve[0]}} \newcommand\@curve{} \def\@curve[#1](#2){\coordn@\curve\tw@{#2}{#1}% \ifccn@ \scaleput(\@xa,\@ya){\@firstpoint \ifnum\@cc=\tw@ \@dx\@xb\unitlength \advance\@dx-\@xa\unitlength \divide\@dx\tw@ \@ddx\@dx \@dy\@yb\unitlength \advance\@dy-\@ya\unitlength \divide\@dy\tw@ \@ddy\@dy \@bezier \else \@scbezd\@dx\@ddx\@xa\@xb\@xc \@scbezd\@dy\@ddy\@ya\@yb\@yc \@bezier \@tagcurve{#2}\ifnum\@cc>6\@endcurve\fi \fi}\fi} \newcommand\@scbezd[5]{#2-#3\unitlength \advance#2#5\unitlength \divide#24#1#4\unitlength \advance#1-#3\unitlength \advance#1-#2} \newcommand\@xa{} \newcommand\@xb{} \newcommand\@xc{} \newcommand\@ya{} \newcommand\@yb{} \newcommand\@yc{} \newcommand\@ci{} \newcommand\curvesymbol[1]{\def\@curvesymbol{#1}% \global\setbox\csb@x\hbox{#1}\csdiameter\wd\csb@x \ifx\@curvesymbol\@empty\@csymfalse\else\@csymtrue\fi} \newcommand\@curvesymbol{} \@csymfalse \newcommand\curvedashes{\@ifnextchar[\@crvdshs{\@crvdshs[\unitlength]}} \newcommand\@crvdshs{} \def\@crvdshs[#1]#2{\@ucd#1\def\@icurvedashes{#2}\@pl\z@ \@for \@ci:=#2\do{\advance\@pl\@ci\@ucd}} \newcommand\@icurvedashes{} \newcommand\diskpitchstretch{\@ne} \newcommand\tagcurve{\@ifnextchar[\@tgcrv{\@tgcrv[0]}} \newcommand\@tgcrv{} \def\@tgcrv[#1](#2){\coordn@\tagcurve\thr@@{#2}{#1}\ifccn@ \scaleput(\@xb,\@yb){\@firstpoint \@tagcurve{#2}}\fi} \newcommand\scaleput{} \long\def\scaleput(#1,#2)#3{\@killglue \@td#2\unitlength \raise\yscale\@td \hbox to \z@{\kern\xscaley\@td \@td#1\unitlength \kern\xscale\@td \raise\yscalex\@td \hbox{#3}\hss}\ignorespaces} \newcommand\xscale{\@ne} \newcommand\xscaley{0} \newcommand\yscale{\@ne} \newcommand\yscalex{0} % Plot first point if any. \newcommand\@firstpoint{\ifdim\@pl=\z@\@point\fi} % Calculates segment count, sine, cosine and differences then plots segments. \newcommand\@drwarc{\@cc\@td \@np\@td \@td23\p@ \divide\@cc\@td \ifnum\@cc<\z@\@cc-\@cc\fi \advance\@cc\@ne \@pns\p@ \divide\@pns\tw@ \divide\@np\@cc \@rc\@np \divide\@rc\@pns \ifnum\@rc<\z@\@rc-\@rc\fi \advance\@rc\@ne \divide\@np\@rc \multiply\@np\@pns \divide\@np14668 % \multiply\@np\@rc \divide\@np\@cclvi \c@@scp\p@ \multiply\c@@scp\@cclvi \c@@t\@pns \@csi\@csi\@csi\@csi \@rxy\@ddx\@ddy \divide\@rc\p@ \advance\@rc\@ne \@rtc\@rc \advance\@rc\@rc \divide\@ddx\@rc \divide\@ddy\@rc \multiply\@ddx\@np \multiply\@ddy\@np \divide\@ddx\c@@t \divide\@ddy\c@@t \@ddx\@rtc\@ddx \@ddy\@rtc\@ddy \@csi \@rxy\@ddx\@ddy \divide\@rc\@pns \advance\@rc\@ne \@whilenum\@cc>\z@ \do{\advance\@cc\m@ne \@dx\@ddx \@dy\@ddy \divide\@ddx\@rc \divide\@ddy\@rc \@td\@ddx \@ddx\c@@t\@td \advance\@ddx-\@np\@ddy \@ddy\c@@t\@ddy \advance\@ddy\@np\@td \divide\@ddx\@pns \divide\@ddy\@pns \@ddx\@rc\@ddx \@ddy\@rc\@ddy {\@bezier \global\@ytd\@ytd \global\@overhang\@overhang}}} % Cosine and sine half angle iteration. \newcommand\@csi{\@tempcntb\@np \multiply\@np\c@@t \divide\@np\@pns \c@@t\@tempcntb \multiply\c@@t\c@@t \divide\c@@t-\c@@scp \advance\c@@t\@pns \divide\c@@scp4 } % Count the number of co-ordinate specified and warns if incorrect. \newcommand\coordn@[4]{\@setpoint{#4}\ifx#1\closecurve\@cc\tw@\else\@cc\z@\fi \@for\@ci:=#3\do{\advance\@cc\@ne \ifcase\@cc \or \edef\@xa{\@ci}\or \edef\@ya{\@ci}\or \edef\@xb{\@ci}% \or \edef\@yb{\@ci}\or \edef\@xc{\@ci}\or \edef\@yc{\@ci}\fi \ifx#1\closecurve\ifodd\@cc \edef\@xa{\@ci}\else \edef\@ya{\@ci}\fi\fi}% \ccn@false \ifx#1\closecurve \advance\@cc-\tw@ \fi \ifodd\@cc \@curvewarn{\string #1 has incomplete}{s,}% \else \divide\@cc\tw@ \ifnum#2>\@cc \@curvewarn{\string #1 needs \the#2 or more}{s,}% \else \ccn@true \fi\fi} % Sets symbol, character or disk depending on how line is to be plotted. % Corrects overhang to be positive or zero but no greater than \@pl. \newcommand\@setpoint[1]{\curvelength\z@ \def\@p@int{\raise\@ytd\copy\@pt}% \ifnum#1=\z@\@scntfalse\else\@scnttrue\fi \ifnum#1>\z@\c@@sc#1\else\c@@sc-#1\fi \@psc\c@@sc \ifdim\@pl>\z@ \@overhang\overhang \ifnum\@overhang=\z@\else \@np\@overhang \divide\@np\@pl \multiply\@np\@pl \ifnum\@overhang<\z@ \advance\@overhang\@pl \else \ifnum\@overhang=\@np\advance\@overhang\@pl\fi \fi \advance\@overhang-\@np \fi \if@csym \if@scnt\@setdisk\else\@setsymbol\@ytd\p@\fi \else \@setdisk \fi \s@tpitch \else\ifnum#1>\z@ \s@tcirc{\hss\vrule\@height\@wholewidth\@width\@wholewidth}% \else\ifnum#1<\z@ \if@csym\@setsymbol\else\s@t@pt{}\fi \else \@setdisk\s@tpitch \fi\fi\fi \edef\@point{\@p@int}\@ytd\dp\@pt \advance\@ytd-\ht\@pt \divide\@ytd\tw@} \newcommand\@setsymbol{\s@tcirc{\hss\unhcopy\csb@x}\edef\@p@int{\@p@int \s@tcirc{\hss\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\@curvesymbol}% \global\setbox\csb@x\copy\@pt}} \newcommand\s@tpitch{\@ytd\diskpitchstretch\@ytd \@psc\@ytd} \newcommand\@p@int{} \newcommand\@point{} % Sets LaTeX disk character or period and calculates maximum spacing. % SLiTeX or LaTeX version selected at load time. \@ifundefined{tenrm}{% \newcommand\@setdisk{\ifdim\@halfwidth>.85\p@ \s@tcirc{\@circ{\@wholewidth}{112}}\@ytd\@wholewidth \divide\@ytd 8\advance\@ytd.6\p@ \ifdim\@ytd>\thr@@\p@\@ytd\thr@@\p@\fi \else \@ytd.7\p@ \s@tcirc{\fourteenrm\hss.}\fi}% }{% \newcommand\@setdisk{\ifdim\@halfwidth>.85\p@ \s@tcirc{\@circ{\@wholewidth}{112}}\@ytd\@wholewidth \divide\@ytd 8\advance\@ytd.6\p@ \ifdim\@ytd>\thr@@\p@\@ytd\thr@@\p@\fi \else\ifdim\@halfwidth>.6\p@ \let\@ci\frtnrm \@ytd.7\p@ \else\ifdim\@wholewidth>.85\p@ \let\@ci\tenrm \@ytd.48\p@ \else\ifdim\@wholewidth>.6\p@ \let\@ci\sevrm \else\let\@ci\fivrm \fi\@ytd.34\p@ \fi\fi \s@tcirc{\@ci\hss.}\fi}% } % Makes zero width box \@pt of point \newcommand\s@tcirc[1]{\s@t@pt to\z@{#1\hss}} % Set global box \@pt \newcommand\s@t@pt{\global\setbox\@pt\hbox} % Plots last segment of curve from coordinates already read. \newcommand\@endcurve{\@ecbezd\@dx\@ddx\@xa\@xb\@xc \@ecbezd\@dy\@ddy\@ya\@yb\@yc \@bezier} \newcommand\@ecbezd[5]{#1-#3\unitlength \advance#1#5\unitlength \divide#14#2-#1\advance#2#5\unitlength \advance#2-#4\unitlength} % Reads coordinates of four points before going to difference calculation. \newcommand\@tagcurve[1]{\ifnum\@cc=\thr@@ \@endcurve \else \@cc\z@ \@for\@ci:=#1\do{\advance\@cc\@ne \ifnum\@cc>6 % \ifodd\@cc \@dx-\@xa\unitlength \let\@xa\@xb \let\@xb\@xc \edef\@xc{\@ci}% \else \t@gcrv \fi \fi}\fi} % Calculates differences over whole segment from four points. \newcommand\t@gcrv{\@dy-\@ya\unitlength \let\@ya\@yb \let\@yb\@yc \edef\@yc{\@ci}% \advance\@dx\@xb\unitlength \advance\@dy\@yb\unitlength \@rxy\@dx\@dy \divide\@dx\@rtc \divide\@dy\@rtc \@ddx-\@ya\@dx \advance\@ddx\@xa\@dy \@ddy\@ddx \advance\@ddx\@yb\@dx \advance\@ddx-\@xb\@dy \advance\@ddy\@yc\@dx \advance\@ddy-\@xc\@dy \@dx\@xb\unitlength \advance\@dx-\@xa\unitlength \@dy\@yb\unitlength \advance\@dy-\@ya\unitlength \@td\@ddy \divide\@td\@xxxii \ifdim\@td=\z@ \kern\@dx \advance\@ytd\@dy \@point \@curvewarn{Bad order of}{s, \@xa,\@ya\space to \@xb,\@yb}% \else \@td\unitlength \@rtc\@td \advance\@rtc\@rtc \divide\@rtc\p@ \advance\@rtc\@ne \divide\@td\@rtc \c@@t\@ddx \c@@scp\c@@t \ifnum\c@@t<\z@\c@@t-\c@@t\fi \advance\c@@t\c@@t \divide\c@@t\p@ \advance\c@@t\@ne \divide\c@@scp\c@@t \multiply\@td\c@@scp \divide\@td\@ddy \multiply\@td\@rtc \multiply\@td\c@@t \@ddx\@xc\@td \advance\@ddx-\@xa\@td \advance\@dx-\@ddx \@ddy\@yc\@td \advance\@ddy-\@ya\@td \advance\@dy-\@ddy \@bezier \fi} \newcommand\@curvewarn[2]{\typeout{Curves warning: #1 point#2 not plotted.}} % Scales segment differences, then calculates segment pattern and disk count, % and initial disk differences; selects line or dashes. \newcommand\@bezier{\@scale\@dx\@dy \c@@t\@rc \@scale\@ddx\@ddy \c@@scp\c@@t \advance\c@@scp\@rc \ifnum\@rc>\c@@t\c@@t\@rc\fi \advance\c@@t\c@@t \divide\c@@t\@psc \ifnum\c@@t<\@ne\c@@t\@ne\fi \if@scnt\ifdim\@pl=\z@ \c@@t\c@@sc \else\if@csym \@np\c@@scp \divide\@np\c@@sc \advance\@np-\csdiameter \@td\@pl \divide\@td\tw@ \advance\@np\@td \divide\@np\@pl \ifnum\@np<\z@\@np\@ne\fi \multiply\@np\c@@sc \else \@np\c@@sc \fi \advance\c@@t\@np \divide\c@@t\@np \multiply\c@@t\@np \fi \fi \@rtc\c@@t \advance\@rtc\@ne \@bezd\@dx\@ddx\@tempcnta \@bezd\@dy\@ddy\@tempcntb \@rxy\@tempcnta\@tempcntb \advance\@rc\c@@scp \divide\@rc\thr@@ \global\advance\curvelength\@rc sp% \ifdim\@pl=\z@ \pt@true\@points \else \@dashes \fi} \newcommand\@scale[2]{\@td\xscale#1\advance\@td\xscaley#2% #2\yscale#2\advance#2\yscalex#1#1\@td \@rxy#1#2} \newcommand\@bezd[3]{\advance#1#1\advance#2#2\@td#2\advance#2-#1% \advance#1\@td #3#1\divide#2\c@@t \divide#2\c@@t \@td#2\multiply\@td\c@@t \multiply\@td\@rtc \advance#1-\@td \divide#1\tw@ \divide#1\c@@t} % Calculates length of vector \@rc from coordinates #1,#2 \newcommand\@rxy[2]{\ifnum#1>\z@\@rc#1\else\@rc-#1\fi \ifnum#2>\z@\advance\@rc#2\else\advance\@rc-#2\fi \@rtc\@ne \ifnum\@rc>\z@ \@rtc\@rc \advance\@rtc\@rtc \divide\@rtc\p@ \@tempcnta#1\@tempcntb#2% \ifnum\@rtc>\z@ \advance\@rtc\@ne \divide\@tempcnta\@rtc \divide\@tempcntb\@rtc \divide\@rc\@rtc \else \@rtc\@ne \fi \multiply\@tempcnta\@tempcnta \multiply\@tempcntb\@tempcntb \advance\@tempcnta\@tempcntb \@rroot\@rroot\@rroot \multiply\@rc\@rtc \fi} % Iteration of square root calculation by Newton's method. \newcommand\@rroot{\@tempcntb\@tempcnta \divide\@tempcntb\@rc \advance\@rc\@tempcntb \divide\@rc\tw@} % Variable uses in \@dashes, \@scdashes, \@nscdashes, \@pdashes and \@dash. % counts % \c@@scp = distance between points. % \@rc = length of Bezier segment. % \@rtc = total points in Bezier segment. % \@np = number of whole patterns in Bezier segment or scratch. % \@overhang = of dash pattern past symbol or end of segment. % \@pbs = total points between symbols % \@pns = points to next symbol or dot. % \@tempcnta = number of points to blank for curve symbol. % \@tempcntb = number of points along pattern. % dimens % \@pl = length of dash pattern. % \@ucd = dash pattern unit length. % Initializes dash plot for segment and selects symbol count alternative. \newcommand\@dashes{\let\@ticd\@icurvedashes \let\@tucd\@ucd \divide\@rc\c@@t \@rtc\c@@t \@tempcnta\@rc \advance\@tempcnta\csdiameter \divide\@tempcnta\@rc \divide\@tempcnta\tw@ \c@@t\@tempcnta \multiply\@tempcnta\tw@ \if@scnt \@scdashes \else \@nscdashes \fi \multiply\@overhang\@rc} % Plots dash pattern when a nonzero symbol count is specified. \newcommand\@scdashes{\@pbs\@rtc \divide\@pbs\c@@sc \if@csym \c@@scp\@pl \multiply\c@@scp\@np \divide\c@@scp\c@@sc \else \c@@scp\@pbs \multiply\c@@scp\@rc \advance\@pbs\@tempcnta \fi \advance\@pbs-\@tempcnta \divide\c@@scp\@pbs \@tempcntb\z@ \divide\@overhang-\@rc \@np\@overhang \pt@false \@overhang\z@ \@pns\c@@t \@dash \@overhang\@np \if@csym\else \advance\@overhang-\@tempcntb \advance\@rtc-\@tempcntb \advance\@pbs-\@tempcnta \fi \@pns\@pbs \advance\@pns-\@np \if@csym\else\advance\@pns\@tempcntb\fi \@whilenum\@rtc>\z@\do{\@pdashes \pt@false \c@@t\@tempcnta \@pns\c@@t \@dash \@pns\@pbs \if@csym \@overhang\@np \else \@overhang-\@overhang \fi \advance\@pns-\@overhang}% \if@csym \@overhang-\@np \else \@overhang-\@overhang \pt@false \c@@t\@tempcnta \@tempcntb\@overhang \divide\c@@t\tw@ \@rtc\c@@t \@pns\c@@t \@dash \fi} % Plots symbols at natural pattern length but shrinks pattern to fit between. \newcommand\@nscdashes{\@pbs\@rc \divide\@pbs\tw@ \advance\@overhang\@pbs \divide\@overhang-\@rc \advance\@pbs\@pl \divide\@pbs\@rc \if@csym \let\@tucd\@pl \let\@ticd\@ricd \@tempcnta\z@ \c@@t\z@ \else \@pns\c@@t \@dash \fi \c@@scp\@pl \advance\@pbs-\@tempcnta \divide\c@@scp\@pbs \@pns\@pbs \@whilenum\@rtc>\z@\do{\@pdashes \pt@false \c@@t\@tempcnta \@pns\c@@t \@dash \@pns\@pbs}% \if@csym \else \divide\@tempcnta\tw@ \advance\@overhang\@tempcnta \fi} \newcommand\@ricd{1,0} % Reads dash pattern plotting dashes and spaces up to next symbol space. \newcommand\@pdashes{\ifnum\@pns>\z@ \@td\z@ \@tempcntb\z@ \@for\@ci:=\@ticd \do{\advance\@td\@ci\@tucd \c@@t\c@@scp \divide\c@@t\tw@ \advance\c@@t\@td \divide\c@@t\c@@scp \advance\c@@t-\@tempcntb \@dash \ifpt@\pt@false\else\pt@true\fi}\let\next\@pdashes \else \let\next\relax \fi \next} % Checks if dash or space occurs before or after curve, calculates fractions. \newcommand\@dash{\ifnum\c@@t=\z@ \ifnum\@rtc>\z@ \ifpt@\@point\fi \fi \else \advance\@tempcntb\c@@t \advance\@pns-\c@@t \ifnum\@overhang<\z@ \advance\@overhang\c@@t \ifnum\@overhang<\z@ \c@@t\z@ \else \c@@t\@overhang \@overhang\@tempcntb \fi \else \@overhang\@tempcntb \fi \ifnum\@pns<\z@ \advance\@overhang\@pns \advance\@tempcntb\@pns \advance\c@@t\@pns \@pns\z@ \fi \advance\@rtc-\c@@t \ifnum\@rtc<\z@ \advance\@overhang\@rtc \advance\c@@t\@rtc\fi \ifnum\c@@t>\z@ \ifpt@\@point\fi \@points \fi\fi} % Plots a single dash or space depending on \ifpt@. % Makes a single macro \@tplot for speed. \newcommand\@points{\edef\@tplot{\@p@ints}\@tplot} \newcommand\@p@ints{\advance\@dx\@ddx \advance\@dy\@ddy \advance\@ytd\@dy \kern\@dx \ifpt@\@p@int\fi \advance\c@@t\m@ne \noexpand\ifnum\c@@t>\z@ \let\noexpand\next\noexpand\@tplot \noexpand\else \let\noexpand\next\relax \noexpand\fi \noexpand\next} \newcommand\@tplot{} \endinput MODIFICATION HISTORY -------------------- 1.0 26 June 1991 1.1 8 Jan 1992 large \diskpitchstretch and maximum integer=2^30 - 1. 1.11 6 April 1993 Correct \@setdisk defined for SLiTeX. 1.12 20 April, 1993 Scaling improved in \t@gcrv to allow large \curves. 1.13 23 April, 1993 Calculation of differences corrected in \@bezier. 1.14 29 April, 1993 Alignment of spaces improved in \@nscdashes, \overhang normalized. 1.15 1 May, 1993 Rounding errors in \nscdashes and \pdashes improved. 1.16 8 May, 1993 Increased speed and dots corrected. 2412 words of TeX main memory. 1.2 23 May, 1993 Variable curve symbol introduced. 2395 words of TeX main memory. 1.21 8 June, 1993 \unitlength corrected in \bigcircle. 2399 words of TeX main memory. 1.22 15 June, 1993 \csb@x saves curve symbol, pattern selection rounded. 2416 words of TeX main memory. 1.23 18 June, 1993 test for bad point order tightened. 2421 words of TeX main memory. CURVES SUMMARY -------------- The commands following are for the picture environment in the LaTeX manual. Arguments of Commands: number of unit lengths blank. May have decimal point. is anything which a \put or \multiput may plot. are decimal numbers giving alternate x and y coordinates of the curve as multiples of \unitlength, comma separated. <[,dash...]> optional continuation of alternating dash and blank numbers of unit lengths, comma separated. May have decimal points. is a decimal number giving the diameter in \unitlengths. is the number of symbols or patterns to be plotted, default 0. unit length dimension e.g., 2.5mm, 10pt, used in measuring blanks and dashes. Default value is \unitlength. Lengths used by Commands: \csdiameter is the size of the space left for a symbol and can be increased or set with \settowidth{\csdiameter}{}. \curvelength is the total length of the curve calculated before drawing by using Simpson's rule once between each pair of coordinate points. \overhang length of as drawn dash pattern overlapping start of dashes. Parameter Setting Commands: \curvesymbol{} sets symbol and \csdiameter. \curvedashes[]{<[,dash...]>} Drawing commands before a \curvedashes or after one with an empty or zero length pattern will draw: if is zero or missing, a continuous curve; else if is positive, -1 squares of line thickness size between and additional squares at coordinates or bezier end points; else if no exists, nothing; else, -1 characters or symbols between coordinates and additional ones at coordinates or bezier end points. After a \curvedashes command defining a pattern whose length exceeds zero, commands draw: if is zero or missing then at a spacing equal to the specified pattern length, if no exists, a dash pattern reduced in length by \csdiameter to fit between symbol spaces of \csdiameter, else if \overhang is not 0pt, a at all positions, else a with the first position blank; else if no exists, dash patterns at their defined length broken by -1 symbol spaces \csdiameter wide between coordinate points and one at each coordinate point; else, an integer number of dash patterns between symbol spaces selected to make dashes close to their defined lengths. \diskpitchstretch is initially 1 but \renewcommand can change it to a higher value like 5 to save memory in drafts of complex documents or a lower local value like 0.5 to smooth curve digitization. \linethickness{} sets line or dash thicknesses to from 0.5pt up to 15pt (0.17mm to 5mm). \thicklines and \thinlines also set the thickness. \xscale, \xscaley, \yscale and \yscalex are scale factors initially set to 1, 0, 1 and 0 respectively which \renewcommand or \def can reset. Curve Drawing Commands: Curves drawn consist of parabolic arcs between coordinate points with tangents at each point parallel to the straight line through adjacent points. \arc[](X1,Y1){} draws a circular arc centred on current position, starting from (X1,Y1) and proceeding counterclockwise for degrees. \bezier{}(X1,Y1)(X2,Y2)(X3,Y3) draws a curve through the points (X1,Y1) and (X3,Y3) tangent to the straight lines joining them to (X2,Y2). Extended faster replacement for bezier.sty version. \bigcircle[]{} draws a circle of diameter equal to times \unitlength. \closecurve[]() draws a closed curve with continuous tangents at all points. At least 6 coordinates required. \curve[]() draws a curve through the specified . For 4 coordinates this is a straight line. \scaleput(X1,Y1){} places a picture object in a position scaled by \xscale, \xscaley, \yscale and \yscalex for axonometric projection or rotations. \tagcurve[]() draws a curve without its first and last segments but if only 6 coordinates draws the last segment only.