%% Save file as: BBOLD.STY Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET %% Posted to INFO-TeX on Thu, 9 Jan 1992 23:05 GMT +0100 by %% J"org Knappen %% %% bbold.sty v 1.1 von J"org Knappen 9. 1. 1992 %% (c) J"org Knappen 1991, 1992 knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de %% Copying conditions Gnu licence v 1.0 %% Created 28-apr-1991 %% Changed 7-oct-1991: Added English Documentation %% and an error message, if the New Font Selection Scheme %% is not used %% Changed 9-jan-1992: \RIfM@ and the following definion block is defined %% without any condition. The condition %% \@ifundefined{RIfM@} had lead to incompatibility %% with e.g. amsbsy.sty (v 1.0) %% %% L"adt die BBOLD-Zeichens"atze unter dem neuen Zeichensatzwahlschema %% und definiert \bbold (als Fontschalter) sowie \Eins (Zeichen f"ur die %% Einheitsmatrix) %% The BBOLD fonts are loaded and the following control sequences are %% defined: %% \bbold acts as a font switch, switching its argument to BBOLD %% \Eins prints the bbold 1 (Unit matrix) \@ifundefined{extract@font} {\errmessage{The style option `bbold' does not make sense if you do not use a format with the new font selection scheme.} \endinput} {} \def\RIfM@{\relax\protect\ifmmode} \let\boxz@\fi % \if \fi matching hack \def\boxz@{\box\z@} \def\setboxz@h{\setbox\z@\hbox} \def\wdz@{\wd\z@} \def\noaccents@{\def\accentclass@{0}} \def\Invalid@@{Invalid use of \string} \def\nonmatherr@#1{\err@ {\string#1\space allowed only in math mode}\@ehd} \def\err@{\@latexerr} \newmathalphabet\bbold@ \addtoversion{normal}\bbold@{bbold}{m}{n} \addtoversion{bold}\bbold@{bbold}{m}{n} \def\pbbold{\RIfM@\expandafter\bbold@\else \expandafter\nonmatherr@\expandafter\bbold\fi} \def\bbold{\protect\pbbold} \new@fontshape{bbold}{m}{n}{% <5>bbold5% <6>bbold6% <7>bbold7% <8>bbold8% <9>bbold9% <10>bbold10% <11>bbold11% This one was computed with the help of the Sauter tools % <11>bbold10 at10.95pt% alternative, change the position of the % sign to % choose this <12>bbold12% <14>bbold14% Ditto, design_size:=14.4; % <14>bbold12 at14.4pt% alternative <17>bbold17% }{} \extra@def{bbold}{}{\noaccents@} % Die Einheitsmatrix (Unit matrix) \def\Eins{\bbold 1 } \endinput