4 April 2006 1:00 - 2:30 M Bunge Michael coverings are comprehensive Abstract: The motivational example for the comprehension scheme came from logic (Lawvere'68), and this suggested a certain terminology ("types", "formulas", proofs", "truth", "comprehension"). An example with categories as types (Gray '69, Street-Walters '73) exhibited 2-comprehension as the familiar Grothendieck construction associated with a functor F:B-->Sets. The purpose of this talk is to consider a new instance of 2-comprehension with Grothendieck toposes as types, in such a way that the comprehensive factorization of a geometric morphism agrees with the hyperpure, (Michael) complete spread factorization (Bunge-Funk, Math.Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc, to appear 2006). This goal leads to the introduction of a notion of "0-distribution" (or cocontinuous functor) M:E-->Loc_0, with Loc_0 the category of 0-dimensional locales. The extension (or rather, display) of a 0-distribution M is constructed as the Michael complete spread associated with M. In the absence of the connected components functor, we resort to a locale of quasicomponents functor, whose points (if any) we interpret as completly prime filters of clopens (or of definable subobjects in the sense of Barr-Pare '80 when the base topos S is arbitrary). The "comprehensive factorization" discussed at length in 'Singular Coverings of Toposes" (Bunge-Funk, Springer LNM, to appear 2006), is retrieved by restricting to discrete locales and geometric morphisms with a locally connected domain. (This is joint and ongoing work with J. Funk.)