and their current position
- Samuel Valiquette (2024-25), ongoing
- Nicolas Lafon (2024-25), ongoing
- Klaus Herrmann (2017-19), Assistant Professor
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC
Jonathan Jalbert (2016-17), Associate Professor
Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC
- Chien-Lin (Mark) Su (2017-18), Senior Statistician
Worldwide Clinical Trials, Montréal, QC
- Elif F. Acar (2010-12), Associate Professor
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Shuo Mila Sun (2022).
Causal quantile treatment effects at high and extreme quantile levels.
Samuel Perreault (2020).
Structures de corrélation partiellement échangeables: Inférence et apprentissage automatique.
Simon Chatelain (2019).
Modeling the dependence of pre-asymptotic extremes.
Orla A. Murphy (2018).
Extremal modeling of dependent and non-stationary series and joint modeling of extreme rainfall at multiple sites.
Maria Elena Rivera Mancia (2014).
Modeling operational risk using a Bayesian approach to extreme-value theory.
Noomen Ben Ghorbal (2010).
Étude de certaines mesures d'association multivariées
et d'un test de dépendance extrémale
fondés sur les rangs.
Sebastian Pacheco (2024).
Aggregation-tree copula models in extreme-value theory.
Anthony Quint (2023).
Copula in variational auto-encoders.
Jean-Yves Djamen-Kepaou (2022).
Deep recurrent learned dynamic downscaling.
Fabien Baeriswyl (2020).
Modelling of heatwaves and dependence assessment.
Bogdan Mazoure (2018).
Estimating the structure of probabilistic graphical models through a Gaussian copula with discrete marginals.
Annabelle Redelmeier (2018).
Using extreme-value theory to model severe injuries of circus artists.
John Ery (2016).
Semiparametric inference for copulas with discrete margins.
Simon Chatelain (2015).
Estimation of the Pickands dependence function for bivariate Archimax copulas.
Julien R. Röger (2015).
Statistical approaches to copula model selection.
Léo Belzile (2014).
Extremal and inferential properties of Liouville copulas.
Ievgenii Grebennikov (2014).
Moment-based estimation of dependence parameters in copula models for discrete data.
Orla A. Murphy (2013).
Copula-based tests of independence for bivariate discrete data.
Ye Ting Du (2012).
Variable selection in finite mixtures of linear mixed-effects models.
Marjan Beheshty (2009).
Analysis of claims data with copulas.
Andrea Peters (2009).
Inversion formulas for the Laplace transform.
Natalie Larsen (2008).
A comparative study of threshold selection procedures in EVT.
Martin Larsson (2008).
Tail properties of multivariate Archimedean copulas.
Anne Feidt (2007).
Extreme-value theory for discrete random variables.
Andres Mora (2006).
A comparative study of extreme-value index estimators.
Sandra Sigrist (2006).
Modeling dependence for operational risk.