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Most typically the component densities are from the same parametric location-scale family (say Gaussian) which differ in location and scale. The model can be represented by introducing latent component indicators $z_1,\ldots,z_n$, so that \[ f(y_i;\bomega,\theta,K) = \sum_{k=1}^K f(y|Z_i = k;\btheta) \Pr[Z_i=k] \] and $\Pr[Z_i=k] = \omega_k$ for $k=1,\ldots,K$. \medskip For exchangeable data $(y_1,\ldots,y_n)$ from this model, the likelihood arising from this model does not permit analytical calculation of the posterior distribution, so MCMC is commonly used. \begin{itemize} \item If $K$ is \textbf{known}, MCMC is typically implemented using a completed data model \begin{itemizeWide} \item Auxiliary variables $z_1,\ldots,z_n$, \[ f(y,z;\bomega,\theta,K) = \omega_z f_z(y;\theta_z) \qquad z \in \{1,2,\ldots,K\} \] \item Gibbs sampler strategy updates the $\bz$ and $(\bomega,\theta)$ from their full conditional posterior distributions. \medskip \item Conditional on $(\bomega,\theta)$, the posterior distribution for each $z_i$ is a discrete distribution on $\{1,2,\ldots,K\}$, whereas conditional on the $\bz$, the posterior for the mixture weights $\bomega$ is a density on the $K$ dimensional simplex, and the posterior for the components of $\theta_k$ proceeds using only those $y_i$ for which $z_i = k$, for $k=1,\ldots,K$. \end{itemizeWide} \item If $K$ is \textbf{unknown}, then transdimensional MCMC is also needed. \medskip \begin{itemizeWide} \item A discrete prior on $K$, typically on some finite set, completes the posterior specification, and yields a posterior distribution $\pi_n(K,\theta^{(K)},\bomega^{(K)})$. \item In this model, dimension-changing moves correspond to changing the value of $K$, and in order to construct an efficient and tunable MCMC algorithm, moves which perturb $K$ by $\pm 1$ are typically considered. \item For example, moves of type $K\longrightarrow K + 1$ are termed ``birth" moves, and $K\longrightarrow K - 1$ are termed ``death" moves. \item The forward/reverse move pairs are then births from $K$ and deaths from $K+1$. \item Inference about the parameter $K$ may be of primary interest in a given application. \end{itemizeWide} \end{itemize} \bigskip \textbf{Normal Model:} For a Normal mixture model: \begin{itemize} \item If $y$ is one dimensional, each component density has two parameters, so a birth/death pair requires the introduction of three latent variables $\bu$, a new mean and variance, and also a parameter to introduce a new component weight. \smallskip \item If $y$ is $d$-dimensional, $d+d(d+1)/2 + 1$ new scalar parameters are needed, that is, a new mean and covariance matrix, and a new component weight parameter. \smallskip \item \textbf{New location/scale parameters:} Either these new parameters are generated independently of the current model parameters from proposal distribution, or a subset of the current components are selected and used to generate a new additional component. \smallskip \item \textbf{New weight parameters:} A random split or rescaling of the currently existing weights is used. \end{itemize} \newpage \textbf{Galaxies Data: } The galaxies data are commonly used to illustrate mixture modelling. From the \texttt{R} help: \begin{lstlisting} galaxies package:MASS R Documentation Velocities for 82 Galaxies Description: A numeric vector of velocities in km/sec of 82 galaxies from 6 well-separated conic sections of an 'unfilled' survey of the Corona Borealis region. Multimodality in such surveys is evidence for voids and superclusters in the far universe. \end{lstlisting} <>= (Y<-MASS::galaxies/10000);n<-length(Y) par(mar=c(4,4,2,0)) low<-0.5;high<-4;del<-0.1 hist(Y,breaks=seq(low,high,by=del),col='gray',ylim=range(0,20),main='Galaxy data') box() @ We can analyze these data using the EM algorithm <>= mix.like<-function(muv,sigv,omv,yv){ dvec<-rep(0,length(yv)) for(i in 1:length(yv)){ dvec[i]<-sum(omv*dnorm(yv[i],muv,sigv)) } return(sum(log(dvec))) } em.analysis<-function(Yv,Kv,tolv=1e-10,iseed=10101){ nv<-length(Yv) #Starting values omega.r<-omega.r1<-rep(1/Kv,Kv) if(iseed == 0){ mu.vec.r<-mu.vec.r1<-quantile(Yv,prob=c(1:Kv)/(Kv+1)) }else{ set.seed(iseed) mu.vec.r<-mu.vec.r1<-runif(Kv,min(Yv),max(Yv)) } sig.vec.r<-sig.vec.r1<-rep(sqrt(var(Yv)),Kv) varomega.r<-matrix(0,nrow=nv,ncol=Kv) Ym<-matrix(Yv,ncol=1) #Run the EM algorithm until convergence. del<-1 while(del > tolv){ for(i in 1:nv){ for(k in 1:Kv){ varomega.r[i,k]<-omega.r[k]*dnorm(Yv[i],mu.vec.r[k],sig.vec.r[k]) } varomega.r[i,]<-varomega.r[i,]/sum(varomega.r[i,]) } omega.r1<-apply(varomega.r,2,sum) omega.r1<-omega.r1/sum(omega.r1) for(k in 1:Kv){ mu.vec.r1[k]<-sum(varomega.r[,k]*Yv)/sum(varomega.r[,k]) sig.vec.r1[k]<-sqrt(sum(varomega.r[,k]*(Yv-mu.vec.r1[k])^2)/sum(varomega.r[,k])) } del<-sum((omega.r-omega.r1)^2)+sum((mu.vec.r-mu.vec.r1)^2)+ sum((sig.vec.r-sig.vec.r1)^2) omega.r<-omega.r1 mu.vec.r<-mu.vec.r1 sig.vec.r<-sig.vec.r1 like<-mix.like(mu.vec.r,sig.vec.r,omega.r,Yv) } return(list(mu=mu.vec.r,sig=sig.vec.r,omega=omega.r,Like=like)) } @ The EM algorithm exploits the complete data likelihood obtained by including the latent component indictor variables $\bZ = (Z_1,\ldots,Z_n)$, and recursively solves \[ \theta^{(r+1)} = \arg \max_\theta Q(\theta;\theta^{(r)}) = \arg \max_\theta \E_{\bZ|\bY}\left[\log f(\bY,\bZ;\theta)|\by;\theta^{(r)} \right] \] for $r=1,2,\ldots,$ where \[ f(\by,\bz;\theta) = \prod_{i=1}^n \prod_{k=1}^K \left\{ \omega_k f(y_i;\mu_k,\sigma_k^2) \right\}^{\Ind_{\{k\}(z_i)}} \] is the complete data likelihood. \newpage The EM algorithm can be sensitive to starting values due to the multi-modal nature of the likelihood, so we choose 20 random collections of starting means, and take the maximum value achieved across the different runs. <>= Like.mat<-matrix(0,nrow=8,ncol=20) Like.vec<-j.vec<-rep(0,8) for(k in 1:8){ rmax<--Inf for(j in 1:20){ f.em<-em.analysis(Y,tol=1e-10,Kv=k,iseed=j^3+j^2+j+1) Like.mat[k,j]<-f.em$Like if(f.em$Like > rmax){ Like.vec[k]<-f.em$Like rmax<-f.em$Like j.vec[k]<-j } } } @ We can perform model selection using AIC or BIC \begin{align*} \text{AIC :} & -2 \log \mathcal{L}_n^{(K)}(\widehat \theta^{(K)}) + 2 d_K \\[6pt] \text{BIC :} & -2 \log \mathcal{L}_n^{(K)}(\widehat \theta^{(K)}) + d_K \log n \end{align*} where $d_K = 3 K -1$ -- we select the model for which each quantity is smallest. <>= np<-3*c(1:8)-1 Res<-rbind(Like.vec,-2*Like.vec+np*2,-2*Like.vec+np*log(n)) colnames(Res)<-1:8 row.names(Res)<-c("Max logLik.","AIC","BIC") round(Res,3) @ By AIC, there is little difference between fits for $k=5,6,7,8$, whereas for BIC, $k=3$ seems optimal. <>= mix.like.par<-function(muv,sigv,omv,yv,Kv){ dvec<-rep(0,length(yv)) for(k in 1:Kv){ dvec<-dvec+omv[k]*dnorm(yv,muv[k],sigv[k]) } return(sum(log(dvec))) } f.emA<-em.analysis(Y,tolv=1e-10,Kv=6,iseed=j.vec[6]^3+j.vec[6]^2+j.vec[6]+1) f.emB<-em.analysis(Y,tolv=1e-10,Kv=3,iseed=j.vec[3]^3+j.vec[3]^2+j.vec[3]+1) xvec<-seq(low,high,by=0.01) yvec.A<-yvec.B<-xvec*0 for(k in 1:6){ yvec.A<-yvec.A+f.emA$omega[k]*dnorm(xvec,f.emA$mu[k],f.emA$sig[k]) } for(k in 1:3){ yvec.B<-yvec.B+f.emB$omega[k]*dnorm(xvec,f.emB$mu[k],f.emB$sig[k]) } par(mar=c(4,4,2,0)) low<-0.5;high<-4;del<-0.1 hist(Y,breaks=seq(low,high,by=del),col='gray',main='Galaxy data',ylim=range(0,20));box() lines(xvec,yvec.A*n*del) lines(xvec,yvec.B*n*del,col='red') legend(0.5,20,c('K=6','K=3'),lty=1,col=c('black','red')) @ For the Bayesian solution, we specify the following hierarchical prior \[ \pi_0(K) \pi_0(\sigma_{K1}^2,\ldots,\sigma_{KK}^2|K) \pi_0(\mu_{K1}^2,\ldots,\mu_{KK}^2|\sigma_{K1}^2,\ldots,\sigma_{KK}^2,K) \pi_0(\omega_{K1},\ldots,\omega_{KK}^2|K) \] \begin{itemizeWide} \item Prior for $K$: we specify a $Poisson(\gamma)$ prior restricted to the positive integers, with pmf \[ \pi_0(K) = \frac{\gamma^K \exp\{-\gamma\}}{(1-\exp\{-\gamma\})K!} \qquad K = 1,2,\ldots \] for parameter $\gamma > 0$. \item Prior for $\sigma_{Kk}^2$: we specify independent priors \[ \pi_0(\sigma_{K1}^2,\ldots,\sigma_{KK}^2|K) = \prod_{k=1}^K \pi_0(\sigma_{Kk}^2) \] where $\pi_0(\sigma_{Kk}^2) \equiv InverseGamma(a/2,b/2)$ for hyperparameters $a,b>0$. \item Prior for $\mu_{Kk}$ given $\sigma_k^2$: we specify conditionally independent priors \[ \pi_0(\mu_{K1}^2,\ldots,\mu_{KK}^2|\sigma_{K1}^2,\ldots,\sigma_{KK}^2,K) = \prod_{k=1}^K \pi_0(\mu_{Kk}|\sigma_{Kk}^2) \] where $\pi_0(\mu_{Kk}|\sigma_{Kk}^2) \equiv Normal(\eta,\sigma_{Kk}^2/\lambda)$ for hyperparameters $\eta$ and $\lambda>0$. \item Prior for $\omega_{(K)} = (\omega_1^{(K)},\ldots,\omega_K^{(K)})$: we specify a symmetric Dirichlet prior \[ \pi_0(\omega_{K1},\ldots,\omega_{KK}|K) = \dfrac{\Gamma(K \alpha)}{\{\Gamma(\alpha)\}^K} \prod_{k=1}^K \omega_{Kk}^{\alpha - 1} \] on the $K$-dimensional unit simplex. \end{itemizeWide} For a reversible jump MCMC solution, we consider Birth and Death move pairs for the transdimensional moves: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Birth Move:} We consider an update that changes $K \lra K+1$, requiring the need to generate a new component. We simulate the new mean and variance parameters from the prior distribution: \begin{align*} \sigma_{(K+1)(K+1)}^2 & \sim InverseGamma(a/2,b/2) \\[6pt] \mu_{(K+1)(K+1)} & \sim Normal(\eta,\sigma_{(K+1)(K+1)}^2/\lambda) \end{align*} For the new component weight we generate $\psi \sim Beta(1,K)$, and then set the new component weight vector $\omega_{(K+1)}$ as \[ (\omega_{(K+1)1},\ldots,\omega_{(K+1)(K+1)}) = ((1-\psi)\omega_{K1},\ldots,(1-\psi)\omega_{KK},\psi). \] The Jacobian of the transform is \[ \frac{1}{(1-\omega_{(K+1)(K+1)})^K} \] and therefore the acceptance probability for the Birth move is the minimum of 1 and \[ \dfrac{\pi_n(K+1,\mu_{(K+1)},\sigma_{(K+1)}^2,\omega_{(K+1)})}{\pi_n(K,\mu_{K},\sigma_{K}^2,\omega_{K}) \ p(\mu_{(K+1)(K+1)},\sigma_{(K+1)(K+1)}^2) \ p(\psi)} \times \frac{1}{(1-\omega_{(K+1)(K+1)})^K} \] \item \textbf{Death Move:} For the (reverse) Death move we consider the dimension change $K+1 \lra K$ by picking a component at random from the $K+1$ existing components to eliminate, and then reversing the transformation from the Birth move to set \[ (\omega_{K1},\ldots,\omega_{KK},\psi) = \frac{1}{(1-\psi)} (\omega_{(K+1)1},\ldots,\omega_{(K+1)K}) \] for which the Jacobian is $(1-\psi)^K$, and the acceptance probability is the minimum of 1 and \[ \dfrac{\pi_n(K,\mu_{K},\sigma_{K}^2,\omega_{K}) \ p(\mu_{(K+1)(K+1)},\sigma_{(K+1)(K+1)}^2) \ p(\psi)}{\pi_n(K+1,\mu_{(K+1)},\sigma_{(K+1)}^2,\omega_{(K+1)})} \times (1-\psi)^K \] \end{itemize} <>= mix.like.par<-function(muv,sigv,omv,yv,Kv){ dvec<-rep(0,length(yv)) for(k in 1:Kv){ dvec<-dvec+omv[k]*dnorm(yv,muv[k],sigv[k]) } return(sum(log(dvec))) } dinvgamma<-function(xv,a,b,log=F){ lv<-a*log(b)-lgamma(a)-(a+1)*log(xv)-b/xv if(log){ return(lv) }else{ return(exp(lv)) } } dpois0<-function(xv,lam,log=F){ #Poisson pmf with zero removed. fv<-dpois(xv,lam,log=log)-log(1-exp(-lam)) if(log){return(fv) }else{return(exp(fv)) } } @ Choosing the hyperparameters for this conjugate prior can be achieved using simulation methods. <>= #Prior elicitation prior.al<-1 prior.eta<-2 prior.lam<-0.01 prior.a<-40 prior.b<-4 prior.K.gam<-2 s1<-1 a1<-1 s<-(1/sqrt(rgamma(10000,prior.a/2,prior.b/2))) m<-rnorm(10000)*s/sqrt(prior.lam)+prior.eta par(mar=c(4,4,2,0)) hist(m,col='gray',main=expression(paste('Sample from prior for ',mu)));box() hist(s,col='gray',main=expression(paste('Sample from prior for ',sigma)));box() @ In order to facilitate ease of posterior sampling for the component parameters, we again introduce the latent component indicators $Z_1,\ldots,Z_n$, and sample their values from their full conditional posterior distributions as part of the Gibbs sampler. Conditional on the component parameters, we have that \[ \Pr[Z_i = k | \by, \btheta,K] = \dfrac{\omega_{Kk} f_k(y_i;\mu_{Kk},\sigma_{Kk}^2)}{\sum\limits_{j=1}^K \omega_{Kj} f_j(y_i;\mu_{Kj},\sigma_{Kj}^2)} \qquad k=1,\ldots,K \] independently for $i=1,\ldots,n$. Conditional on the sampled $Z$ values we have a conjugate model: specifically the posterior distribution of $\sigma_{Kk}^2$ is $InverseGamma(a_{nk}/2,b_{nk}/2)$ distribution with parameters \[ a_{nk} = a + n_{Kk} \qquad \qquad b_{nk} = b + \frac{n_{Kk} \lambda}{n_{Kk} + \lambda} (\overline{y}_{nKk}- \eta)^2 + \sum_{i: z_i = k} (y_i - \overline{y}_{nKk})^2 \] and the conditional posterior for $\mu_{Kk}$ is $Normal(\eta_{nk},\sigma_{Kk}^2/\lambda_{nk})$ where \[ \eta_{nk} = \frac{\lambda \eta + \sum\limits_{i: z_i = k} y_i }{\lambda + n_{Kk}} \qquad \qquad \lambda_{nk} = \lambda + n_{Kk} \] where \[ n_{Kk} = \sum_{i = 1}^n \Ind_{\{k \}} (z_i) \qquad \qquad \overline{y}_{nKk} = \dfrac{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n \Ind_{\{k \}} (z_i) y_i}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n \Ind_{\{k \}} (z_i)} \] are the component specific sample size and sample mean at the current iteration. Note that these formulae hold if a component is `empty', that is, if no data are allocated to a given cluster, as in such cases the conditional posterior and conditional prior are identical. For $\omega_K$ we have a simple conjugate analysis given the latent indicators \[ \omega_{K}| - \sim Dirichlet(K;\alpha + n_{K1},\ldots,\alpha + n_{KK}) \] Note that the Birth and Death steps can be implemented on the collapsed form, by summing out over the possible values of the latent component indicators. <>= set.seed(234) #Starting values old.K<-4 old.omega<-old.omega1<-rep(1/old.K,old.K) old.mu<-old.mu1<-as.numeric(quantile(Y,prob=c(1:old.K)/(old.K+1))) old.sig<-old.sig1<-rep(sqrt(var(Y)),old.K) old.z<-rep(0,n) #Run the MCMC algorithm nburn<-5000 nsamp<-10000 nthin<-5 nits<-nburn+nsamp*nthin #Galaxy plot low<-0.5 high<-4 del<-0.1 par(mar=c(4,4,2,1)) hist(Y,breaks=seq(low,high,by=del),ylim=range(0,20),col='gray', main='Galaxy data: posterior sampled pdfs');box() mu.samp<-matrix(0,nrow=nsamp,ncol=100) sig.samp<-matrix(0,nrow=nsamp,ncol=100) omega.samp<-matrix(0,nrow=nsamp,ncol=100) K.samp<-rep(0,nsamp) ico<-0 for(iter in 1:nits){ pvec<-rep(0,old.K) for(i in 1:n){ for(k in 1:old.K){ pvec[k]<-old.omega[k]*dnorm(Y[i],old.mu[k],old.sig[k]) } old.z[i]<-sample(1:old.K,prob=pvec,size=1) } for(k in 1:old.K){ old.omega1[k]<-sum(old.z==k) } old.omega1<-rgamma(old.K,old.omega1+prior.al,1) old.omega<-old.omega1/sum(old.omega1) for(k in 1:old.K){ yk<-Y[old.z==k] nk<-length(yk) if(nk == 0){ old.sig[k]<-1/sqrt(rgamma(1,prior.a/2,prior.b/2)) old.mu[k]<-rnorm(1,prior.eta,old.sig[k]/sqrt(prior.lam)) }else{ ssq<-sum((yk-mean(yk))^2) post.a<-prior.a+nk post.b<-prior.b+ssq+(nk*prior.lam)*(mean(yk)-prior.eta)^2/(nk+prior.lam) old.sig[k]<-1/sqrt(rgamma(1,post.a/2,post.b/2)) post.sig<-old.sig[k]/sqrt(nk+prior.lam) post.mu<-(sum(yk)+prior.lam*prior.eta)/(nk+prior.lam) old.mu[k]<-rnorm(1,post.mu,post.sig) } } old.like<-mix.like.par(old.mu,old.sig,old.omega,Y,old.K) old.prior<-sum(dinvgamma(old.sig^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T))+ sum(dnorm(old.mu,prior.eta,old.sig/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T))+ lgamma(old.K*prior.al)-old.K*lgamma(prior.al)+ (prior.al-1)*sum(log(old.omega))+dpois0(old.K,prior.K.gam,log=T) #Transdimensional moves: Birth and Death if(runif(1) < 0.5){ #Death new.K<-old.K-1 if(new.K == 0){ #Cannot remove last component, prior prob is zero mh<--Inf }else{ k<-sample(1:old.K,size=1) new.mu<-old.mu[-k] new.sig<-old.sig[-k] new.omega<-old.omega[-k]/sum(old.omega[-k]) new.like<-mix.like.par(new.mu,new.sig,new.omega,Y,new.K) new.prior<-sum(dinvgamma(new.sig^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T))+ sum(dnorm(new.mu,prior.eta,new.sig/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T))+ lgamma(new.K*prior.al)-new.K*lgamma(prior.al)+ (prior.al-1)*sum(log(new.omega))+dpois0(new.K,prior.K.gam,log=T) new.q<-dnorm(old.mu[k],prior.eta,old.sig[k]/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T)+ dinvgamma(old.sig[k]^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T)+ dbeta(old.omega[k],1,new.K,log=T) logJac<-new.K*log(1-old.omega[k]) mh<-(new.like+new.prior)-(old.like+old.prior)+new.q+logJac } if(log(runif(1)) < mh){ old.K<-new.K old.mu<-new.mu old.sig<-new.sig old.omega<-new.omega old.like<-new.like old.prior<-new.prior } }else{ #Birth new.K<-old.K+1 new.s<-1/sqrt(rgamma(1,prior.a/2,prior.b/2)) new.m<-rnorm(1,prior.eta,new.s/sqrt(prior.lam)) new.mu<-c(old.mu,new.m) new.sig<-c(old.sig,new.s) psi<-rbeta(1,1,old.K) new.omega<-c(old.omega*(1-psi),psi) new.like<-mix.like.par(new.mu,new.sig,new.omega,Y,new.K) new.prior<-sum(dinvgamma(new.sig^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T))+ sum(dnorm(new.mu,prior.eta,new.sig/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T))+ lgamma(new.K*prior.al)-new.K*lgamma(prior.al)+ (prior.al-1)*sum(log(new.omega))+dpois0(new.K,prior.K.gam,log=T) new.q<-dnorm(new.m,prior.eta,new.s/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T)+ dinvgamma(new.s^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T)+ dbeta(psi,1,old.K) logJac<--old.K*log(1-psi) mh<-(new.like+new.prior)-(old.like+old.prior)-new.q+logJac if(log(runif(1)) < mh){ old.K<-new.K old.mu<-new.mu old.sig<-new.sig old.omega<-new.omega old.like<-new.like old.prior<-new.prior } } if(iter %% 1000 == 0){ Ly<-mix.like.par(old.mu,old.sig,old.omega,Y,old.K) old.Py<-sum(dinvgamma(old.sig^2,prior.a/2,prior.b/2,log=T))+ sum(dnorm(old.mu,prior.eta,old.sig/sqrt(prior.lam),log=T))+ lgamma(old.K*prior.al)-old.K*lgamma(prior.al)+ (prior.al-1)*sum(log(old.omega))+dpois0(old.K,prior.K.gam,log=T) xvec<-seq(low,high,by=0.01) yvec<-xvec*0 for(k in 1:old.K){ yvec<-yvec+old.omega[k]*dnorm(xvec,old.mu[k],old.sig[k]) } lines(xvec,yvec*n*del) } if(iter > nburn & iter %% nthin == 0){ ico<-ico+1 mu.samp[ico,1:old.K]<-old.mu sig.samp[ico,1:old.K]<-old.sig omega.samp[ico,1:old.K]<-old.omega K.samp[ico]<-old.K } } @ The approximate posterior distribution (under this prior specification) is computed from the sampled values of $K$. <>= K.post<-table(K.samp)/nsamp K.post @ Therefore the posterior probability on $k=3$ is \Sexpr{K.post[2]}. \end{document}