Math 666B and 690D: Graduate Student Seminar
Organisers: Henri Darmon, Adrian Iovita, Hershy Kisilevsky.
Time: Tuesday 2:30-4:30, in Room 719A.
This seminar is aimed primarily at
the graduate students in the number theory group.
The seminar this term will be devoted to the
background relevant for the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by
Wiles, following the treatment in the survey
Fermat's Last Theorem
by Darmon, Diamond, Taylor.
Here is the tentative schedule:
January 17. James Rickards.
Introduction: elliptic curves and modular forms.
January 24. James Rickards.
Elliptic curves and modular forms, continuation.
January 31. Ervin Thiagalingam, Samy Douba, and Nicolas Simard.
Galois theory.
February 7. Ervin Thiagalingam, Samy Douba, and Nicolas Simard.
Galois theory.
February 14. Ervin Thiagalingam, Samy Douba, and Nicolas Simard.
Galois theory.
February 21. Leonardo Colo and David Lillienfeldt.
Modular forms and Galois representations.
February 28. Leonardo Colo and David Lillienfeldt.
Modular forms and Galois representations.
March 7. Leonardo Colo and David Lillienfeldt.
Modular forms and Galois representations.
March 14. Michele Fornea and Alice Pozzi.
Hecke algebras
March 21. Michele Fornea and Alice Pozzi.
Hecke algebras
March 28. Michele Fornea and Alice Pozzi.
Hecke algebras
April 4. Billy Lee and Bruno Joyal.
The commutative algebra in Wiles' proof.
April 11. Billy Lee and Bruno Joyal.
The commutative algebra in Wiles' proof.