Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. A. Desgagné, C. Genest & F. Ouimet (2025+). Asymptotics for non-degenerate multivariate U-statistics with estimated nuisance parameters under the null and local alternative hypotheses. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, in press.
  2. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2025+). Asymptotic behavior of the empirical checkerboard copula process for binary data: An educational presentation. Examples and Counterexamples, in press.
  3. C. Genest & F. Ouimet (2025+). Local linear smoothing for regression surfaces on the simplex using Dirichlet kernels. Statistical Papers, in press.
  4. N. Kiriazis, C. Genest & A. Leblanc (2025+). A Bayesian two-stage framework for lineup-independent assessment of individual rebounding ability in the NBA. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, in press.
  5. J. Schulz & C. Genest (2025+). Comonotonicity and counter-monotonicity: Review and implications for likelihood-based estimation. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, in press.

  6. C. Genest, F. Ouimet & D. Richards (2025). An explicit Wishart moment formula for the product of two disjoint principal minors. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 153, 1299-1311.
  7. R. Peng, P. Dutilleul & C. Genest (2025). ETASbootstrap 0.2.0: A flexible R package for computing bootstrap confidence intervals for parameter estimates in the space-time epidemic-type aftershock sequence model, with four case studies. Computers & Geosciences, 196, 105817, 14 pp.

  8. D.R. Bellhouse & C. Genest (2024). Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré. Statistical Science, 39, 493-507.
  9. P. Dutilleul, C. Genest & R. Peng (2024). Bootstrapping for parameter uncertainty in the space-time epidemic-type aftershock sequence model. Geophysical Journal International, 236, 1601-1608.
  10. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2024). On the Mai-Wang stochastic decomposition for lp-norm symmetric survival functions on the positive orthant. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 203, 105331, 4 pp.
  11. C. Genest & F. Ouimet (2024). Asymptotic comparison of negative multinomial and multivariate normal experiments. Statistica Neerlandica, 78, 427-440.
  12. C. Genest, F. Ouimet & D. Richards (2024). On the Gaussian product inequality conjecture for disjoint principal minors of Wishart random matrices. Electronic Journal of Probability, 29, e166, 26 pp.
  13. C. Genest, F. Ouimet & D. Richards (2024). On Wilks' joint moment formulas for embedded principal minors of Wishart random matrices. Stat, 13, e706, 6 pp.

  14. K. Bertin, C. Genest, N. Klutchnikoff & F. Ouimet (2023). Minimax properties of Dirichlet kernel density estimators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 195, 105158, 16 pp.
  15. A. Bücher, C. Genest, R.A. Lockhart & J.G. Nešlehová (2023). Asymptotic behavior of an intrinsic rank-based estimator of the Pickands dependence function constructed from B-splines. Extremes, 26, 101-138.
  16. M. Carey, C. Genest & J.O. Ramsay (2023). Sparse estimation within Pearson's system, with an application to financial market risk. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 51, 800-823.
  17. M. Chiron, C. Genest, J. Morio & S. Dubreuil (2023). Failure probability estimation through high-dimensional elliptical distribution modeling with multiple importance sampling. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 235, 109238, 19 pp.
  18. C. Genest, K. Hron & J.G. Nešlehová (2023). Orthogonal decomposition of multivariate densities in Bayes spaces and relation with their copula-based representation. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 198, 105228, 24 pp.
  19. C. Genest & N. Kolev (2023). Representation of certain lifetime models via sequences of special numbers. Reliability: Theory & Applications, 18 (1), 360-367.
  20. C. Genest & F. Ouimet (2023). Miscellaneous results related to the Gaussian product inequality conjecture for the joint distribution of traces of Wishart matrices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 523, 126951, 10 pp.

  21. M.-P. Côté, C. Genest & D.A. Stephens (2022). A Bayesian approach to modeling multivariate multilevel insurance claims in the presence of unsettled claims. Bayesian Analysis, 17, 67-93.
  22. C. Genest & F. Ouimet (2022). A combinatorial proof of the Gaussian product inequality beyond the MTP2 case. Dependence Modeling, 10, 236-244.
  23. J. Jalbert, C. Genest & L. Perreault (2022). Interpolation of precipitation extremes on a large domain toward IDF curve construction at unmonitored locations. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 27, 461-486.
  24. C. Mercadier, O. Roustant & C. Genest (2022). Linking the Hoeffding-Sobol and Möbius formulas through a decomposition of Kuo, Sloan, Wasilkowski, and Woźniakowski. Statistics & Probability Letters, 185, 109419, 8 pp.

  25. C. Genest & P. Jaworski (2021). On the class of bivariate Archimax copulas under constraints. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 415, 37-53.
  26. C. Genest & N. Kolev (2021). A law of uniform seniority for dependent lives. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 726-743.
  27. X. Li, C. Genest & J. Jalbert (2021). A self-exciting marked point process model for drought analysis. Environmetrics, 32, e2697, 24 pp.
  28. J. Schulz, C. Genest & M. Mesfioui (2021). A multivariate Poisson model based on comonotonic shocks. International Statistical Review, 89, 323-348.

  29. N. Beck, C. Genest, J. Jalbert & M. Mailhot (2020). Predicting extreme surges from sparse data using a copula-based hierarchical Bayesian spatial model. Environmetrics, 31, e2616, 22 pp.
  30. C. Genest (2020). On an extension of Stein's lemma. Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science (Canada), 42, 25-28.
  31. C. Genest & M. Sabbagh (2020). Comportement extrémal des copules diagonales et de Bertino. Comptes Rendus - Mathématique, 358, 1157-1167.

  32. M.-P. Côté & C. Genest (2019). Dependence in a background risk model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 172, 28-46.
  33. M.-P. Côté, C. Genest & M. Omelka (2019). Rank-based inference tools for copula regression, with property and casualty insurance applications. Insurance: Mathematics & Economics, 89, 1-15.
  34. C. Genest, M. Mesfioui & J.G. Nešlehová (2019). On the asymptotic covariance of the multivariate empirical copula process. Dependence Modeling, 7, 279-291.
  35. C. Genest, J.G. Nešlehová, B. Rémillard & O.A. Murphy (2019). Testing for independence in arbitrary distributions. Biometrika, 106, 47-68.
  36. J. Jalbert, O.A. Murphy, C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2019). Modelling extreme rain accumulation with an application to the 2011 Lake Champlain flood. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 68, 831-858.
  37. N. Kamnitui, C. Genest, P. Jaworski & W. Trutschnig (2019). On the size of the class of bivariate extreme-value copulas with a fixed value of Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 472, 920-936.
  38. Y. Zhao & C. Genest (2019). Inference for elliptical copula multivariate response regression models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13, 911-984.

  39. C. Genest, M. Mesfioui & J. Schulz (2018). A new bivariate Poisson common shock model covering all possible degrees of dependence. Statistics & Probability Letters, 140, 202-209.
  40. C. Genest, J.G. Nešlehová & L.-P. Rivest (2018). The class of multivariate max-id copulas with L1-norm symmetric exponent measure. Bernoulli, 24, 3751-3790.

  41. S.A. Aissaoui, C. Genest & M. Mesfioui (2017). A second look at inference for bivariate Skellam distributions. Stat, 6, 79-87.
  42. C. Genest, J.G. Nešlehová & B. Rémillard (2017). Asymptotic behavior of the empirical multilinear copula process under broad conditions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 159, 82-110.

  43. M.-P. Côté, C. Genest & A. Abdallah (2016). Rank-based methods for modeling dependence between loss triangles. European Actuarial Journal, 6, 377-408.
  44. J. Garrido, C. Genest & J. Schulz (2016). Generalized linear models for dependent frequency and severity of insurance claims. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 70, 205-215.

  45. M.-P. Côté & C. Genest (2015). A copula-based risk aggregation model. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43, 60-81.

  46. A. Charpentier, A.-L. Fougères, C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2014). Multivariate Archimax copulas. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 126, 118-136.
  47. E. Cormier, C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2014). Using B-splines for nonparametric inference on bivariate extreme-value copulas. Extremes, 17, 633-659.
  48. C. Genest & M. Mesfioui (2014). Bivariate extensions of Skellam's distribution. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 28, 401-417.
  49. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2014). On tests of radial symmetry for bivariate copulas. Statistical Papers, 55, 1107-1119.
  50. C. Genest, J.G. Nešlehová & B. Rémillard (2014). On the empirical multilinear copula process for count data. Bernoulli, 20, 1344-1371.

  51. C. Genest & A. Carabarín-Aguirre (2013). A digital picture of the actuarial research community. North American Actuarial Journal, 17, 3-12.
  52. C. Genest, A. Carabarín-Aguirre & F. Harvey (2013). Copula parameter estimation using Blomqvist's beta. Journal de la Société française de statistique, 154, 5-24.
  53. C. Genest, W. Huang & J.-M. Dufour (2013). A regularized goodness-of-fit test for copulas. Journal de la Société française de statistique, 154, 64-77.
  54. C. Genest, J.G. Nešlehová & B. Rémillard (2013). On the estimation of Spearman's rho and related tests of independence for possibly discontinuous multivariate data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 117, 214-228.
  55. C. Genest, A.K. Nikoloulopoulos, L.-P. Rivest & M. Fortin (2013). Predicting dependent binary outcomes through logistic regressions and meta-elliptical copulas. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 27, 265-284.

  56. E.F. Acar, C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2012). Beyond simplified pair-copula constructions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 110, 74-90.
  57. C. Genest, J. Nešlehová & J.-F. Quessy (2012). Tests of symmetry for bivariate copulas. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 64, 811-834.

  58. C. Genest, I. Kojadinovic, J. Nešlehová & J. Yan (2011). A goodness-of-fit test for extreme-value copulas. Bernoulli, 17, 253-275.
  59. C. Genest, J. Nešlehová & N. Ben Ghorbal (2011). Estimators based on Kendall's tau in multivariate copula models. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 53, 157-177.
  60. C. Genest, J. Nešlehová & J. Ziegel (2011). Inference in multivariate Archimedean copula models (with discussion). Test, 20, 223-292.
  61. V. Genest & C. Genest (2011). La loi de Newcomb-Benford ou la loi du premier chiffre significatif. Bulletin AMQ, 51 (2), 22-39.

  62. A. Feidt, C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2010). Asymptotics of joint maxima for discontinuous random variables. Extremes, 13, 35-53.
  63. C. Genest, J. Nešlehová & N. Ben Ghorbal (2010). Spearman's footrule and Gini's gamma: A review with complements. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 22, 937-954.
  64. C. Genest & J. Segers (2010). On the covariance of the asymptotic empirical copula process. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1837-1845.
  65. P. Munroe, T. Ransford & C. Genest (2010). Un contre-exemple à une conjecture de Hutchinson et Lai. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences de Paris, 348 Series I, 305-310.

  66. N. Ben Ghorbal, C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2009). On the Ghoudi, Khoudraji, and Rivest test for extreme-value dependence. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 37, 534-552.
  67. C. Genest, M. Gendron & M. Bourdeau-Brien (2009). The advent of copulas in finance. European Journal of Finance, 15, 609-618.
  68. C. Genest, S.C. Kochar & M. Xu (2009). On the range of heterogeneous samples. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100, 1587-1592.
  69. C. Genest & J.-M. Lévesque (2009). Estimating correlation from dichotomized normal variables. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 3785-3794.
  70. C. Genest, E. Masiello & K. Tribouley (2009). Estimating copula densities through wavelets. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 44, 170-181.
  71. C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2009). Analytical proofs of classical inequalities between Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 3795-3798.
  72. C. Genest, B. Rémillard & D. Beaudoin (2009). Goodness-of-fit tests for copulas: A review and a power study. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 44, 199-213.
  73. C. Genest & J. Segers (2009). Rank-based inference for bivariate extreme-value copulas. The Annals of Statistics, 37, 2990-3022.

  74. A. Dolati, C. Genest & S.C. Kochar (2008). On the dependence between the extreme order statistics in the proportional hazards model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 777-786.
  75. C. Genest & B. Rémillard (2008). Validity of the parametric bootstrap for goodness-of-fit testing in semiparametric models. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré: Probabilités et Statistiques, 44, 1096-1127.
  76. V. Grégoire, C. Genest & M. Gendron (2008). Using copulas to model price dependence in energy markets. Energy Risk, 5 (5), 58-64.

  77. D. Beaudoin, T. Duchesne & C. Genest (2007). Improving the estimation of Kendall's tau when censoring affects only one of the variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 5743-5764.
  78. D.R. Bellhouse & C. Genest (2007). Maty's biography of Abraham De Moivre, translated, annotated and augmented. Statistical Science, 22, 109-136.
  79. C. Genest & A.-C. Favre (2007). Everything you always wanted to know about copula modeling but were afraid to ask. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12, 347-368.
  80. C. Genest, A.-C. Favre, J. Béliveau & C. Jacques (2007). Metaelliptical copulas and their use in frequency analysis of multivariate hydrological data. Water Resources Research, 43, W09401 DOI:10.1029/2006WR005275, 12 pp.
  81. C. Genest, K. Ghoudi & B. Rémillard (2007). Rank-based extensions of the Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman test. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 1363-1376.
  82. C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2007). A primer on copulas for count data. The Astin Bulletin, 37, 475-515.
  83. C. Genest, J.-F. Quessy & B. Rémillard (2007). Asymptotic local efficiency of Cramér-von Mises tests for multivariate independence. The Annals of Statistics, 35, 166-191.

  84. P. Barbe, A.-L. Fougères & C. Genest (2006). On the tail behavior of sums of dependent risks. The Astin Bulletin, 36, 361-373.
  85. M. Cusson, J.-F. Plante & C. Genest (2006). Effect of different sampling designs and methods on the estimation of secondary production: A simulation. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 4, 38-48.
  86. M. Denuit, C. Genest & M. Mesfioui (2006). Calcul de bornes sur la prime en excédent de perte de fonctions de risques dépendants en présence d'information partielle sur leurs marges. Les Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec, 30, 63-78.
  87. C. Genest, J.-F. Quessy & B. Rémillard (2006). Goodness-of-fit procedures for copula models based on the probability integral transformation. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 33, 337-366.
  88. C. Genest, J.-F. Quessy & B. Rémillard (2006). Local efficiency of a Cramér-von Mises test of independence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97, 274-294.
  89. C. Genest, J.-F. Quessy & B. Rémillard (2006). On the joint asymptotic behavior of two rank-based estimators of the association parameter in the gamma frailty model. Statistics and Probability Letters, 76, 10-18.

  90. J. Avérous, C. Genest & S.C. Kochar (2005). On the dependence structure of order statistics. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 94, 159-171.
  91. D.R. Bellhouse & C. Genest (2005). A public health controversy in 19th century Canada. Statistical Science, 20, 178-192.
  92. C. Genest & F. Verret (2005). Locally most powerful rank tests of independence for copula models. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 521-539.
  93. R.W.J. van den Goorbergh, C. Genest & B.J.M. Werker (2005). Bivariate option pricing using dynamic copula models. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 37, 101-114.

  94. C. Genest & B. Rémillard (2004). Tests of independence and randomness based on the empirical copula process. Test, 13, 335-369.

  95. C. Genest & J.-C. Boies (2003). Detecting dependence with Kendall plots. The American Statistician, 57, 275-284.
  96. C. Genest, É. Marceau & M. Mesfioui (2003). Compound Poisson approximations for individual models with dependent risks. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 32, 73-91.
  97. C. Genest & J.-F. Plante (2003). On Blest's measure of rank correlation. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 31, 35-52.

  98. M. Denuit, C. Genest & É. Marceau (2002). Criteria for the stochastic ordering of random sums, with actuarial applications. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 3-16.
  99. C. Genest & M. Guay (2002). Worldwide research output in probability and statistics: An update. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 30, 329-342.
  100. C. Genest, R.A. Lockhart & M.A. Stephens (2002). Chi-square and the lottery. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (The Statistician), 51, 243-257.
  101. C. Genest, É. Marceau & M. Mesfioui (2002). Upper stop-loss bounds for sums of possibly dependent risks with given means and variances. Statistics and Probability Letters, 57, 33-41.
  102. C. Genest, J.-F. Quessy & B. Rémillard (2002). Tests of serial independence based on Kendall's process. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 30, 441-461.
  103. C. Genest & F. Verret (2002). The TP2 ordering of Kimeldorf and Sampson has the normal-agreeing property. Statistics and Probability Letters, 57, 387-391.

  104. M. Denuit & C. Genest (2001). An extension of Osuna's model for stress caused by waiting. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 45, 115-130.
  105. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (2001). On the multivariate probability integral transformation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 53, 391-399.
  106. C. Genest & C. Thibault (2001). Investigating the concentration within a research community using joint publications and co-authorship via intermediaries. Scientometrics, 51, 429-440.

  107. P. Capéraà, A.-L. Fougères & C. Genest (2000). Bivariate distributions with given extreme value attractor. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 72, 30-49.
  108. A. DasGupta, G. Casella, M. Delampady, C. Genest, H. Rubin & W.E. Strawderman (2000). Correlation in a Bayesian framework. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 675-687.
  109. T.S. Ferguson, C. Genest & M. Hallin (2000). Kendall's tau for serial dependence. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 587-604.
  110. C. Genest & M. Gendron (2000). Risk diversification through expert use. Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 7, 117-129.

  111. D.R. Bellhouse & C. Genest (1999). A history of the Statistical Society of Canada: The formative years (with discussion). Statistical Science, 14, 80-125.
  112. M. Denuit, C. Genest & É. Marceau (1999). Stochastic bounds on sums of dependent risks. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 25, 85-104.
  113. C. Genest (1999). Probability and statistics: A tale of two worlds? The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27, 421-444.
  114. C. Genest & C.-É. M'lan (1999). Deriving priorities from the Bradley-Terry model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 29 (4), 87-102.
  115. C. Genest, J.J. Quesada Molina, J.A. Rodríguez Lallena & C. Sempi (1999). A characterization of quasi-copulas. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 69, 193-205.

  116. C. Genest (1998). Determining a fair leasing rate for a rotating billboard. The Mathematical Scientist, 23, 121-123.

  117. P. Capéraà, A.-L. Fougères & C. Genest (1997). A nonparametric estimation procedure for bivariate extreme value copulas. Biometrika, 84, 567-577.
  118. C. Genest (1997). Statistics on statistics: measuring research productivity by journal publications between 1985 and 1995. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 25, 427-443.

  119. P. Barbe, C. Genest, K. Ghoudi & B. Rémillard (1996). On Kendall's process. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 58, 197-229.
  120. C. Genest, K. Ghoudi & B. Rémillard (1996). A note on tightness. Statistics and Probability Letters, 27, 331-339.
  121. C. Genest & S.-S. Zhang (1996). A graphical analysis of ratio-scaled paired comparison data. Management Science, 42, 335-349.
  122. C. Genest & S.-S. Zhang (1996). Hilbert's metric and the analytic hierarchy process. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 23 (10), 71-86.
  123. S.-S. Zhang & C. Genest (1996). Étude d'un test de confirmation des priorités dans le cadre du procédé d'analyse hiérarchique. Revue de statistique appliquée, 44 (2), 81-103.

  124. C. Genest, K. Ghoudi & L.-P. Rivest (1995). A semiparametric estimation procedure of dependence parameters in multivariate families of distributions. Biometrika, 82, 543-552.
  125. C. Genest, J.J. Quesada Molina & J.A. Rodríguez Lallena (1995). De l'impossibilité de construire des lois à marges multidimensionnelles données à partir de copules. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences de Paris, 320, Series I, 723-726.

  126. C. Genest & K. Ghoudi (1994). Une famille de lois bidimensionnelles insolite. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences de Paris, 318, Series I, 351-354.
  127. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (1994). A statistical look at Saaty's method of estimating pairwise preferences expressed on a ratio scale. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 38, 477-496.

  128. B. Aupetit & C. Genest (1993). On some useful properties of the Perron eigenvalue of a positive reciprocal matrix in the context of the analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 70, 263-268.
  129. P. Capéraà & C. Genest (1993). Spearman's rho is larger than Kendall's tau for positively dependent random variables. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2, 183-194.
  130. M. Gendron & C. Genest (1993). La perception du risque de titres financiers: L'importance relative et l'influence de certains facteurs de risque. L'actualité économique, 69, 142-170.
  131. C. Genest, F. Lapointe & S.W. Drury (1993). On a proposal of Jensen for the analysis of ordinal pairwise preferences using Saaty's eigenvector scaling method. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 37, 575-610.
  132. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (1993). Statistical inference procedures for bivariate Archimedean copulas. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 1034-1043.

  133. M. Bernier-Cardou & C. Genest (1992). Factors influencing root growth capacity of spruce seedlings: Report on a statistical analysis. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 20, 488-500.
  134. C. Genest (1992). Vincentization revisited. The Annals of Statistics, 20, 1137-1142.

  135. P. Capéraà & C. Genest (1990). Concepts de dépendance et ordres stochastiques pour des lois bidimensionnelles. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 18, 315-326.
  136. M. Gendron & C. Genest (1990). Performance measurement under asymmetric information and investment constraints. The Journal of Finance, 45, 1655-1661.
  137. C. Genest & K.J. McConway (1990). Allocating the weights in the linear opinion pool. Journal of Forecasting, 9, 53-73.
  138. C. Genest, S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek (1990). Conditionalization and likelihood dominance in group belief formation. Statistics and Decisions, 8, 183-198.

  139. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (1989). A characterization of Gumbel's family of extreme value distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 8, 207-211.

  140. C. Genest (1987). Frank's family of bivariate distributions. Biometrika, 74, 549-555.
  141. C. Genest & P.E.J. Green (1987). A graphical display of association in two-way contingency tables. The Statistician, 36, 371-380.
  142. C. Genest & C.G. Wagner (1987). Further evidence against independence preservation in expert judgment synthesis. Aequationes Mathematicae, 32, 74-86.

  143. C. Genest & R.J. MacKay (1986). Copules archimédiennes et familles de lois bidimensionnelles dont les marges sont données. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 14, 145-159.
  144. C. Genest & R.J. MacKay (1986). The joy of copulas: Bivariate distributions with uniform marginals. The American Statistician, 40, 280-283.
  145. C. Genest, K.J. McConway & M.J. Schervish (1986). Characterization of externally Bayesian pooling operators. The Annals of Statistics, 14, 487-501.
    • Reprinted in J.B. Kadane, M.J. Schervish & T. Seidenfeld, Editors (1999). Rethinking the Foundations of Statistics. Cambridge University Press, pp. 314-32.
  146. C. Genest & J.V. Zidek (1986). Combining probability distributions: A critique and an annotated bibliography (with discussion). Statistical Science, 1, 114-148.

  147. C. Genest & M.J. Schervish (1985). Modeling expert judgment for Bayesian updating. The Annals of Statistics, 13, 1198-1212.
  148. C. Genest & M.J. Schervish (1985). Resolution of Godambe's paradox (with discussion). The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 13, 293-301.

  149. C. Genest (1984). A conflict between two axioms for combining subjective distributions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 46, 403-405.
  150. C. Genest (1984). A characterization theorem for externally Bayesian groups. The Annals of Statistics, 12, 1100-1105.
  151. C. Genest (1984). Pooling operators with the marginalization property. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 12, 153-163.
  152. C. Genest, S. Weerahandi & J.V. Zidek (1984). Aggregating opinions through logarithmic pooling. Theory and Decision, 17, 61-70.

    Papers in Books or Refereed Conference Proceedings

  153. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2017). When Gumbel met Galambos. In Copulas and Dependence Models with Applications: Contributions in Honor of Roger B. Nelsen (M. Úbeda-Flores, E. de Amo-Artero, F. Durante & J. Fernández-Sánchez, Eds.). Springer, Berlin, pp. 83-93.

  154. C. Genest & F. Chebana (2016). Copula modeling in hydrologic frequency analysis. Chapter 30 of Handbook of Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition (V.P. Singh, Editor). McGraw-Hill, New York.

  155. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2014). Modeling dependence beyond correlation. In Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook (J.F. Lawless, Editor). Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 59-78.

  156. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2013). Assessing and modeling asymmetry in bivariate continuous data. In Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance, Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Cracow, 10-11 July 2012 (P. Jaworski, F. Durante & W.K. Härdle, Editors). Springer, Berlin, pp. 91-114.

  157. C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2012). Copula modeling for extremes. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition (A.H. El-Shaarawi & W.W. Piegorsch, Editors). Wiley, Chichester, vol. 2, pp. 530-541.
  158. C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2012). Copulas and copula models. Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Second Edition (A.H. El-Shaarawi & W.W. Piegorsch, Editors). Wiley, Chichester, vol. 2, pp. 541-553.

  159. B. Abdous, C. Genest & B. Rémillard (2005). Dependence properties of meta-elliptical distributions. In Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems (P. Duchesne & B. Rémillard, Editors). GERAD 25th Anniversary Series. Springer, New York, pp. 1-15.

  160. T.S. Ferguson & C. Genest (2003). Toetjes na. In Mathematical Statistics and Applications: Festschrift for Constance van Eeden, (M. Moore, S. Froda & C. Léger, Editors). IMS Lecture Notes, Monograph Series, vol. 42, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Hayward, CA, pp. 169-184.

  161. C. Genest & B.J.M. Werker (2002). Conditions for the asymptotic semiparametric efficiency of an omnibus estimator of dependence parameters in copula models. In Distributions with Given Marginals and Statistical Modelling (C.M. Cuadras, J. Fortiana & J.A. Rodríguez Lallena, Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 103-112.

  162. P. Capéraà, A.-L. Fougères & C. Genest (1997). A stochastic ordering based on a decomposition of Kendall's tau. In Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems (V. Beneš & J. Štepán, Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 81-86.

  163. C. Genest & J.B. Kadane (1986). Combination of subjective opinion: An application and its relation to the general theory. In Reliability and Quality Control (A.P. Basu, Editor). North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 141-155.

    Other Refereed Contributions: Popular Science Articles

  164. L. Belzile & C. Genest (2025). Peut-on faire mieux que Meilleur ? Accromath, 20 (1), 12-17.
  165. C. Genest (2025). Histoires de dés. Accromath, 20 (1), 38-41.

  166. C. Genest (2024). Le jeu des noyaux. Accromath, 19 (2), 18-21.
  167. C. Genest, J.A. Hanley & S.R. Bhatnagar (2024). Investigating sensitive issues in class through randomized response polling. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 32, 457-463.
  168. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (2024). Les pinsons de Darwin. Accromath, 19 (1), 20-25.

  169. C. Genest (2023). À propos du tic-tac-toe. Accromath, 18 (1), 20-25.
  170. D. Spicker, E.E.M. Moodie & C. Genest (2023). Le secret statistique. Accromath, 18 (2), 40-45.

  171. C. Genest & J. Fageot (2022). Le système de notation Elo. Accromath, 17 (1), 14-19.
  172. C. Genest & E.E.M. Moodie (2022). Y a-t-il relation de cause à effet ? La science statistique de l'inférence causale. Accromath, 17 (2), 14-19.

  173. L. De Monte & C. Genest (2021). À la recherche de la Rondurie. Accromath, 16 (1), 24-29.
  174. J. Fageot & C. Genest (2021). Euler et le problème de Bâle. Accromath, 16 (2), 24-29.
  175. C. Genest & M.-P. Côté (2021). Pour en finir avec le test de Student. Bulletin AMQ, 61 (4), 32-51.
  176. C. Genest, J.A. Hanley & S.R. Bhatnagar (2021). Combien y a-t-il de personnes vaccinées dans mon groupe? Bulletin AMQ, 61 (3), 18-33.

  177. C. Genest (2020). Que le meilleur gagne ! Accromath, 15 (1), 12-17.
  178. C. Genest (2020). La méthode de Warner. Accromath, 15 (1), 4-5.
  179. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2020). Une excursion dans l'univers en haute dimension. Accromath, 15 (2), 8-13.
    • Translated into Czech and published under the title "Exkurze do světa vyšší dimenze" in Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 67 (2022), 223-232.
    • Translated into Italian and published under the title "Un'escursione nell'universo in alta dimensione" in Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza, 18B (2021), 177-184.
  180. C. Genest & C. Rousseau (2020). Le dépistage par groupe. Accromath, 15 (2), 30-35.
    • Translated into Czech and published under the title "Skupinový screening" in Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 66 (2021), 73-80.
    • Translated into Italian and published under the title "Il trattamento per gruppi" in Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza, 17 (2021), 39-44.

  181. C. Genest & J.-F. Plante (2019). L'union fait la force. Accromath, 14 (1), 18-23.

  182. C. Genest, J.-F. Plante & O. Okhrin (2018). Qui se ressemblent s'assemblent. Accromath, 13 (1), 14-19.

  183. C. Genest & S. Lauritzen (2016). Les mosaïques de Thiele. Accromath, 11 (2), 24-29.

  184. C. Genest & J.A. Hanley (2015). Prévoir les ressources nécessaires pour atteindre son but: Le cas d'espèce de la sonde Rosetta. Accromath, 10 (1), 24-29.

  185. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (2008). Comment compter les cerfs? Accromath, 3 (2), 2-7.

    Other Refereed Contributions: Professional Interviews and Tributes

  186. C. Genest (2025). A conversation with David Bellhouse. International Statistical Review, 93, in press.
  187. C. Genest (2025). A conversation with Geoffrey Hole. Survey Methodology, 44, in press.

  188. C. Genest (2024). A conversation with Marc Hallin. International Statistical Review, 92, 137-159.

  189. C. Genest & M. Scherer (2023). When copulas and smoothing met: An interview with Irène Gijbels. Dependence Modeling, 11, 20220154, 16 pp.

  190. C. Genest (2022). Fraser, Donald A.S. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, Entry stat08404, 4 pp.: link.

  191. C. Genest (2021). A tribute to Abe Sklar. Dependence Modeling, 9, 200-224.

  192. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2020). A conversation with Paul Embrechts. International Statistical Review, 88, 521-547.
  193. C. Genest & M. Scherer (2020). Insurance applications of dependence modeling: An interview with Edward (Jed) Frees. Dependence Modeling, 8, 93-106.
  194. C. Genest & M. Scherer (2020). The gentleman copulist: An interview with Carlo Sempi. Dependence Modeling, 8, 34-44.

  195. C. Genest & M. Scherer (2019). The world of vines: An interview with Claudia Czado. Dependence Modeling, 7, 169-180.

  196. C. Genest & G. Puccetti (2018). A journey beyond the Gaussian world: An interview with Harry Joe. Dependence Modeling, 6, 288-297.

  197. C. Genest (2015). A conversation with Herbert Tate: Mathematics educator and builder. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 12, 404-416.

  198. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2014). A conversation with James O. Ramsay. International Statistical Review, 82, 161-183.

  199. C. Genest & G. Brackstone (2010). A conversation with Martin Bradbury Wilk. Statistical Science, 25, 258-272.

  200. C. Genest (2004). A conversation with Radu Theodorescu. Liaison, 18 (4), 38-48.

    Contributions to Discussions

  201. C. Genest, J. Nešlehová & M. Ruppert (2011). Comment on "Statistical models and methods for dependence in insurance data" by S. Haug, C. Klüppelberg & L. Peng. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 40, 141-148.

  202. C. Genest & A.-C. Favre (2008). Closure to "Everything you always wanted to know about copula modeling but were afraid to ask." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13, 996.

  203. C. Genest & J.-F. Plante (2007). Comment on "A weighted rank measure of correlation" by J. Pinto da Costa and C. Soares. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49, 203-204.

  204. C. Genest & B. Rémillard (2006). Comment on "Copulas: tales and facts" by T. Mikosch. Extremes, 9, 27-36.

  205. C. Genest, K. Ghoudi & L.-P. Rivest (1998). Comment on "Understanding relationships using copulas" by E. W. Frees and E. A. Valdez. North American Actuarial Journal, 2, 143-149.

  206. C. Genest & M.-H. Roy-Gagnon (1995). Comment on "A large sample test for one-parameter families of copulas" by J. F. Carrière. Communications in Statistics, 24, 2959-2962.
  207. C. Genest & M.J. Schervish (1995). Comment on "Coherent combination of experts' opinions" by A. P. Dawid, M. H. DeGroot, and J. Mortera. Test, 4, 296-300.

  208. C. Genest (1993). Comment on double blind refereeing. Statistical Science, 8, 323-327.

  209. C. Genest & J.D. Kalbfleisch (1988). Comment on "Bayesian nonparametric survival analysis" by L. M. Berliner and B. M. Hill. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 780-781.

    Book Reviews

  210. C. Genest (2013). Book review of "Extreme Value Methods with Applications to Finance" by S.Y. Novak. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108, 1133-1134.

  211. C. Genest (2007). Book review of "Reliability and Risk: A Bayesian Perspective" by N.D. Singpurwalla. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, 1475.

  212. C. Genest (2002). Book review of "Correlation and Dependence" by D. Drouet-Mari and S. Kotz. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 97, 653-654.

  213. C. Genest (1987). Book review of "Modern Concepts and Theorems of Mathematical Statistics" by E.B. Manoukian. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 15, 305-307.

    Unrefereed Conference Proceedings

  214. S.-S. Zhang & C. Genest (1996). Étude d'un test de confirmation des priorités dans le cadre du procédé d'analyse hiérarchique. In Actes du colloque sur les méthodes d'application de la statistique, 63e congrès annuel de l'ACFAS, Chicoutimi (L. Jean, Editor). Bureau de la statistique du Québec, Canada, pp. 209-223.
  215. I. Dehem & C. Genest (1994). L'utilisation de données regroupées et son impact sur l'inférence en analyse de la variance. In Actes du colloque sur les méthodes d'application de la statistique, 62e congrès annuel de l'ACFAS, Montréal (L. Jean, Editor). Bureau de la statistique du Québec, Canada, pp. 9-20.

    Book editing

  216. X. Lin, C. Genest, D.L. Banks, G. Molenberghs, D.W. Scott & J.-L. Wang (2014). Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science. Chapman & Hall, London, 622 pp. ISBN 978-1-4822-0496-4.

  217. C. Genest & J.-C. Massé (1996). Recueil des résumés des communications des 28e Journées de statistique, Québec, Canada, 27 au 30 mai 1996, 740 pp. ISBN 2-550-30053-X.

    Editorials and Annual Activity Reports as Editor-in-Chief

  218. C. Genest (2019). Editor's final report. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 173, 745-746.

  219. C. Genest (2001). Report from the former Editor / Rapport du rédacteur en chef sortant. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 29, 3-4.

  220. C. Genest (2000). Editor's report / Rapport du rédacteur en chef. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 1-2.

  221. C. Genest (1999). Editor's report / Rapport du rédacteur en chef. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27, 1-2.

  222. C. Genest (1998). Editorial / Éditorial. La revue canadienne de statistique, 26, 1-4.

    Book Preface and Editorials for Special Issues

  223. C. Genest, O. Okhrin & T. Bodnar (2024a). Preface to the Special Issue "Copula modeling from Abe Sklar to the present day." Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 201, 105280, 1 page.
  224. C. Genest, O. Okhrin & T. Bodnar (2024b). Copula modeling from Abe Sklar to the present day. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 201, 105278, 9 pages.

  225. G. Aneiros, R. Cao, R. Fraiman, C. Genest & P. Vieu (2019). Recent advances in functional data analysis and high-dimensional statistics. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 170, 3-9.
  226. C. Genest, I. Kojadinovic & F. Durante (2019). Introduction to the Special Topic on Copula Modeling. Econometrics and Statistics, 12, 146-147.

  227. C. Genest & M.-J. Haguel (2013). Des théories et des modèles au secours de la planète. Bulletin AMQ, 53 (2), 8-10.

  228. C. Genest (2012). Preface to the Special Issue on Copula Modeling and Dependence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 110, 1-3.

  229. C. Genest (2009). Preface for the book "Pratique du calcul bayésien" by Jean-Jacques Boreux, Éric Parent, and Jacques Bernier. Springer, Berlin, pp. vii-viii.
  230. C. Genest, H.U. Gerber, M.J. Goovaerts & R.J.A. Laeven (2009). Editorial to the Special Issue on Modeling and Measurement of Multivariate Risk in Insurance and Finance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 44, 143-145.

  231. C. Genest (2005). Preface / Préface. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 33, 313-316.
  232. C. Genest (2005). Preface. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 37, 1-2.

    Editorials Written as President of the SSC or the ASSQ

  233. C. Genest (2008). Le mot du président. Convergence, 13 (1), 1.
  234. C. Genest (2008). Le mot du président. Convergence, 13 (2), 1.
  235. C. Genest (2008). Le mot du président. Convergence, 13 (3), 1.
  236. C. Genest (2008). Message from the President / Message du président. Liaison, 22 (1), 3-5.
  237. C. Genest (2008). Message from the President / Message du président. Liaison, 22 (2), 3-5.
  238. C. Genest (2008). Past President's Report / Rapport du président sortant. Liaison, 22 (3), 38-45.

  239. C. Genest (2007). Le mot du président. Convergence, 12 (1), 1.
  240. C. Genest (2007). Le mot du président. Convergence, 12 (2), 1.
  241. C. Genest (2007). Le mot du président. Convergence, 12 (3), 1.
  242. C. Genest (2007). Message from the President / Message du président. Liaison, 21 (2-3), F1, E1.
  243. C. Genest (2007). Message from the President / Message du président. Liaison, 21 (4), F1, E1.

  244. C. Genest (2006). Le mot du président. Convergence, 11 (1), 1.
  245. C. Genest (2006). Le mot du président. Convergence, 11 (2), 1 + 7.
  246. C. Genest (2006). Le mot du président. Convergence, 11 (3), 1.

  247. C. Genest (2005). Le mot du président. Convergence, 10 (1), 1.
  248. C. Genest (2005). Le mot du président. Convergence, 10 (2), 1.


  249. C. Genest (2024). In memoriam : Robert Côté (1938-2023). Convergence, 29 (1), 12-13.
  250. C. Genest (2024). In memory of Robert Côté (1938-2023). Liaison, 38 (1), 27.

  251. C. Genest (2022). In memoriam: Constance van Eeden. Convergence, 27 (1), 12-14.

  252. C. Genest (2021). In memoriam: Irène Dehem (1971-2021). Convergence, 26 (2), 10-11.

  253. C. Genest (2021). Obituary: Donald A. S. Fraser (1925-2020). Amstat News, 527 (May), 32-33.
  254. C. Genest (2021). Obituary: Donald A. S. Fraser (1925-2020). IMS Bulletin, 50 (3), 13-14.
  255. C. Genest (2021). Eulogy: Donald A. S. Fraser (1925-2020). Liaison, 35 (2), 17-21.
  256. C. Genest (2021). In memoriam: Donald A. S. Fraser (1925-2020). The ISBA Bulletin, 28 (1), 3-6.

  257. C. Genest & J.F. Brewster (2021). Obituary: Lai Kow Chan. Amstat News, 533 (November), 32-33.
  258. C. Genest & J.F. Brewster (2021). Obituary: Lai Kow Chan (1940-2020). IMS Bulletin, 50 (6), 14.
  259. C. Genest & J.F. Brewster (2021). In memory of Lai Kow Chan (1940-2020). Liaison, 35 (4), 6-8.
  260. C. Genest & J.F. Brewster (2021). In memory of Lai K. Chan. Quality Engineering, 33 (4), 712-713.

  261. C. Genest & S. Froda (2021). Hommage à Constance van Eeden. Bulletin AMQ, 61 (3), 6-11.

  262. C. Genest (2020). Obituary: Colin R. Blyth. Amstat News, 513 (March), 42.
  263. C. Genest (2020). Obituary: Colin R. Blyth (1922-2019). IMS Bulletin, 49 (2), 12.
  264. C. Genest (2020). Colin R. Blyth (1922-2019). Liaison, 34 (1), 11-13.

  265. C. Genest & X. Gao (2020). Obituary: Hélène Massam (1949-2020). IMS Bulletin, 49 (7), 10.
  266. C. Genest & X. Gao (2020). Hélène Massam (1949-2020). Liaison, 34 (5), 11-13.
  267. C. Genest & X. Gao (2020). Hélène Massam (1949-2020). The ISBA Bulletin, 27 (4), 7-8.

  268. C. Genest & D.B. Wolfson (2020). Obituary: Vanamamalai Seshadri (1928-2020). Liaison, 34 (2), 22-24.

  269. C. Genest (2019). Obituary: Marc Moore. Amstat News, 508 (October), 2 + link.
  270. C. Genest (2019). Marc Moore (1942-2019). Convergence, 24 (2), 6-8.
  271. C. Genest (2019). Obituary: Marc Moore (1942-2019). IMS Bulletin, 48 (6), 10.
  272. C. Genest (2019). Marc Moore (1942-2019). Liaison, 33 (5), 9-10.

  273. G. Brackstone & C. Genest (2013). Martin B. Wilk (1922-2013). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 176, 1078-1079.
  274. C. Genest & G. Brackstone (2013). Obituary: Martin B. Wilk. Amstat News, 432 (June), 38-39.
  275. C. Genest & G. Brackstone (2013). Obituary: Martin B. Wilk. IMS Bulletin, 42 (4), 7-8.
  276. C. Genest & G. Brackstone (2013). Martin B. Wilk (1922-2013). Liaison, 27 (2), 54-56.

  277. C. Genest, G.P.H. Styan & D.B. Wolfson (2009). Keith John Worsley (1951-2009). Convergence, 14 (1), 10.
  278. C. Genest, G.P.H. Styan & D.B. Wolfson (2009). Keith John Worsley (1951-2009). Liaison, 23 (2), 36-37.

  279. C. Genest (2007). Obituary: Radu Theodorescu. IMS Bulletin, 36 (8), 16.
  280. C. Genest (2007). Radu Theodorescu (1933-2007). Liaison, 21 (4), F-17 [E-17].

    Other Professional Writings (Scientific Reporting)

  281. C. Genest (2024). James A. Hanley named Honorary Member. Liaison, 38 (4), 22-25.

  282. C. Genest (2023). Pierre Dutilleul, winner of the SSC Award for Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work 2023. Liaison, 37 (3), 17-20.

  283. R.W. Doerge, C. Genest & E.E.M. Moodie (2022). Nancy Reid to Deliver 2022 COPSS Distinguished Lecture. Amstat News, 539 (May), 27.
  284. R.W. Doerge, C. Genest & E.E.M. Moodie (2022). Nancy Reid: 2022 COPSS Distinguished Lecturer. IMS Bulletin, 51 (3), 4.
  285. R.W. Doerge, C. Genest & E.E.M. Moodie (2022). Nancy Reid to Deliver 2022 COPSS Distinguished Lecture. Liaison, 36 (2), 8-9.
  286. C. Genest (2022). Peter D. M. Macdonald, honorary member 2022. Liaison, 36 (3), 12-14.
  287. C. Genest (2022). Math prof Jacques Hurtubise receives distinguished career award. McGill Reporter, August 4, 2022.
  288. C. Genest & A.M. Schmidt (2022). David A. Stephens named SSC Gold Medalist. McGill Reporter, June 7, 2022.
  289. C. Genest & A.M. Schmidt (2022). David A. Stephens, Gold Medalist 2022. Liaison, 36 (3), 18-20.

  290. C. Genest & D.R. Bellhouse (2021). Mary Thompson, honorary member 2021 / Membre honoraire 2021. SSC Awards Booklet, available online.

  291. C. Genest (2020). Erica Moodie awarded 2020 Statistics Prize. Med e-News (McGill Faculty of Medicine Electronic Newsletter), May 22, 2020.
  292. C. Genest (2020). Erica Moodie: CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics 2020. Liaison, 34 (3), 9-10.

  293. C. Genest & J. Vaillancourt (2019). Bruno Rémillard: SSC Gold Medalist 2019 / Médaillé d'or de la SSC 2019. Liaison, 33 (3), 3-5.

  294. C. Genest (2018). Geneviève Gauthier: SSC Award for Impact of Applied and Collaborative Work 2018 / Prix de la SSC pour l'impact du travail collaboratif et appliqué 2018. Liaison, 32 (3), 8-10.
  295. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2018). François Bellavance: Lise Manchester Award 2018 / Lauréat du prix Lise-Manchester 2018. Liaison, 32 (3), 13-14.

  296. C. Genest (2017). Grande Conférence publique du CRM: "The confidence trap: Dysfunctional dialogues about climate", by Roger M. Cooke (Resources for the Future & Technische Universiteit Delft). Bulletin du CRM, 23 (2), 5 + 8.
  297. C. Genest (2017). Alexander J. McNeil (University of York), Aisenstadt Chair. Bulletin du CRM, 23 (2), 7-8.
  298. C. Genest (2017). Pleins feux sur le risque et sa gestion. Bulletin du CRM, 23 (1), 1-2 + 19.
  299. C. Genest (2017). QRM at the CRM, August-December 2017 / Du QRM au CRM, août à décembre 2017. Liaison, 31 (2), 17-19.
  300. C. Genest (2017). David R. Bellhouse: Honorary member of the SSC / Membre honoraire de la SSC. The 2017 Awards of the Statistical Society of Canada / Les prix 2017 de la Société statistique du Canada, pp. 4-5.

  301. C. Genest (2016). Profile: Nancy Reid. IMS Bulletin, 45 (8), 5-6.
  302. C. Genest & D.A. Stephens (2016). Emmanuel Candès: The art and science of systems involving too many unknowns. Bulletin du CRM, 22 (1), 13-14.

  303. C. Genest (2015). News from Quebec / Nouvelles du Québec. Liaison, 29 (1), 55.
  304. C. Genest (2015). Fang Yao: Quand les données se font courbes et surfaces. Bulletin du CRM, 21 (1), 3.
  305. C. Genest (2015). John D. Kalbfleisch: Honorary member of the SSC / Membre honoraire de la SSC. Liaison, 29 (3), 48-49.
  306. C. Genest (2015). News from McGill / Nouvelles de McGill. Liaison, 29 (3), 58.
  307. C. Genest & T. Duchesne (2015). La statistique: Musique à nos oreilles. Convergence, 19 (3), 4.
  308. C. Genest & L.-P. Rivest (2015). Exploring new horizons in copula modeling / Explorer de nouveaux horizons en modélisation par copules. Liaison, 29 (1), 51-52.
    • Reprinted in abridged form in the Bulletin du CRM, 21 (1), 19.

  309. T. Duchesne & C. Genest (2014). La statistique au service de la collectivité: Hommage à Louis-Paul Rivest pour ses 60 ans. Bulletin du CRM, 20 (2), 17.
  310. T. Duchesne & C. Genest (2014). Statistics serving the community: A tribute to Louis-Paul Rivest on his 60th birthday / La statistique au service de la collectivité: Hommage à Louis-Paul Rivest pour ses 60 ans. Liaison, 28 (4), 28-29.
  311. C. Genest (2014). Derek Bingham en quête de l'émulateur parfait. Bulletin du CRM, 20 (1), 19.
  312. C. Genest (2014). Dmitry Jakobson nommé rédacteur en chef des Annales mathématiques du Québec. Bulletin du CRM, 20 (2), 16.
  313. C. Genest (2014). Jerald F. Lawless: Honorary member of the SSC / Membre honoraire de la SSC. Liaison, 28 (3), 33-35.
  314. X. Lin, C. Genest, D.L. Banks, G. Molenberghs, D.W. Scott & J.-L. Wang (2014). 50 authors write for a 50th anniversary / 50 auteurs soulignent un 50e anniversaire. Liaison, 28 (1), 55.
  315. X. Lin, C. Genest, D.L. Banks, G. Molenberghs, D.W. Scott & J.-L. Wang (2014). COPSS 50th Anniversary Volume: Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science. Amstat News, 442 (April), 21.
  316. X. Lin, C. Genest, D.L. Banks, G. Molenberghs, D.W. Scott & J.-L. Wang (2014). COPSS publishes 50th anniversary volume. IMS Bulletin, 43 (3), 15.

  317. C. Genest (2013). Where ignorance is bliss. CMS Notes, 45 (4), 22-23.
  318. C. Genest & J.G. Nešlehová (2013). Königsberg's bridges, Holland's dikes, and Wall Street's downfall / Les ponts de Königsberg, les digues de Hollande et la chute de Wall Street. Liaison, 27 (3), 56-58.
    • Reprinted in abridged form in the Bulletin du CRM, 19 (2), 11 + 14.
    • Reprinted in abridged form in H.G. Kaper & C. Rousseau, Editors (2015). Mathematics of Planet Earth: Mathematicians Reflect on How to Discover, Organize, and Protect Our Planet. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 194-196.

  319. C. Genest (2012). Nouvelles du Laboratoire de statistique du CRM. Bulletin du CRM, 18 (2), 20.
  320. C. Genest (2012). Don Fraser appointed as Officer of the Order of Canada / Don Fraser nommé Officier de l'Ordre du Canada. Liaison, 26 (1), 46-47.
  321. C. Genest & J. Nešlehová (2012). James O. Ramsay: Honorary Member of the SSC / Membre honoraire de la SSC. Liaison, 26 (3), 24-26.
  322. C. Genest & D.A. Stephens (2012). Changbao Wu: Winner of the 2012 CRM-SSC prize / Lauréat du prix CRM-SSC 2012. Liaison, 26 (2), 32-33.
    • Reprinted in abridged form in the Bulletin du CRM, 18 (2), 18.

  323. L.-P. Rivest, L. Perreault, D.A. Stephens, A. Labbe, E.E.M. Moodie, R.J. Cook & C. Genest (2011). Compte rendu du semestre thématique en statistique. Bulletin du CRM, 17 (2), 10-13 + 25.
  324. C. Genest (2011). The workshop on copula models and dependence held at the CRM in June / L'atelier sur les modèles de copules et la dépendance tenu au CRM en juin. Liaison, 25 (3), 38.

  325. D.R. Bellhouse & C. Genest (2010). Raymond F. Currie receives the Lise Manchester Award / Raymond F. Currie reçoit le prix Lise-Manchester. Liaison, 24 (3), 40-41.
  326. C. Genest (2010). The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award for 2009 / Le prix de La revue canadienne de statistique pour 2009. Liaison, 24 (2), 19-20.
  327. C. Genest (2010). Michelle Qian Zhou wins the Pierre Robillard Award / Michelle Qian Zhou remporte le prix Pierre-Robillard. Liaison, 24 (2), 21.
  328. C. Genest (2010). The 23rd Laval Statistics Day / La 23e Journée de la statistique de Laval. Liaison, 24 (2), 25.
  329. C. Genest (2010). The SSC Gold Medal awarded to Louis-Paul Rivest / La médaille d'or de la SSC est décernée à Louis-Paul Rivest. Liaison, 24 (3), 30-31.
  330. C. Genest (2010). David R. Brillinger is awarded an SSC Honourary Membership / David R. Brillinger est nommé membre honoraire de la SSC. Liaison, 24 (3), 32 + 37-38.
  331. C. Genest (2010). Paul Cabilio is the recipient of the 2010 SSC Distinguished Service Award / Paul Cabilio est le récipiendaire 2010 du Prix pour services insignes à la SSC. Liaison, 24 (3), 38-39.
  332. C. Genest (2010). The SSC Impact Award is awarded to Abdel H. El-Shaarawi / Le prix pour impact de la SSC est décerné à Abdel H. El-Shaarawi. Liaison, 24 (3), 42-43.

  333. C. Genest (2009). If it ain't broke, don't fix it / Quand le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Liaison, 23 (1), 17-18.
  334. C. Genest (2009). SSC elections / Élections de la SSC. Liaison, 23 (1), 27-28.
  335. C. Genest (2009). Report on the 2009 elections / Rapport concernant les élections de 2009. Liaison, 23 (3), 56-57.
  336. C. Genest (2009). La 22e édition de la Journée de la statistique. Convergence, 14 (1), 9.

  337. C. Genest (2008). The 2007-2008 SSC-SFU Award is given to Jervyn Ang / Le prix SSC-SFU 2007-2008 est attribué à Jervyn Ang. Liaison, 22 (3), 12-13.
  338. C. Genest (2008). SSC elections / Élections de la SSC. Liaison, 22 (4), 6-7.

  339. C. Genest (2007). Jeffrey Rosenthal is the COPSS Award winner / Jeffrey Rosenthal remporte le Prix des présidents. Liaison, 21 (4), F10, E10-11.
  340. C. Genest (2007). New ASA fellows / Nouveaux compagnons de l'ASA. Liaison, 21 (4), F10-11, E11.

  341. C. Genest (2006). « The Median isn't the Message » de Stephen Jay Gould. Convergence, 11 (2), 15-17.
  342. C. Genest (2005). CJS: Coming attractions / RCS: Articles à venir. Liaison, 19 (3), 33-35.

  343. M. Alvo & C. Genest (2004). Summer school in probability and statistics at the University of Ottawa / École d'été en probabilités et statistique à l'Université d'Ottawa. Liaison, 18 (3), 14-15.
  344. C. Genest (2004). DeMoSTAFI conference / Le congrès DeMoSTAFI. Liaison, 18 (3), 13-14.
  345. C. Genest (2004). Randy Sitter becomes second SFU professor in a row to win CRM-SSC award / Randy Sitter devient le deuxième professeur de SFU à recevoir le prix CRM-SSC en deux ans. Liaison, 18 (3), 15-17.
  346. C. Genest & C. Léger (2004). SSC 2004. Liaison, 18 (1), 9-19.

  347. C. Genest (2003). The 2003 CRM-SSC prize is awarded to Charmaine Dean / Le prix CRM-SSC est conféré à Charmaine Dean. Liaison, 17 (3), 12-13.
  348. C. Genest (2003). Dependence Modelling: Statistical Theory and Applications in Finance and Insurance (DeMoSTAFI): 20-22 mai 2004, Château Laurier, Québec. Liaison, 17 (3), 24.
  349. C. Genest & C. Léger (2003). The 32nd SSC Annual Meeting / Le 32ième congrès annuel de la SSC. Liaison, 17 (4), 11-14.

  350. C. Genest (2002). The 2002 CRM-SSC prize goes to Larry Wasserman / Le prix CRM-SSC est décerné à Larry Wasserman. Liaison, 16 (3), 13-14.

  351. C. Genest (2000). A new honorary member for the Statistical Society of Canada: Radu Theodorescu / Radu Theodorescu: Nouveau membre honoraire de la Société statistique du Canada. Liaison, 14 (3), 11-12.

  352. C. Genest (1998). The Canadian Journal of Statistics. B-Stat News, 13, 17.
  353. A.M. Herzberg, C. Genest, J.F. Lawless, M.E. Thompson & R.J. Tomkins (1998). Statistics benefits from NSERC's 1998 reallocations exercise / La statistique sort gagnante de l'exercice 1998 de réaffectation des fonds du CRSNG. Liaison, 12 (4), 11-15.

  354. C. Genest (1997). Les Journées de statistique, une première à saveur internationale. L'année francophone internationale, 6, 338-339.

  355. C. Genest (1996). The May 1996 meeting of francophone statisticians in the city of Québec / Rencontre des statisticiens d'expression française à Québec en mai dernier. Liaison, 10 (3), 11-12.

  356. C. Genest (1988). Are statisticians mean people? / Les statisticiens sont-ils des gens normaux? Liaison, 2 (3), 48-50.

    National Scientific Policy Making Document

  357. N. Reid, A. Adem, E. Bierstone, E. Campbell, C. Dean, C. Genest, N. Kamran, R. Kuske, M. Lewis, G. Ivanoff & A.-M. Thompson (2012). Solutions for a Complex Age: Long Range Plan for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Research in Canada: 2013-2018. ISBN 0-978-0-9917385-2-6, 116 pp.

    Technical Report

  358. L. Perreault, F. Guay, J. Jalbert & C. Genest (2022). Estimation des courbes IDF de précipitations extrêmes en climat stationnaire et changeant à l'aide de modèles hiérarchiques bayésiens: Application à la conception de séparateurs eau-huile. Rapport IREQ-2022-0049, Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec, Varennes, QC.

    Annual Reports as ISM Director

  359. C. Genest (2015). Rapport annuel 2014-15. Institut des sciences mathématiques du Québec, 37 pp.

  360. C. Genest (2014). Rapport annuel 2013-14. Institut des sciences mathématiques du Québec, 41 pp.

  361. C. Genest (2013). Rapport annuel 2012-13. Institut des sciences mathématiques du Québec, 41 pp.

  362. C. Genest (2012). Rapport annuel 2011-12. Institut des sciences mathématiques du Québec, 37 pp.

    Back Cover Blurbs

  363. D. Kurowicka & H. Joe (2011). Dependence Modeling: Vine Copula Handbook. World Scientific Publishing, Hackensack, NJ.

  364. J.-F. Mai & M. Scherer (2014). Financial Engineering With Copulas Explained. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

  365. L. Rüschendorf, S. Vanduffel & C. Bernard (2023). Model Risk Management: A Quantitative Approach. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.