Announcing intention of conducting Seminar on Higher Dimensional Categories (HDC's); and Progress Report. Now that Sjoerd Crans and Paddy McCrudden are among our midst, I feel that there should be a systematic seminar on HDC's. My selfish purpose with it is that I would like to have an outlet for my recent work (see Progress Report below), the writing up (and working out in some cases) of which would be greatly helped by being able to talk about it to, and discuss it with, an expert and/or interested audience. However, I do not mean that the Seminar would only be about things that I am directly involved in. The above mentioned gentlemen will surely like to talk about and discuss their own ongoing and extant works. Also, if anyone out there wants to join the fray now, and needs instruction from scratch, I am very much ready to provide such instruction, in the framework of such a Seminar. And then too, suggestions for looking, in the framework of the Seminar, at specific things in the literature are appreaciated. There may be some overlap with the CRTC Seminar, whenever that venue is available and agreeable to accomodating the extremely talkative HDC-ists. Suggestions for timing, and comments in general, are hereby being invited. I'd like to outline now what I would like to expose in said Seminar -- if that indeed materializes. This will take the form of a Preliminary Report on work done and work underway. 1. The universals in the multitopic categories The break-through work [B/D]: "Higher-Dimensional Algebra III. n-Categories and the Algebra of Opetopes" by J. C. Baez and J. Dolan has two ingredients. One is opetopes and opetopic sets; the other is the universal arrows. The first has been reworked in [H/M/P]: "On weak higher dimensional categories I" by C. Hermida, myself, and J. Power -- although the exact relationship of [B/D] and [H/M/P] is still to be worked out. However, [H/M/P] does something more explicitly than [B/D]: [H/M/P] gives the complete description of the category of multitopes, which should be compared to the category of opetopes; the latter is not given in [B/D] or elsewhere (?) in detail. This lack of precise detail does not prevent one from adapting the [B/D]-definition of universals for the multitopic context. The authors of [H/M/P] saw clearly (at least it seemed to them that they saw it clearly) how to do that; however, they did not incorporate universals into [H/M/P]. I am now announcing that I have a way of defining "universals" in the multitopic context, one that is more "inclusive" than the one directly suggested by [B/D]. The relations of this to the [B/D]-style concept is still to be worked out -- but it is clear that the basic character of the relationship is similar to that of the Mac Lane-style definition of bicategory vs the original Benabou-style definition of same; the former gives a small finite set of coherence-arrows and laws, the latter takes up "all possible such" into the definition. The essential equivalence of the two definitions is the Mac Lane coherence theorem. My proposal for "universals" is like the "Benabou definition"; the [B/D] is like the "Mac Lane definition", at least for the purposes of this comparison. The analog of the Mac Lane coherence theorem is not proved yet (assuming it is true); but many details are known, mainly thanks to the recent work of Victor Harnik on the [B/D]-definition and variants of it, which point to the truth of said analog. Here is an outline of the proposal. I am now using the concept of "multitope" which is the main notion of [H/M/P]. Roughly speaking, a multitope is the "shape" of single cell with domain a finite pasting diagram of arbitrarily high dimension, which enjoys the fundamental simplifying property that the target of each cell in it is a single cell, as opposed to an arbitrary pasting diagram in which the target of a cell can be an "arbitary" pasting diagram. Obviously, this is a recursive definition when made precise (as is done in [H/M/P]). In what follows, I will talk about the *cells in a multitope t *. These include all cells "involved" in t; there is one "top", or *main* cell in the multitope. The precise definition says that a cell in a multitope is given by an arrow, possibly the identity arrow, whose domain is the given multitope in the category of multitopes according to [H/M/P]. The main cell is the identity arrow. I now take a multitope t , and mark certain cells in it with o ; o here is to be read "universal". Furthermore, I mark exactly one cell, which is of codimension 1, by #. These markings have to be done "correctly"; below I will return to this. Let M be a multitopic set, that is, a Set-valued functor on the category of multitopes. A cell of type s , for s any multitope, is an element of M(s). I have to explain what is M[t^--], for t the correctly marked multitope . M[t^--] is a system of cells in M, one for each cell in t , except the main cell in t and the one marked with # ; this system has to be compatible in the way t shows; the two minuses in the superscript position indicate that two places in t are "empty" (this is like a "niche" in [B/D]). A precise way of defining M[t^--] can be given in my FOLDS (=First Order Logic with Dependent Sorts; still unpublished and under revision and extension; available electronically in the unrevised form); [t^--] is a particular *context* in the category of contexts, M is regarded as a (lex) functor on the category of contexts, and thus M[t^--] is just the value of that functor. Now, take the totality of all correctly marked mutitopes. Take a multitopic set M . A set U of cells of various dimensions and shapes is a *system of universals for M * if the following condition is satisfied: every time t is a correctly marked multitope, and I have a system S in M[t^--], and the cells in S corresponding to the o-marked cells in t are all in U , then there are cells a and u "filling in" for the one marked # and for the main cell in t , respectively, so that u is in particular in M(t) and in fact, u is related to S correctly; and also, u is in U . This is a "horn-filling"-type condition -- but of course, the "horns" are a lot more general than the original ones. Also, the main part of the [B/D]-definition of "universal" (and of "balanced") can be seen to be of the same form. But, the difference is that the present definition is more inclusive; there are more conditions, the notion of "correctly marked" multitope being a very general, and in fact purely geometrical, concept. Roughly speaking, t is correctly marked if iteratively collapsing along the arrows marked o results in the mere cell marked # . I should emphasize (this was omitted above) that the main cell of t is always marked o (consistent with the fact that we will require it to be filled by something in U ). Finally, a multitopic category (I mean multitopic omega-category) is defined as a multitopic set M together with a system of universals for M. When M is (essentially) finite dimensional, then having a system of universals means that there is a canonical system of universals, the maximal one, which is definable in the multitopic set-structure (by "universal properties", just like in [B/D]); thus, being a multitopic (weak) n-category for a finite n is a property of an n-dimensional (truncated) multitopic set. 2. The multitopic category of all multitopic categories. I have a proposal for said entity. First, some introduction. Already the e-mail letter (dated Nov 25, 1995) of Baez and Dolan to Ross Street that was the announcement of their approach (although I cannot see the relevant passage in the printed version I now have) raises the question of what the (weak) n+1-category of all (weak) n-categories is. Upon seeing that announcement, I thought right away that the right definition should proceed by defining "functors", "natural transformations", "modifications",... in a style that is similar to the definition of "categories", in all dimensions. Notice that the n+1-category of n-categories must have all those things in it. I now, first, give the outline of the definition of the multitopic set of all (small) multitopic categories; more precisely, I give the definition of a particular (large) multitopic set MULTCAT whose 0-cells are the small multitopic categories; and second, I will assert that MULTCAT has in fact a canonical system of universals, making it a multitopic category. The definition will look, perhaps, strange; the only way to understand it would be through the study of examples. Let t be a multitope. Let dim(t)=n. I define what is a correct t-coloring of another, variable, multitope s . Let |t| be the set of the cells in t (see above); |s| is the set of the cells in s . Said correct coloring is a map f:|s|-->|t| satisfying some conditions. First, I require that f should not raise -- but it may lower! -- dimension: dim(f(x))<=dim(x). The main, second, requirement is that "collapsing" iteratively [this of course has to be defined precisely] along arrows z:x-->y (here both x and y are single arrows; thus, z is a special arrow for which not only the target, but also the source is a single arrow of dimension one less than that of z ; however, the lower dimensional source of x and y can still be arbitrarily complex) for which all three of x,y,z are colored by the same color c in t results in the whole or a part of t . This second requirement can also be stated more simply. Let I^d_t ( I for incidence; d for domain) be the relation, written temporarily just I , on the set |t| for which aIb if a is "in" the domain of b ; I^c_t has a equal the codomain of b. The "correctness" condition for f above is: a(I^d_t)b implies [ (fa)(I^d_s)(fb) or fa = fb ] and a(I^c_t)b implies [ (fa)(I^c_s)(fb) or fa = fb ] . Fix t as above. A * t-colored multitopic set* M is a multitopic set with an additional structure that assigns to each cell u in M a color k(u) , a cell in t, in a "compatible" way. The latter means the following. Look at the type of u : the multitope s for which u is in M(s). Now, for each x in |s| , we have that x is an arrow x:s-->r in the category of multitopes. Therefore, we have M(x):M(s)-->M(r) , and we can define x*=M(x)(u) , and x* is in M(r) , a cell in M of type r . Now, consider the coloring of s by t in which the color of any x is k(x*) . The requirement is that said coloring of the multitope s should be correct. Having defined t-colored multitopic sets, I now define t-colored multitopic categories. The condition is that it should have a t-colored system of universals. The definition of the latter is just like it was in the "uncolored" case, except that now each "horn-filling" condition is given by a t-colored -- and also marked-- multitope. MULTCAT(t) is the class of all (small) t-colored multitopic categories. It is easy to see what the multitopic-set structure of MULTCAT should be. As I said, in fact MULTCAT is a multitopic category, in fact, with a canonical system of universals. The above was put down here just to give a flavor of what is going on. The definition becomes comprehensible only by studying its low-dimensional cases -- and by proving expected facts about it. Some of the latter has been done, but most of it is in progress; hopefully, if the Seminar I am trying to bring together will in fact come together, much of the significance of the definition will be clarified in talks in it. 3. Very briefly, I want to say that the above are to be brought together with the "protocategory" approach, of which I briefly talked in a previous abstract, and in lectures. This "bringing together" is an integral part of the "validation" of the concepts involved. With the best wishes: Michael Makkai