9 November 2004 2:30 - 4:00 J Funk Purely Skeletal Geometric Morphisms (II) Joint with Marta Bunge Abstract: We continue our investigation of geometric morphisms whose inverse image functor preserves pure monomorphisms, where a monomorphism in a topos is said to be pure if the constant object 2 has the sheaf property with respect to every pullback of the monomorphism. (For instance, the complement of a knot is a pure open subset of S^3.) One of our goals is to improve our understanding of branched coverings, which we define as a subclass of the class of complete spreads. We say that a complete spread is a branched covering if it is i) purely skeletal, and ii) locally constant, but we allow the splitting object to have only pure, instead of global, support. The smallest pure subtopos (of sheaves for pure monomorphisms) plays an interesting role in these investigations. For instance, the category of locally constant coverings of a pure subobject of 1 embeds into the category of locally constant coverings of the smallest pure subtopos.