Masahiro Hamano, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellow, University of Ottawa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title:"$Z$-modules and Full Completeness of Multiplicative Linear Logic" Abstract: We prove that the full completeness theorem for MLL+Mix holds by the simple interpretation via formulas as objects and proofs as $Z$-invariant morphisms in the *-autonomous category of topologized vector spaces. We shall do this by generalizing the recent work of R. F. Blute and P. J. Scott (APAL '96) where they used the semantical framework of dinatural transformation introduced by Girard-Scedrov-Scott ('92). By omitting the use of dinatural transformation, our semantics evidently allows the interpretation of the cut-rule, while the original Blute-Scott's does not. Moreover, our interpretation for proofs is preserved automatically under the cut elimination procedure. (In this sense, our semantics is considered as a denotational semantics.) In our semantics proofs themselves are characterized by the concrete algebraic notion ``Z-invariance'', and our denotational semantics provides the full completeness. Our semantics is naturally extended to the full completeness semantics for $CyLL+Mix$ thanks to an elegant method of Blute-Scott (JSL `98) (which is their sequel of (APAL '96)). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title:"Pontrjagin Duality and a Full Completeness of Multiplicative Linear Logic Without the Mix Rule " Abstract: While a semantical characterization of "provability" is expressed by the traditional notion of "completeness", a semantical characterization of "proof" is expressed by the notion of "full-completeness". Various versions of full completeness theorem for MLL+Mix were proved by Abramsky-Jagadeesan(JSL'94), Loader(LICS'94), Blute-Scott(APAL'96), etc.. However, the Mix rule destroys the usual logical meaning of syntax since the distinction between truth and the falsehood collapses with the presence of the Mix rule. As for MLL without the Mix rule, a smaller number of full completeness theorems (Hyland-Ong's ('94) and A.Tan's ('97)) are known. In this talk, by using a mathematically more concrete framework than theirs, we prove the full completeness theorem for MLL WITHOUT the Mix rule. Our framework uses Barr's category of the topological abelian groups, and an MLL-proof is interpreted as a dinatural transformation of the category. We first prove the unique interpretation theorem for a binary provable sequent by a purely category-theoretical setting and method. Then we prove the completeness theorem for a binary sequent by investigating a mathematically concrete structure of the category, which is derived by the classical Pontrjagin duality theorem. Combining these theorems, we achieve to prove the full completeness theorem under the semantical framework ``associated binary space''.