
Periods of Hilbert modular forms and
rational points on elliptic curves


Developed by Adam Logan (with the participation of Henri Darmon).

This package of PARI programs was used to perform the calculations that are summarised in the paper (which can be downloaded from Darmon's publications page)

H. Darmon and A. Logan. Periods of Hilbert modular forms and rational points on elliptic curves.

To run these programs you should have a machine with PARI/GP (v.2.1.1 or higher) already installed, preferably running Linux or Unix.


1. Download the file starkheegner.tar.gz.

2. Save this file in a new directory, and from within that directory type the command

tar xzvf starkheegner.tar.gz

3. Your directory will now contain a collection of Pari programs, as well as the instructions manual written in plain TeX in the file doc.tex. (The documentation for the software can also be downloaded directly from this page in either pdf, dvi or tex formats.)