1. K.Tennenhouse, Some results concerning intuitionistic logical categories, Master of Arts, McGill University 1976.
  2. M.Heggie, A synthetic approach to the Calculus of Variations, Master of Science, McGill University 1982.
  3. M.Heggie, Tensor products in homotopy theory, Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University 1986. Dean's Honours List
  4. W.MacCaull, Applications of Logic and Sheaf representations to von Neumann Regular Rings, Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, 1984.
  5. J.Gorman, Aspects of Coherent Logic, Master of Science, McGill University, 1987.
  6. M.Nystrom, The Ambrose-Palais-Singer theorem in Synthetic Differential Geometry, Master of Science, McGill University, 1987.
  7. F.Gago-Couso, Internal weak opens, internal stability and Morse theory for synthetic germs, Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, 1988.
  8. M.Monserrat, Machines in Closed Categories in general and in Categories of Heyting Algebra Valued Sets in particular, Master of Science, McGill University, 1990.
  9. J.Funk, Descent for cocomplete categories, Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, 1992. Dean's Honours List.
  10. M.Fadda, Aspects of Power Locales and Power Domains, Master of Science, McGill University, 1996.
  11. R.Harun, Applications of De Morgan Toposes and the Gleason cover, Master of Science, McGill University, 1996.


  1. W.MacCaull, "On the intuitionistic validity of Hilbert's Nullstellenstaz; Artin's theorem and related results", J. Symbolic Logic 53 (1988) 1177-1187.
  2. W.MacCaull, "Hilbert's Nullstellensatz revisited", J. Pure & Applied Algebra 54 (1988) 289-297.
  3. W.MacCaull, "Positive definite functions over regular f-rings and representations as sums of squares", Annals of Pure & Applied Logic 44, no.3 (1989)243-258.
  4. F.Gago-Couso, "Morse germs in synthetic Differential Geometry" in: F. Borceux (editor), Categorical Algebra and its applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1348, Springer-Verlag (1988) 125-129.
  5. F.Gago-Couso, "Singularites dans la geometrie differentielle synthetique", Bull. de la Soc. Math. de Belgique (Serie A) Tome XLI Fas. 2 (1989) 279-287.
  6. F.Gago-Couso, "Internal weak opens, stability and Morse theory for synthetic germs" (thesis), Alxebra 50, Sgo de Compostela, XXIV, 146 pages, 1989.
  7. M.Heggie, "The left derived tensor product of CAT-valued diagrams", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat. XXXIII-1 (1992) 33-53.
  8. M.Heggie, "Homotopy Cofibrations in CAT", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat., Vol.XXXIII-4 (1992), 291-314.
  9. J.Funk, "Descent for cocomplete categories", Report 91-26, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, 1991.
  10. J.Funk, "The cocomplete dual of a topos" Report 91-25, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, 1991.
  11. M.Heggie, "Homotopy Colimits in presheaf categories", Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat., Vol.XXXIV-1, (1993), 13-36.