Bellairs Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory

Room Assignments.

Brace Bldg.
B1: Kevin Leyton-Brown and Jason Hartline
B2: Jochen Konemann and Joseph Cheriyan
B3: Chaitanya Swamy and George Karakostas
B4: Sharon Goldberg and Nicole Immorlica
B5: Dima Korzhyk and Shaddin Dugmi
B6: Bernhard von Stengel and Laszlo Vegh

West Block.
W1: Zachary Friggstad and Vasilis Syrgkanis
W2: Greg Stoddard and Darrell Hoy
W3: Peter Sloan and Yang Cai
W4: Bundit Laekhanukit and Balu Sivan

East Block.
E1: Alex Frechette

Seabourne Apartment.
SA1: Mohit Singh and Nikhil Devanur

Seabourne House.
SH1: Michael Schapira and Yaron Singer
SH2: Adrian Vetta and Costis Daskalakis
SH3: Anupam Gupta and Gordon Wilfong