%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-style-file{ %%% author = "Nico Verwer", %%% version = "1.3", %%% date = "27 January 1993", %%% filename = "newthm.sty", %%% address = "Dept. of Computer Science %%% Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht %%% P.O. box 80.089 %%% 3508 TB Utrecht %%% the Netherlands", %%% telephone = "+31 30 533921", %%% FAX = "+31 30 513791", %%% email = "nico@cs.ruu.nl (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "LaTeX, theorems", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "LaTeX document-style option for customizing %%% theorem-like environments. %%% Successor of rmthm.sty.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % How to customize the theorem-like environments that you define with % \newtheorem (LaTeX book p. 58). % 1. \renewcommand{\theoremstyle}{...} % Changes the style in which your \newtheorems are typeset. % Default is \rm (\it in LaTeX). % 2. \renewcommand{\theoremopening}[2]{...} % \renewcommand{\namedtheoremopening}[3]{...} % The first variant defines the opening of the theorem. % Its arguments are #1 : theorem label, #2 : number. % The second variant defines the opening in the presence of an % optional argument (like \begin{guess}[Fermat]). % Its arguments are #1 : theorem label, #2 : number, #3 : name. % Defaults are as in the LaTeX book. % 3. \renewcommand{\theoremclosing}{...} % Specifies an end-of-theorem marker. % Default is a box flushed right. % 4. \newtheorem{thm}[nonumthm]{Thm} % Defines Thm to be a theorem-like environment that is not numbered. % Don't load twice. \ifx\theoremstyle\undefined\else\endinput\fi \def\@begintheorem#1#2{\theoremstyle \trivlist\item[\theoremopening{#1}{#2}]} \def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\theoremstyle \trivlist\item[\namedtheoremopening{#1}{#2}{#3}]} \def\@endtheorem{\nopagebreak\theoremclosing\endtrivlist} % Defaults: \def\theoremstyle{\rm} \def\theoremopening#1#2{\hskip\labelsep{\bf #1\ #2}} \def\namedtheoremopening#1#2#3{\hskip\labelsep{\bf #1\ #2\ (#3)}} \def\theoremclosing{\ifvmode\vbox{$\Box$}\else\newline$\Box$\par\fi} \newtheorem{nonumthm}{\relax} \renewcommand{\thenonumthm}{\relax} \endinput