%Here are some definitions of mine that let you specify the indentation %based on the width of the widest label, the way {thebibliography} does %it; i.e., %\begin{labelpar}[def5678] %\item[def1]... % % This is a style file, I guess labelpar.sty. % It defines the labelpar environment as a list environment that looks like % thebibliography. There are two length parameters that you can change: % \labelparsep and \labelparwid, which are analogous to \labelsep and % \labelwidth. The \labelwidth can be changed by supplying the width of % the widest label as an optional argument. If no argument is given, the % previous width is assumed. The default width is the paragraph indentation. % As it is written, the labels are left justified. To change the label format, % change the definition of \makelabel in \@@labelpar. % \newdimen\labelparsep \labelparsep .5em \newdimen\labelparwid \labelparwid\parindent \advance\labelparwid-\labelparsep \def\labelpar{\@ifnextchar[{\@labelpar}{\@@labelpar}} \def\@labelpar[#1]{\settowidth{\global\labelparwid}{#1}\@@labelpar} \def\@@labelpar{% \list{}{\labelsep\labelparsep \labelwidth\labelparwid \def\makelabel##1{##1\hfil}% remove this line to right justify labels \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep}} \def\endlabelpar{\endlist\@ignoretrue}