%>I need an environment in LaTeX (LaTeX2e or LaTeX209) to make "boxed" %>important paragraph(s).... % ( I had to % out a \prev below to make this work... - rags ) \newdimen\clearance % space between box and internal text \clearance0.50\baselineskip \def\abovespace{\baselineskip} % space above box \def\belowspace{.5\baselineskip} % space below box \def\fullinterlineskip{\prevdepth\z@}% \newenvironment{boxed}{% \par \addvspace{\abovespace}% \setbox\z@\vtop\bgroup \advance\hsize-\tw@\clearance \linewidth\hsize \vskip\clearance\vskip\z@skip\nointerlineskip }{% \par \removelastskip \ifdim\prevdepth>-\@m pt\vskip-\prevdepth\fi \vskip\clearance \egroup \nointerlineskip \vbox{% \hrule % \prev \hbox to\hsize{% \vrule \hskip\clearance \box\z@ \hss \vrule }% \hrule }% \fullinterlineskip \addvspace{\belowspace}% } %You will have to determine <\abovespace>, <\belowspace>, and per %your own preferences. You might also wish to modify the widths of the rules. %Invoke it by: % %\begin{boxed} %This is an important paragraph %\end{boxed} %Arthur Ogawa, TeX Consultants, Kaweah CA 93237-0051 %Ph: 209/561-4585, FAX: -4584