2 November 2004 4:00 - 5:30 Eric Paquette Towards A Categorical Semantics For Topological Quantum Computing Abstract: We show that C-colored manifolds (i.e. compact closed manifolds with boundary where each boundary component is colored with an object of a semisimple ribbon category) behaves in a similar manner as quantum circuits under the action of a unitary modular functor. There, the set of elementary gates is composed only of braid operations, rotations and Dehn-twists. We introduce the basic mathematical structure of a quantum circuit. We then provide a complete development of a 2-dimensional CW-complex over the markings of extended surfaces, where the later is connected and simply-connected. Next, we provide a complete development of the categorical framework in order to construct a C-extended unitary modular functor (UMF) acting from the category of C-colored surfaces and morphisms of C-colored surfaces to the category of finite-dimensional vector spaces and linear isomorphisms. From there, we conclude by giving a complete categorical semantics for topological quantum computation including an abstract version of the inner product, basic data units, basic data transformations, projectors and the notion of topological invariance of the algorithms.