Tannaka Duality and Quantum Groups Abstract: This was the first of three seminars on my recently completed Ph.D. thesis: Categories of Representations of Balanced Coalgebroids. It provided motivational material from the theory of Tannaka duality and quantum groups [JS91]. First, Pontrjagin duality, and classical Tannaka Duality were outlined. Then the Tannaka duality of [JS91] was described. Three theorems from [JS91] were highlighted: First that a coalgebra can be reconstructed from its category of representations; secondly, categories equipped with a functor into the category of finite dimensional vector spaces that are equivalent to the category of representations of some coalgebra can be characterized in elementary terms; and thirdly, that extra structure on a coalgebra can be reconstructed from the coresponding structure on its category of representations. The defintions of tortile Hopf algebra and tortile monoidal category were given, and it was observed that the classical quantum groups are examples of the former. Bibliograpy. [JS91] A. Joyal and R. Street, An introduction to Tannaka dualty and quantum groups. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 1488, 1991, pages 411-492.