25 April 2006 1:00 - 2:30 S Niefield Exponentiability in Lax Slices of Top Abstract: Suppose \le is a partial order on a topological space B. The lax slice Top//B is the category whose objects are continuous maps p:X-->B and morphisms are triangles which commute up to \le. It is easy to see that Top//B has binary products which are preserved by the forgetful functor to Top if and only if (B,\le) is a topological meet-semilattice. When \le is the specializataion order, Top//B can be thought of as a category of B-indexed diagrams of open sets. For example, if 2 is the Sierpinski, then Top//2 is isomorphic to the category whose objects are pairs (X,U) with U open in X, and morphisms (X,U)-->(Y,V) are continuous maps f:X-->Y such that f(U) is a subset of V. For the opposite of the specialization order, we get B-indexed diagrams of closed sets. In this talk, we present characterizations of exponentiable objects in Top//B for these two natural orders on B.