Tuesday, 26 March 2002 2:30 - 4:00 Susan Niefield (Union College) Homotopy Pullbacks, Lax Pullbacks, and Exponentiability We consider a unified approach to homotopy pullbacks, lax pullbacks, and pseudo-pullbacks, introduced completely in the 1-dimensional realm of the categories in question. This is done via the notion of an E-pullback, where E is an object of a category {\cal E} with finite limits. It turns out that E-pullbacks of objects over B exist in {\cal E} if and only if the exponentials B^E exist in {\cal E}. The goal of the talk is to discuss E-exponentiable morphisms of {\cal E}, i.e., morphisms for which a certain E-pullback functor has a right adjoint. In particular, we will consider the relationship between E-exponentiability and ordinary exponentiability of morphisms of {\cal E}, and apply these results to the categories of topological spaces, small categories, and Grothendieck toposes.