Michael Makkai: A duality involving Joyal's disks and omega-categories (joint work with Marek Zawadowski) Abstract. Andre Joyal has, in an extended abstract entitled "Disks, Duality amd Theta-categories", introduced the combinatorial concept of "disk". He denotes the category of finite disks by Disks. "Cellular sets" or "theta-sets" are (covariant) set-valued functors on Disks; "theta-categories" are cellular sets satisfying a "horn-filling" condition. We prove that Disks is contravariantly equivalent to another category named SimpleOmegaCat, the category of simple omega categories, defined as follows. An omega-graph G (also called a globular set, by Ross Street and Micheal Batanin) is said to be *composable* if G "has a unique composite", where an element a of , the omega-category freely generated by G , is called "a composite of G" if for all proper sub-omega-graphs H of G , a does not belong to (construed naturally as a sub-omega-category of ). An omega-category is simple if it is of the form for a composable omega-graph G ; SimpleOmegaCat is a full subcategory of the category of omega-categories with ordinary, strict, structure-preserving omega-functors as morphisms. The stated equivalence arises as a duality generated by an explicit schizophrenicject, a disk-object in SimpleOmegaCat, which is a simple-omega-category-object in Disks at the same time. The work involves, as a somewhat minor ingredient, a simple characterization of composable omega-graphs; this characterization seems implicit in Michael Batanin's work. The "duality" in Joyal's paper is the "bottom level" case of our result; this is a well-known fact, and it is mentioned in Joyal's paper for expository purposes. The speaker has announced, for instance at the St John, New Brunswick, CMS meeting (July 1998), the concept of "protocategory". This is intended as a *finitary* equivalent to the notion of multitopic category (the latter is a version of the Baez/Dolan concept of opetopic category; the main part of the definition of "multitopic category" is described in a paper by Claudio Hermida, the speaker and John Power, entitled "On higher dimensional categories I"). Joyal's "theta category" is a well-identifble, albeit proper, part of the notion of "protocategory". For the identification involved, and also for the further work on protocategories (intended to show that they are equivalent (in a specific see defined and described e.g. by the speaker at the St. John meeting) to multitopic categories), the du theorem stated above is an important tool.