2 November 2004 2:30 - 3:45 Joachim Kock On the notion of unit in monoidal categories and monoidal 2-categories Abstract: (This is joint work with Andri Joyal.) First I will explain how the notion of unit in a monoidal category can be formulated in terms of cancellative idempotents. This formulation does not involve left or right constraints, and it is independent of associativity of the tensor. Then I will illustrate how this approach is well-suited to higher dimensional generalisation, by working out the case of monoidal 2-categories, comparing with the notion of unit coming from tricategories. Finally I will outline the proof of the basic result that the category of cancellative idempotents is contractible. This means that up to homotopy 'being unital' is a property, although introduced as a structure.