Explanation of the PFM and RTP marks

The marks in the PFM box represent the possible final mark (for the course) if you do not write Test 5. If you have a mark of 60 or more there, then you will have no mark in the RTP box. As long as you keep your class participation good over the final few weeks, you are guaranteed a pass in the course. (Of course, you can try to improve your mark with a good performance on Test 5, if you want to raise your final grade.)

If you have a PFM mark of less than 60, then the RTP box gives the minimum mark you need to obtain on Test 5 in order to pass the course. Take this seriously, really prepare for that test, and you might pull it off - but notice that this may mean doing better on this test than on the ones you've written so far. Don't count on a "class participation mark" to pull you up - I've already taken that into consideration in the calculations.

A few students have already failed the course - in those cases, the RTP box is empty, with a comment added saying "F".

There will be NO "rewrites" after the final test day.

The new (optional) grade policy

  In case you missed it in class, here's how the final test and marks calculations will go: