program EuAlDem2; {Display Euclidean Algorithm, with determination of x and y such that bx + cy = g.} {$N+,E+} uses CRT, printer; {$I GetInput.i} const MaxAllow = 1E18; var b, c, {numbers whose gcd will be calculated} t {temporary variable} : comp; q, {quotients} r, {remainders} x, {coefficients of b} y {coefficients of c} : array[-1..100] of comp; i, j, {indices} j0, {last index in arrays} l, {length of string} ind {amount to indent by} : integer; OriginalMode {save the original text mode} : word; Ch : char; St : string[22]; FuncKey, InputOk : Boolean; begin OriginalMode := LastMode; TextColor(14); TextBackground(1); ClrScr; GoToXY(16, 8); WriteLn('SECOND DEMONSTRATION OF THE EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM'); GoToXY(1, 12); WriteLn(' Will calculate g = (b, c) for positive integers < 10^18,'); WriteLn(' and will find x and y so that bx + cy = g. Quotients are '); WriteLn(' rounded down, so that all remainders are non-negative.'); WriteLn; b := GetInput(6, 16, 'Enter b = ', ' (0 < b ó 999999999999999999)', 1, MaxAllow - 1); c := GetInput(6, 18, 'Enter c = ', ' (0 < c ó 999999999999999999)', 1, MaxAllow - 1); Ch := 'F'; FuncKey := false; Repeat if (not FuncKey) and (UpCase(Ch) = 'B') then begin b := GetInput(1, 24, 'Enter new value of b = ', ' where 0 < b ó 999999999999999999', 1, MaxAllow - 1); j := -1 end; if (not FuncKey) and (UpCase(Ch) = 'C') then begin c := GetInput(1, 24, 'Enter new value of c = ', ' where 0 < b ó 999999999999999999', 1, MaxAllow - 1); j := -1 end; if not FuncKey then begin {compute arrays} r[-1] := b; r[0] := c; x[-1] := 1; x[0] := 0; y[-1] := 0; y[0] := 1; i := 0; repeat i := i + 1; q[i] := r[i-2]/r[i-1]; {integer quotient, but may round up} r[i] := r[i-2] - q[i]*r[i-1]; if r[i] < 0 {force round down} then begin r[i] := r[i] + r[i-1]; q[i] := q[i] - 1 end; x[i] := x[i-2] - q[i]*x[i-1]; y[i] := y[i-2] - q[i]*y[i-1] until r[i] = 0; j0 := i; j := -1 end; {computation of arrays is complete} if (funckey) and (Ch = #73) {PgUp} then begin j := j - 20; if j < -1 then j := -1; end; if (funckey) and (Ch = #81) {PgDn} then begin j := j + 20; if j > j0 - 16 then j := j0 - 16; end; TextColor(15); TextBackground(0); ClrScr; WriteLn(' THE EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM'); WriteLn; Write(' i q(i+1) r(i)'); WriteLn(' x(i) y(i)'); i := j; while (i <= j0) and (i <= j + 19) do begin Write(i:2); TextColor(14); TextBackground(1); if (i = -1) or (i = j0) then Write(' ') else Write(q[i+1]:19:0); Write(r[i]:19:0, x[i]:20:0, y[i]:20:0); i := i + 1; TextColor(15); TextBackground(0) end; if WhereY <= 22 then begin GoToXY(1, 22); TextColor(0); TextBackground(7); ClrEoL; str(b:1:0, St); l := 7 + length(St); str(c:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); str(r[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); ind := (80 - l) div 2; GoToXY(ind, WhereY); {center the answer on the line} WriteLn('(', b:1:0, ', ', c:1:0, ') = ', r[j0-1]:1:0); ClrEoL; str(x[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); str(y[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); l := l + 5; ind := (80 - l) div 2; GoToXY(ind, WhereY); {center the answer on the line} Write('(', x[j0-1]:1:0, ')ù', b:1:0, ' + (', y[j0-1]:1:0, ')ù'); Write(c:1:0, ' = ', r[j0-1]:1:0); ClrEoL end; TextBackground(7); GoToXY(1, 25); ClrEoL; TextColor(4); if j0 < 17 then begin TextColor(15); Write(' PgUp PgDn'); TextColor(4); Write(' b c P'); TextColor(0); Write('rint '); TextColor(4); Write('Esc') end else begin if j > -1 then Write(' PgUp') else begin TextColor(15); Write(' PgUp'); TextColor(4) end; if j + 17 < j0 then Write(' PgDn') else begin TextColor(15); Write(' PgDn'); TextColor(4) end; Write(' b c P'); TextColor(0); Write('rint '); TextColor(4); Write('Esc') end; GoToXY(1, 25); {hide the cursor} TextColor(7); Write(' '); GoToXY(1, 25); TextColor(0); repeat Ch := ReadKey; if Ch <> #0 then FuncKey := false else begin FuncKey := true; Ch := ReadKey end; InputOk := false; if FuncKey and (Ch = #73) and (j > -1) then InPutOk := True; if FuncKey and (Ch = #81) and (j + 17 < j0) then InputOk := true; if (not FuncKey) and (Ch IN [#27, 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', 'p', 'P']) then InputOk := true until InputOk; if (not FuncKey) and (UpCase(Ch) = 'P') then begin WriteLn(lst, ' THE EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM'); WriteLn(lst); Write(lst, ' i q(i+1) r(i)'); WriteLn(lst, ' x(i) y(i)'); for i := -1 to j0 do begin Write(lst, i:2); if (i = -1) or (i = j0) then Write(lst, ' ') else Write(lst, q[i+1]:19:0); WriteLn(lst, r[i]:19:0, x[i]:20:0, y[i]:20:0) end; WriteLn(lst); str(b:1:0, St); l := 7 + length(St); str(c:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); str(r[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); ind := (80 - l) div 2; for i := 1 to ind do Write(lst, ' '); {center the answer on the line} WriteLn(lst, '(', b:1:0, ', ', c:1:0, ') = ', r[j0-1]:1:0); str(x[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); str(y[j0-1]:1:0, St); l := l + length(St); l := l + 5; ind := (80 - l) div 2; for i := 1 to ind do Write(lst, ' '); {center the answer on the line} Write(lst, '(', x[j0-1]:1:0, ')ù', b:1:0, ' + (', y[j0-1]:1:0, ')ù'); Write(lst, c:1:0, ' = ', r[j0-1]:1:0); WriteLn(lst) end; until (not FuncKey) and (Ch = #27); TextMode(OriginalMode) end.