function ec=eulerchar(input_file, input_thresh, mask_file, mask_thresh) %EULERCHAR finds Euler characteristics for excursion sets. % % EC = EULERCHAR(INPUT_FILE, INPUT_THRESH [, MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH]]) % % INPUT_THRESH: a vector of thresholds that defines the excursion sets % as INPUT_FILE >= INPUT_THRESH. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % If MASK_FILE is empty (default) the search volume is the whole volume. % % EC: vector of Euler characteristics for each threshold in INPUT_THRESH. % The EC is defined as = #points - #edges + #triangles - #tetrahedra % inside the intersection of the excursion set and search volume. ismask=(nargin >= 3); if ismask if nargin < 4 mask_thresh=[]; end if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end [path,name,ext]=fileparts(deblank(input_file(1,:))); if strcmp(ext,'.gz') [path,name,ext]=fileparts([path '/' name]); end base=[path '/' name]; X_file=[base '_mesh' ext]; m_file=[base '_mask' ext]; delete(X_file); delete(m_file); mask_mesh(input_file,base,mask_file,mask_thresh,0); m_thresh=0.5; else X_file=input_file; end d=fmris_read_image(X_file,0,0); d.dim numslices=d.dim(3); J=d.dim(2); I=d.dim(1); IJ=I*J; % Set up: i=kron(ones(1,J),1:I); j=kron(1:J,ones(1,I)); ex=find(i1); find(i>1)+IJ]'; ey=find(j1); find(j>1)+IJ]'; ez=1:(IJ); ez1=ez; ez2=ez+IJ; exye=find((rem(i+j,2)==0)&(im_thresh,IJ,1); else mask(:,flip)=ones(IJ,1); end m=fmris_read_image(X_file,1,1); X(:,flip)=reshape(,IJ,1); x=[input_thresh Inf]; mink=zeros(1,length(x)); for slice=1:numslices slice flip=3-flip; if slicem_thresh,IJ,1); else mask(:,flip)=ones(IJ,1); end m=fmris_read_image(X_file,slice+1,1); X(:,flip)=reshape(,IJ,1); else mask(:,flip)=zeros(IJ,1); X(:,flip)=repmat(-Inf,IJ,1); end pc=IJ*(2-flip); pf=(1+pc):(IJ+pc); p=find(mask(pf))+pc; minX=X(p); mink00=histec(minX,x); ec=(3*IJ-2*I-2*J+1)*(2-flip); ef=(1+ec):(6*IJ-3*I-3*J+1+ec); edge=find(mask(edge1(ef)) & mask(edge2(ef)))+ec; minX=min([X(edge1(edge)); X(edge2(edge))]); mink10=histec(minX,x); tc=2*(IJ-I-J+1)*(2-flip); tf=(1+tc):(10*IJ-8*I-8*J+6+tc); tri=find(mask(tri1(tf)) & mask(tri2(tf)) & mask(tri3(tf)))+tc; minX=min([X(tri1(tri)); X(tri2(tri)); X(tri3(tri))]); mink20=histec(minX,x); tet=find(mask(tet1) & mask(tet2) & mask(tet3) & mask(tet4)); minX=min([X(tet1(tet)); X(tet2(tet)); X(tet3(tet)); X(tet4(tet))]); mink30=histec(minX,x); mink=mink+mink00-mink10+mink20-mink30; end minkk=fliplr(cumsum(fliplr(mink))); ec=minkk(1:length(input_thresh)); if ismask delete(X_file); delete(m_file); end return function c=histec(y,x); if isempty(y) c=zeros(1,length(x)); else c=histc(y,x); end return