function [summary_clusters, summary_peaks]=stat_summary(input_file, fwhm, ... df, mask_file, mask_thresh, input_thresh, flip, nconj, nvar); %STAT_SUMMARY produces SPM-style summary analyses of T or F statistic images % % [SUMMARY_CLUSTERS SUMMARY_PEAKS] = STAT_SUMMARY( INPUT_FILE [, FWHM [, DF [, % MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH [, INPUT_THRESH [, FLIP [, NCONJ [, NVAR ]]]]]]]]) % % Produces an SPM-style glass brain and summary analysis of a T or F statistic % image. P-values for local maxima and cluster sizes are based on non-isotropic % random field theory if an FWHM image is provided (or a Bonferroni correction, % if smaller). The random field theory is based on the assumption that % the search region is a sphere (in isotropic space), which is a very tight % lower bound for any non-spherical region, unless you supply all the % resels. It also produces a volume of clusters labelled by their index % (as in the printout below) in INPUT_FILE with '_cluster' before the % extension, handy for identifying the clusters in 'register'. % % INPUT_FILE: Finds its local maxima and clusters above INPUT_THRESH. % Clusters are voxels connected in any of the 2*D directions. A local maximum % is a voxel which is greater than or equal to all its 2*D neighbours, % and strictly greater than at least one of them. If empty, just prints out % average FWHM (see below). % % FWHM is the fwhm of a smoothing kernel applied to the data, either as a % fwhm file from fmrilm, multistat or glim_image, or as a scalar. Default % is 0.0, i.e. no smoothing, which is roughly the case for raw fMRI data. % For motion corrected fMRI data, use at least 6mm; % for PET data, this would be the scanner fwhm of about 6mm. % If FWHM is a vector, these are treated as resels of the mask. % % DF=[DF1 DF2; DFW1 DFW2] is a 2 x 2 matrix of degrees of freedom. % If DF2 is 0, then DF1 is the df of the T statistic image. % If DF1=Inf then it calculates thresholds for the Gaussian image. % If DF2>0 then DF1 and DF2 are the df's of the F statistic image. % DFW1 and DFW2 are the numerator and denominator df of the FWHM image. % If DF=[DF1 DF2] (row) then DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. FWHM is fixed. % If DF=[DF1; DFW1] (column) then DF2=0 and DFW2=DFW1, i.e. t statistic. % If DF=DF1 (scalar) then DF2=0 and DFW1=DFW2=Inf, i.e. t stat, fixed FWHM. % If any component of DF >= 1000 then it is set to Inf. Default is Inf. % If FWHM is estimated by FMRILM, set DFW1=DFW2=DF outputted by FMRILM; % if FWHM is estimated by MULTISAT, set DFW1=DF_RESID, DFW2=DF outputted % by MULTISTAT. % % MASK_FILE is a mask file. If empty, it is ignored. Default is []. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % % INPUT_THRESH: If <= 1 then the second element is taken as a probability and % the threshold is chosen so that the uncorrected P-value is this probability. % If INPUT_THRESH is a scalar, the second element is set equal to the first. % The default is 0.001, i.e. the threshold satisfies P=0.001 (uncorrected). % % FLIP: INPUT_FILE is multiplied by FLIP before processing. For T statistic % images, FLIP = -1 will look for negative peaks and clusters. Default is 1. % % NCONJ is the number of conjunctions. If NCONJ > 1, calculates P-values % for peaks (but not clusters) of the minimum of NCONJ independent % SPM's - see Friston, K.J., Holmes, A.P., Price, C.J., Buchel, C., % Worsley, K.J. (1999). Multi-subject fMRI studies and conjunction analyses. % NeuroImage, 10:385-396. Default is NCONJ = 1 (no conjunctions). % % NVAR is the number of variables for multivariate equivalents of T and F % statistics, found by maximizing T^2 or F over all linear combinations of % variables, i.e. Hotelling's T^2 for DF1=1, Roy's maximum root for DF1>1. % Default is 1, i.e. univariate statistics. % % SUMMARY_CLUSTERS is a matrix with 6 columns: % Col 1: index of cluster, in descending order of cluster resels. % Col 2: volume of cluster in mm^3. % Col 3: resels of cluster. % Col 4: P-value of cluster extent. % Col 5: P-value if the cluster was chosen in advance, e.g. nearest to an ROI. % % SUMMARY_PEAKS is a matrix with 11 columns. % Col 1: index of cluster. % Col 2: values of local maxima, sorted in descending order withihn cluster. % Col 3: P-value of local maxima. % Col 4: P-value if the peak was chosen in advance, e.g. nearest to an ROI. % Col 5: Q-value or false discovery rate ~ probability that voxel is not signal. % Cols 6-8: i,j,k coords of local maxima in voxels, starting at 0, as in 'register'. % Cols 9-11: x,y,z coords of local maxima in world coordinates (mm). %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 2 fwhm=0 end if nargin < 3 df=Inf end if nargin < 4 mask_file=[]; end if nargin < 5 mask_thresh=[]; end if nargin < 6 input_thresh=0.001 end if nargin < 7 flip=1 end if nargin<8; nconj=1; end if nargin<9; nvar=1; end if length(input_thresh)==1 input_thresh=[input_thresh input_thresh]; end if input_thresh(1) > 1 input_thresh=input_thresh(1) else x=stat_threshold(1,1,0,df,input_thresh,0.001,0.05,nconj,nvar); input_thresh=x(2) end if ~isempty(mask_file) & isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end if ~isempty(input_file) [base,ext]=fileparts2(input_file(1,:)); if strcmp(ext,'.BRIK') base1=base(1:(length(base)-5)); base2=base(length(base)-5+(1:5)); file_w=[base1 '_cluster' ext]; file_h=[base1 '_cluster' base2 '.HEAD']; file_b=[base1 '_cluster' base2 ext]; if exist(file_h); delete(file_h); end if exist(file_b); delete(file_b); end lm=locmax(input_file,input_thresh,mask_file,mask_thresh,fwhm,flip,file_w); cluster_file=file_b; else cluster_file=[base '_cluster' ext]; if exist(cluster_file); delete(cluster_file); end lm=locmax(input_file,input_thresh,mask_file,mask_thresh,fwhm,flip,cluster_file); end if isempty(lm) summary_clusters=[]; summary_peaks=[]; return end [search_volume, num_voxels]= ... glass_brain(input_file,input_thresh,mask_file,mask_thresh,flip); colormap(spectral); end; if isstr(fwhm) d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,0,0); numslices=d.dim(3); if ~isempty(mask_file) mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1); if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2); else mask_thresh2=Inf; end d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,1:numslices,1);; mask= (mask>mask_thresh1 & mask<=mask_thresh2); else mask=ones(d.dim(1),d.dim(2),d.dim(3)); end d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,0,0); if d.dim(4)>=2 d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,1:numslices,2); else d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,1:numslices,1);<=0)).^3.*(>0); end search_resels=sum(sum(sum(mask.* num_voxels=sum(sum(sum(mask))) search_volume=num_voxels*abs(prod(d.vox(1:3))) average_fwhm=(search_volume/search_resels)^(1/3) if isempty(input_file) return end [p_peak, p_cluster, p_peak1, p_cluster1]= ... stat_threshold(search_resels, num_voxels, 1, ... df, [10; lm(:,1)], input_thresh, [10; lm(:,7)], nconj, nvar); elseif length(fwhm)==1 [p_peak, p_cluster, p_peak1, p_cluster1]= ... stat_threshold(search_volume, num_voxels, fwhm, ... df, [10; lm(:,1)], input_thresh, [10; lm(:,6)], nconj, nvar); else [p_peak, p_cluster, p_peak1, p_cluster1]= ... stat_threshold(fwhm, num_voxels, 1, ... df, [10; lm(:,1)], input_thresh, [10; lm(:,6)], nconj, nvar); end p_peak=p_peak(2:length(p_peak)); p_cluster=p_cluster(2:length(p_cluster)); p_peak1=p_peak1(2:length(p_peak1)); p_cluster1=p_cluster1(2:length(p_cluster1)); q_value = fdr_threshold( input_file, input_thresh, ... mask_file, mask_thresh, df, lm(:,1), flip, nconj, nvar); if isnan(p_cluster(1)) summary_clusters=unique(lm(:,5:7),'rows'); n=size(summary_clusters,1); ['clus vol resel'] [repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,1))) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,2))) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,3)*100)/100) ] else summary_clusters=unique([lm(:,5:7) p_cluster p_cluster1],'rows'); n=size(summary_clusters,1); ['clus vol resel p-val (one)'] [repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,1))) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,2))) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,3)*100)/100) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,4)*1000)/1000) repmat(' (',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_clusters(:,5)*1000)/1000) repmat(') ',n,1)] n_clus=sum(summary_clusters(:,4)<=0.05); if n_clus>0 p=get(gca,'Position'); axes('position',[p(1)+p(3)*7/6+0.05 p(2) 0.9-p(1)-p(3)*7/6 p(4)]); blob_brain(input_file,input_thresh*flip,cluster_file,[0.5 n_clus+0.5]); title('Clusters, P<0.05, index='); end end isminc=strcmp(lower(ext),'.mnc'); if isminc h=openimage(input_file); coord=voxeltoworld(h,lm(:,2:4)','xyzorder zerobase noflip')'; closeimage(h); else d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); coord=lm(:,2:4).*(ones(size(lm,1),1)*d.vox)+ones(size(lm,1),1)*d.origin; end summary_peaks=[lm(:,5) lm(:,1) p_peak p_peak1 q_value' lm(:,2:4) coord ]; summary_peaks=flipud(sortrows(summary_peaks,2)); n=size(lm,1); ['clus peak p-val (one) q-val (i j k) ( x y z )'] [repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,1))) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,2)*100)/100) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,3)*1000)/1000) repmat(' (',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,4)*1000)/1000) repmat(') ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,5)*1000)/1000) repmat(' (',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,6:8))) repmat(') (',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,9)*10)/10) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,10)*10)/10) repmat(' ',n,1) ... num2str(round(summary_peaks(:,11)*10)/10) repmat(')',n,1)] return