function [V, D]=pca_image(input_file, exclude, p, ... mask_file, mask_thresh, output_file_base, X_remove, X_interest) %PCA_IMAGE PCA of a multivariate linear model for image data % ignoring the temporal correlation, as described in: % Worsley, K.J., Poline, J.B., Friston, K.J. and Evans, A.C. (1998). % Characterizing the response of PET and fMRI data using % Multivariate Linear Models (MLM). NeuroImage, 6:305-319, % % The frame components are normalized so that their sum of % squares is 1, and the spatial components are divided by their sd % over voxels. Produces nice figures of time and space components. % % [V, D]=PCA_IMAGE(INPUT_FILE [, EXCLUDE [,P [, MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH % [, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE [, X_REMOVE [, X_INTEREST ]]]]]]]) % % INPUT_FILE is a matrix of image file names, padded with blanks if % necessary, in ANALYZE (.img) or MINC format (.mnc) or both. % % EXCLUDE is a matrix of frames to be excluded, one row for each % row of INPUT_FILE, or a vector of indicators for the excluded % frames (1=exclude, 0=keep) if the length of EXCLUDE equals the % total number of frames in all INPUT_FILEs. Empty by default. % % P is number of desired components, not more than numX, the number % of frames or files. Default is 1. % % MASK_FILE is a mask file. If empty, it is ignored. Default is []. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_pca.mnc or .img is output file of the first P % spatial components as frames, none if empty (default), in which % case a figure of the temporal and spatial components is produced. % % X_REMOVE is a design matrix with a row for each frame of % the covariates to be removed from the data before doing the PCA. % Default is ones(numX,1), i.e. removing the mean image over time or % files; use [ones(numX,1) (1:numX)'] to remove a linear drift as well. % % X_INTEREST is a design matrix with a row for each frame of % the covariates of interest. The PCA is done on the effects for these % covariates. Default is eye(numX), i.e. a PCA on all the frames or % files; use repmat(eye(12),numX/12,1) for a PCA on the average time % course of each block of 12 consecutive frames. % % V is numframes x P matrix of the first P temporal or file components. % % D is a diagonal matrix of all the eigen values of the sum of squares matrix. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 2 exclude=[] end if nargin < 3 p=1 end if nargin < 4 mask_file=[]; end if nargin < 5 mask_thresh=[]; end if nargin < 6 output_file_base=[]; end numfiles=size(input_file,1) numframes=zeros(1,numfiles); for i=1:numfiles d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_file(i,:)),0,0); numframes(i)=d.dim(4); end if numfiles<=5 numframes end numslices=d.dim(3) numys=d.dim(2) numxs=d.dim(1) numpix=numxs*numys; [base,ext]=fileparts2(input_file(1,:)); isminc=strcmp(lower(ext),'.mnc'); if ~isempty(mask_file) if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1); if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2); else mask_thresh2=Inf; end d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,1:numslices,1); mask= (>mask_thresh1 &<=mask_thresh2); xf=find(max(max(mask,[],2),[],3)); xr=min(xf):max(xf); yf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],3)); yr=min(yf):max(yf); mask=reshape(mask,numpix,numslices); N=sum(sum(mask)); else xr=1:numxs; yr=1:numys; N=prod(d.dim(1:3)); end numX=sum(numframes); if length(exclude)==numX keep=find(exclude==0); else keep=setxor(1:numX,exclude); end n=length(keep) if nargin < 7 X_remove=ones(numX,1); end if nargin < 8 X_interest=eye(numX); end X=X_interest(keep,:); if ~isempty(X_remove) Z=X_remove(keep,:); XZ=X-Z*pinv(Z)*X; else XZ=X; end [UX,SX,VX]=svd(XZ); n1=rank(XZ); UX=UX(:,1:n1); A=zeros(n1); for slice=1:numslices slice Y=zeros(numpix,n); sumin=0; sumframes=0; for i=1:numfiles keepin=intersect(1:numframes(i),keep-sumframes); d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_file(i,:)),slice,keepin); Y(:,sumin+(1:length(keepin)))=reshape(,numpix,length(keepin)); sumin=sumin+length(keepin); sumframes=sumframes+numframes(i); end if ~isempty(mask_file) Y=Y(mask(:,slice),:); end YX=Y*UX; A=A+YX'*YX; end [Vs, D]=eig(A); [ds,is]=sort(-diag(D)); ds=-ds; sd=sqrt(ds(1:p)/N) pcntvar=ds(1:p)/sum(ds)*100 VX=UX*Vs(:,is(1:p)); U=zeros(numxs,numys,numslices,p); for slice=1:numslices slice Y=zeros(numpix,n); sumin=0; sumframes=0; for i=1:numfiles keepin=intersect(1:numframes(i),keep-sumframes); d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_file(i,:)),slice,keepin); Y(:,sumin+(1:length(keepin)))=reshape(,numpix,length(keepin)); sumin=sumin+length(keepin); sumframes=sumframes+numframes(i); end if ~isempty(mask_file) Y=Y.*repmat(mask(:,slice),1,n); end u=Y*VX;,:,slice,:)=reshape(u,[numxs numys p]); end % change the signs so that max=max(abs) of each image: umins=squeeze(min(min(min(,[],1),[],2),[],3)); umaxs=squeeze(max(max(max(,[],1),[],2),[],3)); umaxa=max(abs(umins),abs(umaxs)); ok=(umaxs>-umins); for i=1:p if ~ok(i),:,:,i),:,:,i)/umaxa(i); VX(:,i)=-VX(:,i); else,:,:,i),:,:,i)/umaxa(i); end end if ~isempty(mask_file) mask=reshape(mask,[numxs,numys,numslices]); %mask(mask==0)=NaN; for i=1:p,:,:,i),:,:,i).*mask; end end V=zeros(numX,p); V(keep,1:p)=VX; LW=1; subplot(2,1,1); a=max(abs(VX),[],1); plot([0 numX],repmat(-(1:p),2,1),'k'); hold on; plot(keep,VX./repmat(a,n,1)*0.5+repmat(-(1:p),n,1),'LineWidth',LW); hold off; xlim([0 numX]*1.17); ylabel('-Component'); if numfiles==1 xlabel('Frame'); title('Temporal components (sd, % variance explained)'); else xlabel('File'); title('File components (sd, % variance explained)'); end for i=1:p text(numX,-i,[num2str(round(sd(i)*10)/10), ', ', ... num2str(round(pcntvar(i)*10)/10) '%']); end subplot(2,1,2); if d.vox(1)>0 & ~isminc xr=flipdim(xr,2); end if d.vox(2)>0 & ~isminc yr=flipdim(yr,2); end nrow=round(sqrt(numslices/3.25/p)); nrow=max(nrow,1); ncol=ceil(numslices/nrow); numxr=length(xr); numyr=length(yr); bigmat=zeros(p*nrow*numyr,ncol*numxr); r=0; for k=1:p c=0; for i=1:numslices bigmat((1:numyr)+r*numyr,(1:numxr)+c*numxr)=flipud(,yr,i,k)'); c=c+1; if c>ncol r=r+1; c=0; end end r=r+1; end xtick=((1:ncol*numxr)-1)/(ncol*numxr-1)*ncol-0.5; ytick=((1:p*nrow*numyr)-1)/(p*nrow*numyr-1)*p+0.5; zlim=[min(bigmat(:)) max(bigmat(:))]*0.8; imagesc(xtick,ytick,bigmat,zlim); xlabel('Slice'); ylabel('Component'); title('Spatial components'); colormap(spectral); if ~isempty(output_file_base) out_svd.parent_file=deblank(input_file(1,:)); out_svd.dim=[numxs numys numslices p]; out_svd.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base) '_pca' ext]; fmris_write_image(out_svd,1:numslices,1:p); end return