function blur_file=gauss_blur(input_file,fwhm,output_file_base) %GAUSS_BLUR A Gaussian smoother that works well for fMRI data. % % BLUR_FILE = GAUSS_BLUR( INPUT_FILE [, FWHM, [, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE ]] ) % % Gaussian bluring of FWHM (default 10mm) of all frames in INPUT_FILE to give % BLUR_FILE = OUPUT_FILE_BASE_blurFWHM.mnc or .img whose default is INPUT_FILE % minus extension. If FWHM is a scalar, uses the same value in all directions; % if FWHM is a vector, uses the components in the x, y and z directions. % If INPUT_FILE is a 4-D array, BLUR_FILE is the blurred 4-D array. % % Method: fMRI data often has a few slices that do not cover the entire brain % in the z direction, but the slices often extend well beyond the brain in % the x and y directions. Uses the MATLAB function CONV2 to convolve with a % Gaussian filter in the x and y directions, so in effect the slices % are padded with zeros before smoothing. Then uses straight matrix % mutiplication in the z direction, using a filter truncated by the slices % and rescaled to sum to 1, so that means are preserved in the z direction. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2001 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright % notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 2 fwhm=10 end if isstr(input_file) [base,ext]=fileparts2(input_file(1,:)); if nargin < 3 output_file_base=base; end d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); DimSizes=d.dim numframes=DimSizes(4); numslices=DimSizes(3); numys=DimSizes(2); numxs=DimSizes(1); numpix=numxs*numys; Steps=d.vox if length(fwhm)==1 blur_file=[deblank(output_file_base) '_blur' num2str(round(fwhm)) ext]; fwhm=repmat(fwhm,1,3); else blur_file=[deblank(output_file_base) '_blur' num2str(round(fwhm(1))) '-' ... num2str(round(fwhm(2))) '-' num2str(round(fwhm(3))) ext]; end out_handle.file_name=blur_file if exist(blur_file,'file'); delete(blur_file); end if numframes==1 out_handle.dim=[numxs numys numslices 1]; else out_handle.dim=[numxs numys numslices numframes]; end out_handle.parent_file=input_file; fwhm_x=fwhm(1)/abs(Steps(1)); ker_x=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_x):ceil(fwhm_x)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_x^2); ker_x=ker_x/sum(ker_x); fwhm_y=fwhm(2)/abs(Steps(2)); ker_y=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_y):ceil(fwhm_y)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_y^2); ker_y=ker_y/sum(ker_y); fwhm_z=fwhm(3)/abs(Steps(3)); ker_z=exp(-(0:(numslices-1)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_z^2); K=toeplitz(ker_z); K=K./(ones(numslices)*K); for frame=1:numframes frame,numslices); for slice=1:numslices d=fmris_read_image(input_file,slice,frame);,slice)=reshape(conv2(ker_x,ker_y,,'same'),numpix,1); end*K,[numxs numys numslices]); fmris_write_image(out_handle,1:numslices,frame); end else numxs=size(input_file,1); numys=size(input_file,2); numslices=size(input_file,3); numframes=size(input_file,4); numpix=numxs*numys; if length(fwhm)==1 fwhm=repmat(fwhm,1,3); end fwhm_x=fwhm(1) ker_x=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_x):ceil(fwhm_x)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_x^2); ker_x=ker_x/sum(ker_x); fwhm_y=fwhm(2) ker_y=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_y):ceil(fwhm_y)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_y^2); ker_y=ker_y/sum(ker_y); fwhm_z=fwhm(3) ker_z=exp(-(0:(numslices-1)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_z^2); K=toeplitz(ker_z); K=K./(ones(numslices)*K); blur_file=zeros(numxs,numys,numslices,numframes); for frame=1:numframes frame,numslices); for slice=1:numslices temp(:,slice)=reshape(conv2(ker_x,ker_y,input_file(:,:,slice,frame),'same'),numpix,1); end blur_file(:,:,:,frame)=reshape(temp*K,[numxs numys numslices 1]); end end return