function d=fmris_read_analyze(file,Z,T); % Read in 1 4D or >1 3D Analyze format Image Volumes % % Usage % % d=Read_Analyze(file); % Reads in all image data and attributes into the structure d. % % d=Read_Analyze(file,Z,T); % Reads in chosen planes and frames and attributes into the structure d. % Z and T are vectors e.g. Z=1:31;T=1:12; or Z=[24 26];T=[1 3 5]; % % (c) Roger Gunn & John Aston % Get machine format on which the file was written: d.file_name=file; machineformat=getmachineformat(file); if ~isempty(machineformat) % Read Header Information d=Read_Analyze_Hdr(file,machineformat); % try to get file precision if it is unknown: if strcmp(d.precision,'Unknown') d.precision=getprecision(deblank(file),machineformat,d.dim,; end % Read Image Data if ~isempty(d) & ~strcmp(d.precision,'Unknown') if nargin==1 | strcmp(d.precision,'uint1') % Read in Whole Analyze Volume fid = fopen(d.file_name,'r',machineformat); if fid > -1*reshape(fread(fid,prod(d.dim),d.precision),d.dim(1),d.dim(2),d.dim(3),d.dim(4)); fclose(fid); else errordlg('Check Image File: Existence, Permissions ?','Read Error'); end; if nargin==3 if all(Z>0)&all(Z<=d.dim(3))&all(T>0)&all(T<=d.dim(4)),:,Z,T); d.Z=Z; d.T=T; else errordlg('Incompatible Matrix Identifiers !','Read Error'); end end elseif nargin==3 % Read in Chosen Planes and Frames if (T(1)~=0)|(Z(1)~=0) if all(Z>0)&all(Z<=d.dim(3))&all(T>0)&all(T<=d.dim(4)) fid = fopen(d.file_name,'r',machineformat); if fid > -1,d.dim(2),length(Z),length(T)); for t=1:length(T) for z=1:length(Z) status=fseek(fid,d.hdr.byte*((T(t)-1)*prod(d.dim(1:3))+(Z(z)-1)*prod(d.dim(1:2))),'bof');,:,z,t)=d.scale*fread(fid,[d.dim(1) d.dim(2)],d.precision); end end d.Z=Z; d.T=T; fclose(fid); else errordlg('Check Image File: Existence, Permissions ?','Read Error'); end; else errordlg('Incompatible Matrix Identifiers !','Read Error'); end; end; else errordlg('Unusual Number of Arguments','Read Error'); end; else if strcmp(d.precision,'Unknown'); errordlg('Unknown Data Type (Precision?)','Read Error'); end end; else errordlg('Unknown Machine Format','Read Error'); end % if there is no slice thickness, set it to 6mm: if d.vox(3)==0 d.vox(3)=6; end return; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function machineformat=getmachineformat(file); % Get machine format by reading the d.hdr.dim(1) attribute and % making sure it is 1, 2, 3 or 4. machineformat=[]; for mf='nlbdgcas' fid = fopen([file(1:(length(file)-3)) 'hdr'],'r',mf); if fid > -1 fseek(fid,40,'bof'); if any(fread(fid,1,'int16')==1:4) machineformat=mf; fclose(fid); break else fclose(fid); end else errordlg('Check Header File: Existence, Permissions ?','Read Error'); break end end return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function precision=getprecision(file,machineformat,dim,range); % Get precision by reading a value from the middle of the .img file and % making sure it is within the global attribute precisions=['int8 ' 'int16 ' 'int32 ' 'int64 ' 'uint8 ' 'uint16 ' 'uint32 ' 'uint64 ' 'single ' 'float32' 'double ' 'float64' ]; nbytes=[1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 4 4 8 8]; middle_vol=dim(1)*dim(2)*floor(dim(3)/2)+dim(1)*round(dim(2)/2)+round(dim(1)/2); h=dir(file); n=ceil(h.bytes/prod(dim)); fid = fopen(file,'r',machineformat); if fid > -1 for i=1:size(precisions,1) if nbytes(i)==n status=fseek(fid,middle_vol*n,'bof'); if status==0 precision=deblank(precisions(i,:)); x=fread(fid,10,precision); if all(range(1)<=x) & all(x<=range(2)) return end end end end end errordlg('Check Header File: Existence, Permissions ?','Read Error'); precision='Unknown'; return %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function d=Read_Analyze_Hdr(file,machineformat); % Read Analyze Header information into the structure d % Adapted from John Ashburners spm_hread.m fid = fopen([file(1:(length(file)-3)) 'hdr'],'r',machineformat); if fid > -1 % read (struct) header_key %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fseek(fid,0,'bof'); d.hdr.sizeof_hdr = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.data_type = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.db_name = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,18,'char'))'); d.hdr.extents = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.session_error = fread(fid,1,'int16'); d.hdr.regular = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,1,'char'))'); d.hdr.hkey_un0 = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,1,'char'))'); % read (struct) image_dimension %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fseek(fid,40,'bof'); d.hdr.dim = fread(fid,8,'int16'); d.hdr.vox_units = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,4,'char'))'); d.hdr.cal_units = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,8,'char'))'); d.hdr.unused1 = fread(fid,1,'int16'); d.hdr.datatype = fread(fid,1,'int16'); d.hdr.bitpix = fread(fid,1,'int16'); d.hdr.dim_un0 = fread(fid,1,'int16'); d.hdr.pixdim = fread(fid,8,'float'); d.hdr.vox_offset = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.funused1 = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.funused2 = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.funused3 = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.cal_max = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.cal_min = fread(fid,1,'float'); d.hdr.compressed = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.verified = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.glmax = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.glmin = fread(fid,1,'int32'); % read (struct) data_history %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- fseek(fid,148,'bof'); d.hdr.descrip = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,80,'char'))'); d.hdr.aux_file = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,24,'char'))'); d.hdr.orient = fread(fid,1,'char'); d.hdr.origin = fread(fid,5,'uint16'); d.hdr.generated = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.scannum = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.patient_id = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.exp_date = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.exp_time = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,10,'char'))'); d.hdr.hist_un0 = deblank(setstr(fread(fid,3,'char'))'); d.hdr.views = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.vols_added = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.start_field = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.field_skip = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.omax = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.omin = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.smax = fread(fid,1,'int32'); d.hdr.smin = fread(fid,1,'int32'); fclose(fid); % Put important information in main structure %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- d.dim = d.hdr.dim(2:5)'; vox = d.hdr.pixdim(2:5)'; if vox(4)==0 vox(4)=[]; end d.vox = vox; d.vox_units = d.hdr.vox_units; d.vox_offset = d.hdr.vox_offset; scale = d.hdr.funused1; d.scale = ~scale + scale; = [d.hdr.glmin d.hdr.glmax]; d.calib = [d.hdr.cal_min d.hdr.cal_max]; d.calib_units = d.hdr.cal_units; d.origin = d.hdr.origin(1:3)'; d.descrip = d.hdr.descrip(1:max(find(d.hdr.descrip))); switch d.hdr.datatype case 1 d.precision = 'uint1'; d.hdr.byte = 0; case 2 d.precision = 'uint8'; d.hdr.byte = 1; case 4 d.precision = 'int16'; d.hdr.byte = 2; case 8 d.precision = 'int32'; d.hdr.byte = 4; case 16 d.precision = 'float'; d.hdr.byte = 4; case 64 d.precision = 'double'; d.hdr.byte = 8; otherwise d.precision = 'Unknown'; d.hdr.byte = 0; end else d=[]; errordlg('Check Header File: Existence, Permissions ?','Read Error'); end return