function blob_brain(input_file,input_thresh,colour_file,colour_thresh); %BLOB_BRAIN makes an isosurface 3D plot of blobs. % % BLOB_BRAIN(INPUT_FILE, INPUT_THRESH [, COLOUR_FILE [, COLOUR_THRESH]]) % % Makes 3D blob plot of INPUT_FILE above INPUT_THRESH coloured by values of % COLOUR_FILE (default is COLOUR_FILE=INPUT_FILE). % % COLOUR_THRESH: if it is supplied, then only plots blobs with % COLOUR_FILE > COLOUR_THRESH. If COLOUR_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, % then values are a < COLOUR_FILE <= b. If COLOUR_THRESH is non-empty % (default is empty), then to make good plots of coloured clusters, % the colours are first 'spread' to the neighbours by taking the % max of the colour at each voxel and its 6 3D neigbours. % % Coordinates are in voxels, starting at 0, as in 'register'. % Since matlab can't reverse axis labels, they are negative if the step % sizes are negative - ignore the minus signs. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ if nargin < 3 colour_file=input_file; end if nargin < 4 colour_thresh=[]; end [path,name,ext]=fileparts(deblank(input_file(1,:))); if strcmp(ext,'.gz') [path,name,ext]=fileparts([path '/' name]); end isminc=strcmp(lower(ext),'.mnc'); d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); if isempty(colour_thresh) d=fmris_read_image(input_file,1:d.dim(3),1);>input_thresh; xf=find(max(max(mask,[],2),[],3)); yf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],3)); zf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],2)); xr=max(min(xf)-1,1):min(max(xf)+1,d.dim(1)); yr=max(min(yf)-1,1):min(max(yf)+1,d.dim(2)); zr=max(min(zf)-1,1):min(max(zf)+1,d.dim(3));,yr,zr); d=fmris_read_image(colour_file,1:d.dim(3),1);,yr,zr); else d=fmris_read_image(colour_file,1:d.dim(3),1); colour_thresh1=colour_thresh(1); if length(colour_thresh)>=2 colour_thresh2=colour_thresh(2); else colour_thresh2=Inf; end>colour_thresh1 &<=colour_thresh2; xf=find(max(max(mask,[],2),[],3)); yf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],3)); zf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],2)); xr=max(min(xf)-1,1):min(max(xf)+1,d.dim(1)); yr=max(min(yf)-1,1):min(max(yf)+1,d.dim(2)); zr=max(min(zf)-1,1):min(max(zf)+1,d.dim(3));,yr,zr); c=mask; c1=mask([1 1:(length(xr)-1)],:,:); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); c1=mask([2:length(xr) length(xr)],:,:); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); c1=mask(:,[1 1:(length(yr)-1)],:); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); c1=mask(:,[2:length(yr) length(yr)],:,:); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); c1=mask(:,:,[1 1:(length(zr)-1)]); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); c1=mask(:,:,[2:length(zr) length(zr)]); c=c1.*(c1>mask)+c.*(c1<=mask); mask=mask>colour_thresh1 & mask<=colour_thresh2; d=fmris_read_image(input_file,1:d.dim(3),1);,yr,zr).*mask; end xr=xr-1; yr=yr-1; zr=zr-1; if d.vox(1)<0 & isminc xr=d.dim(1)-1-xr; end if d.vox(2)<0 & isminc yr=d.dim(2)-1-yr; end yr=-yr; if d.vox(3)<0 zr=-zr; end [x,y,z]=meshgrid(yr,xr,zr); p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,mask,input_thresh,c)); isonormals(x,y,z,mask*sign(-d.vox(3)),p); set(p,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none') view(3); daspect(1./abs(d.vox(1:3))); axis tight; camlight('right'); camlight('left'); lighting gouraud; if ~isempty(colour_thresh) if colour_thresh1>-Inf & colour_thresh20; zlabel('z'); else zlabel('-z'); end xlabel('-y'); return