function lm = locmax(input_file,input_thresh,mask_file,mask_thresh, ... fwhm,flip,cluster_file); %LOCMAX % % LM = LOCMAX( INPUT_FILE, INPUT_THRESH [, MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH ... % [,FWHM [, FLIP [, CLUSTER_FILE]]]]] ) % % Finds local maxima and clusters of INPUT_FILE above INPUT_THRESH. % Clusters are voxels connected in any of the 2*D directions. A local maximum % is a voxel which is greater than or equal to all its 2*D neighbours, % and strictly greater than at least one of them. % % MASK_FILE is a mask file. If empty, it is ignored. Default is []. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_threshold. % % FWHM: If a file is provided, cluster volume is measured in resels. % If FWHM is a scalar, this is taken as the FWHM for the whole volume. % Default is 1, i.e. cluster volume is measured in mm^D. % % FLIP: INPUT_FILE is multiplied by FLIP before processing. For T statistic % images, FLIP = -1 will look for negative peaks nd clusters. Default is 1. % % CLUSTER_FILE: If nonempty, a volume of cluster indexes is written to % CLUSTER_FILE. Default is []. % % LM is a matrix with 7 columns. % Col 1: values of local maxima, sorted in descending order. % Cols 2-4: i,j,k coords of local maxima in voxels, starting at 0, as in 'register'. % Col 5: index of cluster to which they belong, in descending order of % cluster resels (1=largest cluster). % Col 6: volume of cluster in mm^D. % Col 7: resels of cluster. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin<3 mask_file=[] end if nargin<4 mask_thresh=[] end if nargin < 5 fwhm=1 end if nargin < 6 flip=1 end if nargin < 7 cluster_file=[] end d=fmris_read_image(input_file,1,1); numslices=d.dim(3) numys=d.dim(2) numxs=d.dim(1) numpix=numxs*numys; D=2+(numslices>1) i2=2:numxs; j2=2:numys; i1=i2-1; j1=j2-1; excurset=zeros(numxs,numys); vox=[]; voxid=[]; edge1=[]; edge2=[]; n=0; xm1=[1 1:(numxs-1)]; xp1=[2:numxs numxs]; ym1=[1 1:(numys-1)]; yp1=[2:numys numys]; zp1=[2:numslices numslices];*flip; if ~isempty(mask_file) if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1); if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2); else mask_thresh2=Inf; end d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,1,1);; X(mask<=mask_thresh1 | mask>mask_thresh2)=-Inf; end ext=input_file(min(findstr('.',input_file))+(1:3)); isminc= all(lower(ext)=='mnc'); X2=X; imat=(1:numxs)'*ones(1,numys); if d.vox(1)<0 & isminc imat=numxs+1-imat; end jmat=ones(numxs,1)*(1:numys); if d.vox(2)<0 & isminc jmat=numys+1-jmat; end lm=[]; lmvox=[]; resels=[]; for slice=1:numslices X1=X; X=X2; d=fmris_read_image(input_file,zp1(slice),1);*flip; if ~isempty(mask_file) d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,zp1(slice),1);; X2(mask<=mask_thresh1 | mask>mask_thresh2)=-Inf; end X3=X(xm1,:); X4=X(xp1,:); X5=X(:,ym1); X6=X(:,yp1); % Excursion set: excursetm=excurset; excurset=X>input_thresh; % Local maxima: islm=(X>=X1)&(X>=X2)&(X>=X3)&(X>=X4)&(X>=X5)&(X>=X6) ... &((X>X1)+(X>X2)+(X>X3)+(X>X4)+(X>X5)+(X>X6)>0)&excurset; lmvox=[lmvox; find(islm)+(slice-1)*numpix]; i=imat(islm); j=jmat(islm); k=slice*ones(length(i),1); Xlm=X(islm); lm=[lm; [Xlm i j k]]; if isstr(fwhm) d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,0,0); if d.dim(4)>=2 d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,slice,2); else d=fmris_read_image(fwhm,slice,1);<=0)).^3.*(>0); end resels=[resels;]; end % Clusters: voxidm=voxid; voxid=reshape(cumsum(excurset(:)),numxs,numys)+n; n=n+sum(sum(excurset)); vox=[vox; find(excurset)+numpix*(slice-1)]; edge=find([zeros(1,numys); excurset(i1,:).*excurset(i2,:)]); edge1=[edge1; voxid(edge-1)]; edge2=[edge2; voxid(edge)]; edge=find([zeros(numxs,1) excurset(:,j1).*excurset(:,j2)]); edge1=[edge1; voxid(edge-numxs)]; edge2=[edge2; voxid(edge)]; if slice>1 edge=find(excurset.*excursetm); edge1=[edge1; voxidm(edge)]; edge2=[edge2; voxid(edge)]; end end if n<1 lm=[]; return end % Find cluster id's in nf (from Numerical Recipes in C, page 346): nf=1:n; for l=1:length(edge1) j=edge1(l); k=edge2(l); while nf(j)~=j j=nf(j); end while nf(k)~=k k=nf(k); end if j~=k nf(j)=k; end end for j=1:n while nf(j)~=nf(nf(j)) nf(j)=nf(nf(j)); end end % find the unique cluster id's corresponding to the local maxima: ivox=find(ismember(vox,lmvox)); clmid=nf(ivox); [uclmid,iclmid,jclmid]=unique(clmid); % find their volumes: ucid=unique(nf); ucvol=hist(nf,ucid)*prod(abs(d.vox)); if isstr(fwhm) ucrsl=zeros(1,length(ucid)); for i=1:length(ucid) ucrsl(i)=sum(resels(nf==ucid(i))); end else ucrsl=ucvol/fwhm^D; end f=find(ismember(ucid,uclmid)); uclmvol=ucvol(f); uclmrsl=ucrsl(f); % and their ranks (in ascending order): [sortuclmrsl,iuclmrsl]=sort(uclmrsl); len=length(iuclmrsl); rankrsl=zeros(1,len); rankrsl(iuclmrsl)=1:len; % add these to lm as extra columns: lm=[lm rankrsl(jclmid)' uclmvol(jclmid)' uclmrsl(jclmid)']; % sort by cluster resels, then local maxima, then flip: lm=flipud(sortrows(lm,[5 1])); lm(:,5)=len+1-lm(:,5); % -1 for register: lm(:,2:4)=lm(:,2:4)-1; if ~isempty(cluster_file) % volume of cluster indexes: clus.file_name=cluster_file; clus.dim=[numxs numys numslices 0]; clus.parent_file=input_file; ucllab=zeros(1,length(ucid)); ucllab(f)=len+1-rankrsl; cllab=interp1([0 ucid],[0 ucllab],nf); for slice=1:numslices,numys); inslice=find((slice-1)*numpix