function mesh_tet(input_file, output_file_base) %MESH_TET finds lengths of edges of a tetrahedral mesh % % MESH_TET( INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE); % % INPUT_FILE is the name of a single 4D image file with multiple % frames, or a matrix of image file names, each with a single 3D frame, % either ANALYZE (.img) or MINC (.mnc) format. Extra blanks are ignored. % File separator can be / or \ on Windows. Gzipped files are gunzipped on % unix. The first 3 dimesnions are space, the fourth is the coordinates. % % Each 3D cube of 8 neighbouring points (voxels) is divided into 5 % tetrahedra in a checkerboard pattern e.g. 3 x 4 x 2 array: % % z=1: z=2: y=1: % y y z % 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 % 1 +---+---+---+ 1 ------------- 1 +---+ % | /|\ | /| |\ | /|\ | | /| % | / | \ | / | | \ | / | \ | | / | % |/ | \|/ | | \|/ | \| |/ | % x 2 +---+---+---+ x 2 +---+---+---+ x 2 +---+ % |\ | /|\ | | /|\ | /| |\ | % | \ | / | \ | | / | \ | / | | \ | % | \|/ | \| |/ | \|/ | | \| % 3 +---+---+---+ 3 +---+---+---+ 3 +---+ % % % x=1: x=2: x=3: % y y y % 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 % 1 +---+---+---+ 1 +---+---+---+ 1 +---+---+---+ % | /|\ | /| |\ | /|\ | | /|\ | /| % z | / | \ | / | z | \ | / | \ | z | / | \ | / | % |/ | \|/ | | \|/ | \| |/ | \|/ | % 2 +---+---+---+ 2 +---+---+---+ 2 +---+---+---= % % Squared edge lengths using the normalised coordinates are stored in % a 4D array in OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_tet.img or .mnc with 6 frames for edges % in directions x, y, xy, z, xz, yz respectively. In cubes of 8 voxels, % the squared lengths of the 6 edges closest to x=0, y=0, z=Inf are % stored in the voxel of that cube that is closest to x=0, y=0, z=Inf. numfiles=size(input_file,1) d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); d.dim n=d.dim(4); numslices=d.dim(3); J=d.dim(2); I=d.dim(1); ext=input_file(1,(size(input_file,2)-2):size(input_file,2)); lam.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base(1,:)) '_tet.' ext]; lam.dim=[I J numslices 6]; lam.parent_file=input_file(1,:); % Set up: i=kron(ones(1,J),1:I); j=kron(1:J,ones(1,I)); IJ=I*J; ex=find(i1); find(i>1)+IJ]'; ey=find(j1); find(j>1)+IJ]'; ez=1:(IJ); ez1=ez; ez2=ez+IJ; exye=find((rem(i+j,2)==0)&(i1 lams(3*IJ+ ez)=sum((u(ez1 ,:)-u(ez2 ,:)).^2,2); lams(4*IJ+exz)=sum((u(exz1,:)-u(exz2,:)).^2,2); lams(5*IJ+eyz)=sum((u(eyz1,:)-u(eyz2,:)).^2,2);,:,4:6)=reshape(lams(3*IJ+(1:(3*IJ))),I,J,3); end fmris_write_image(lam,slice,1:6); end return