function mask_mesh(input_file, output_file_base, mask_file, mask_thresh, ... normalize, write_mask) %MASK_MESH makes a mesh and mask for input to mesh_tet.m % % MASK_MESH( INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE, MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH % [, NORMALIZE ]]); % % INPUT_FILE is the name of a single 4D image file with multiple % frames, or a matrix of image file names, each with a single 3D frame, % either ANALYZE (.img) or MINC (.mnc) format. Extra blanks are ignored. % File separator can be / or \ on Windows. Gzipped files are gunzipped on % unix. The first 3 dimesnions are space, the fourth is the coordinates. % % MASK_FILE: A continuous volume to define the mask. If it has multiple % frames, then the first frame is used. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % % NORMALIZE: If =1, then interpolate the norms of INPUT_FILE as well as % the vectors, so that if INPUT_FILE is normalized, then so is the mesh. % Use =1 for wresid files from fmrilm.m or multistat.m. Default is 0. % % What it does is to 'move' the cubic mesh so it touches the boundary of % the mask and 'fills' the mask. To do this, it finds edges of the % tetrahedral mesh that cross the boundary, i.e. one vertex in, one vertex % out. Then it linearly interpolates the input_file to the point at which % MASK_FILE = MASK_THRESH, and replaces the values at the outer vertex % by the interpolated values. The interpolated data is written to % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_mesh.mnc or .img. Thus the mask is enlarged to include % the outer vertex, which mow 'touches' the boundary. Such an outer vertex % may have more than one such 'boundary crossing edge' joined to it - % it doesn't matter which edge is used for the interpolated values, so the % first one encountered is used. Also writes OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_mask.mnc % or .img with 1 for voxels where the interpolated mesh is inside the mask, % and 0 outside. if nargin < 4 mask_thresh=[]; end if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1) if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2) else mask_thresh2=Inf end if nargin < 5 normalize=0 end if normalize==0 f=1; end if nargin < 6 write_mask=0 end numfiles=size(input_file,1) d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); d.dim n=d.dim(4); numslices=d.dim(3); J=d.dim(2); I=d.dim(1); ext=input_file(1,(size(input_file,2)-2):size(input_file,2)); dd.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base(1,:)) '_mesh.' ext]; dd.dim=[I J numslices n*(n>1)]; dd.parent_file=input_file(1,:); mm.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base(1,:)) '_mask.' ext]; mm.dim=[I J numslices 0]; mm.parent_file=input_file(1,:); % Set up: i=kron(ones(1,J),1:I); j=kron(1:J,ones(1,I)); IJ=I*J; ex=find(i1); find(i>1)+IJ]'; ey=find(j1); find(j>1)+IJ]'; ez=1:(IJ); ez1=ez; ez2=ez+IJ; exye=find((rem(i+j,2)==0)&(imask_thresh1 &<=mask_thresh2 ,IJ,1); if slice==1 surf=find(~nask(edges_start1) & ... mask(edges_start2)>mask_thresh1 & mask(edges_start2)<=mask_thresh2); m0=edges_start1(surf); m1=edges_start2(surf); else surf=find(~nask(edges1) & ... mask(edges2)>mask_thresh1 & mask(edges2)<=mask_thresh2); m0=edges1(surf); m1=edges2(surf); end % Linearly interpolate the data (u) and its norm, so that if the data % is normalized, then so is the interpolated data: if ~isempty(surf) dm=mask(m1)-mask(m0); mt=mask_thresh1*ones(length(surf),1); mt(mask(m0)> mask_thresh2)=mask_thresh2; w=(mt-mask(m0))./(dm+(dm<=0)).*(dm>0); u0=u(m0,:); u1=u(m1,:); if normalize==1 su0=sum(u0.^2,2); su1=sum(u1.^2,2); su01=sum(u0.*u1,2); svt=su0.*(1-w).^2+2*su01.*(1-w).*w+su1.*w.^2; f=sqrt((su0.*(1-w).^2+su1.*w.^2)./((1-w).^2+w.^2) ... ./(svt+(svt<=0)).*(svt>0)); end for i=1:n v(m0,i)=(u0(:,i).*(1-w)+u1(:,i).*w).*f; end nask(m0)=1; end if slice>1*IJ,:),I,J,n); fmris_write_image(dd,slice-1,1:n);*IJ),I,J); fmris_write_image(mm,slice-1,1); end if slice==numslices*IJ,:),I,J,n); fmris_write_image(dd,slice,1:n);*IJ),I,J); fmris_write_image(mm,slice,1); end end return