function [search_volume, num_voxels]= ... glass_brain(input_file,input_thresh,mask_file,mask_thresh,flip); %GLASS_BRAIN makes an SPM stlye maximum intensity projection. % % [SEARCH_VOLUME, NUM_VOXELS] = % GLASS_BRAIN( INPUT_FILE, INPUT_THRESH [, MASK_FILE, MASK_THRESH [, FLIP]]) % % Makes an SPM stlye maximum projection of INPUT_FILE above INPUT_THRESH. % Coordinates are in voxels, starting at 0, as in 'register'. Since matlab % can't reverse axis labels, they are negative if the step sizes are negative % - ignore the minus signs. % % MASK_FILE is a mask file. If empty, it is ignored. Default is []. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % % FLIP: INPUT_FILE is multiplied by FLIP before processing. For T statistic % images, FLIP = -1 will look for negative peaks and clusters. Default is 1. % % SEARCH_VOLUME is the volume of the masked region in mm^D. % % NUM_VOXELS is the number of voxels (3D) or pixels (2D) in SEARCH_VOLUME. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin<3 mask_file=[] end if nargin < 4 mask_thresh=[] end if nargin < 5 flip=1 end d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); numslices=d.dim(3); if ~isempty(mask_file) if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1); if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2); else mask_thresh2=Inf; end d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,1:numslices,1);; mask= (mask>mask_thresh1 & mask<=mask_thresh2); num_voxels=sum(sum(sum(mask))); xf=find(max(max(mask,[],2),[],3)); xr=min(xf):max(xf); yf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],3)); yr=min(yf):max(yf); zf=find(max(max(mask,[],1),[],2)); zr=min(zf):max(zf); mask=mask(xr,yr,zr); d=fmris_read_image(input_file);,yr,zr)*flip; X(X<=input_thresh)=input_thresh-1; X(~mask)=input_thresh-2; else d=fmris_read_image(input_file);*flip; X(X<=input_thresh)=input_thresh-1; xr=1:d.dim(1); yr=1:d.dim(2); zr=1:d.dim(3); num_voxels=prod(d.dim(1:3)); end voxel_volume=abs(prod(d.vox(1:3))); search_volume=num_voxels*voxel_volume num_voxels sx=abs(d.vox(1))*length(xr); sy=abs(d.vox(2))*length(yr); sz=abs(d.vox(3))*length(zr); ext=input_file(min(findstr('.',input_file))+(1:3)); isminc= all(lower(ext)=='mnc'); if isminc if d.vox(1)>0 xr=xr-1; xlab='x'; else xr=-(d.dim(1)-xr); xlab='-x'; end if d.vox(2)>0 yr=yr-1; ylab='y'; else yr=-(d.dim(2)-yr); ylab='-y'; end else if d.vox(1)<0 xr=xr-1; xlab='x'; else xr=-(d.dim(1)-xr); xlab='-x'; X=flipdim(X,1); end if d.vox(2)<0 yr=yr-1; ylab='y'; else yr=-(d.dim(2)-yr); ylab='-y'; X=flipdim(X,2); end end h=0.75/max(sx+sz,(sy+sx)*0.75); clf; axes('position',[.1 .15+sx*h sy*h*0.75 sz*h]) X1=squeeze(max(X,[],1)); imagesc(yr,zr-1,X1'); if d.vox(3)>0 axis xy; end ylabel('z'); grid on; title([strrep(input_file,'_',' ') ' > ' num2str(input_thresh)]); axes('position',[.15+sy*h*0.75 .15+sx*h sx*h*0.75 sz*h]) X2=squeeze(max(X,[],2)); imagesc(xr,zr-1,X2'); if d.vox(3)>0 axis xy; end xlabel(xlab); grid on; if flip==1 title('Positive values'); else title('Negative values'); end axes('position',[.1 .1 sy*h*7/8 sx*h]) X3=squeeze(max(X,[],3)); imagesc(yr,xr,X3); colorbar; xlabel(ylab); ylabel(xlab); grid on; return