function [fdr_thresh, bon_thresh] = fdr_threshold( input_file, input_thresh, ... mask_file, mask_thresh, df, fdr, flip, k) %FALSE_DISCOVERY_RATE % % [FDR_THRESH, BON_THRESH] = FDR_THRESHOLD( INPUT_FILE, [INPUT_THRESH, % [MASK_FILE, [MASK_THRESH, [DF, [FDR [, FLIP [, K ]]]]]]] ) % % Calculates the threshold (FDR_THRESH) for a t or F image for % controlling the false discovery rate (FDR). The FDR is the expected % proportion of false positives among the voxels above FDR_THRESH. % This threshold is higher than that for controlling the expected proportion % of false positives in the whole search volume, and usually lower than the % Bonferroni threshold (printed out as BON_THRESH) which controls the % probability that *any* voxels are above the threshold. References: % Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y. (1995). Controlling the false discovery % rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of % the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 57:289-300, and % Genovese et al. (2001). Thresholding statistical maps in functional % neuroimaging using the false discovery rate. Neuroimage, in press. % % INPUT_FILE is the input t or F statistic image. % % INPUT_THRESH is the lower limit for searching the t or F statistic image. % If empty, it is the threshold corresponding to a P-value of FDR at a single % point. Default is []. % % MASK_FILE is a mask file. If empty, it is ignored. Default is []. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_threshold. % % DF: If a scalar, then it is the df of the t statistic image; % if DF >=1000 then DF is set it Inf, so that it calculates % thresholds for a Gaussian image (if DF is very large the t-dbn % is almost identical to the Gaussian dbn). % If DF=[DF1, DF2] then these are the df's of the F statistic image. % If DF2 >= 1000 then DF2 is set to Inf. Default is Inf. % % FDR is the desired false discovery rate. % If the first element is greater than 0.1, then they are treated as % thresholds and Q-values are returned. Default is 0.05. % % FLIP: INPUT_FILE is multiplied by FLIP before processing. For T statistic % images, FLIP = -1 will look for negative peaks and clusters. Default is 1. % % K is the number of conjunctions. If K > 1, calculates P-values for peaks % (not clusters) of the minimum of K independent t or F maps. Default is 1. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. % % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 2 input_thresh=[] end if nargin < 3 mask_file=[] end if nargin < 4 mask_thresh=[] end if nargin < 5 df = Inf end if nargin < 6 fdr=0.05 end if nargin < 7 flip=1 end if nargin < 8 k = 1 end if ~isempty(mask_file) if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end mask_thresh1=mask_thresh(1); if length(mask_thresh)>=2 mask_thresh2=mask_thresh(2); else mask_thresh2=Inf; end end if length(df)==1 df=[df 0]; end if size(df,1)==1 df=[df; Inf Inf] end if size(df,2)==1 df=[df [0; df(2,1)]] end % is_tstat=1 if it is a t statistic, 0 if it is an F statistic: is_tstat=(df(1,2)==0); if is_tstat df1=1; df2=df(1,1); else df1=df(1,1); df2=df(1,2); end if df2 >= 1000 df2=Inf; end % Values of the F statistic based on squares of t values: tlim=0.1; t=[100:-0.1:10.1 10:-0.01:tlim].^2; % Find the upper tail probs of the F distribution by % cumulating the F density using the mid-point rule: n=size(t,2); tt=(t(1:(n-1))+t(2:n))/2; if df2==Inf u=df1*tt; b=exp(-u/2-gammaln(df1/2)-df1/2*log(2)+(df1/2-1)*log(u)); else u=df1*tt/df2; b=(1+u).^(-(df1+df2)/2).*u.^(df1/2-1)*df1/df2/beta(df1/2,df2/2); end pt=[0 -cumsum(b.*diff(t))].^k; if isempty(input_thresh) monotonic=find(diff(pt)>0); input_thresh=interp1(pt(monotonic),t(monotonic),fdr ... *(1+is_tstat)^k).^(1/(1+is_tstat)); end input_thresh=max([input_thresh tlim.^(2-is_tstat)]) d=fmris_read_image(input_file,0,0); d.dim %numframes=d.dim(4); numslices=d.dim(3); numys=d.dim(2); numxs=d.dim(1); numpix=numxs*numys; Steps=d.vox voxel_volume=abs(prod(Steps)) Y=[]; num_voxels=0; for slice=1:numslices d=fmris_read_image(input_file,slice,1); img=reshape(,numpix,1)*flip; if ~isempty(mask_file) dm=fmris_read_image(mask_file,slice,1); mask=reshape(,numpix,1); mask= (mask>mask_thresh1 & mask<=mask_thresh2); Y=[Y; img(find(img>input_thresh & mask))]; num_voxels=num_voxels+sum(mask); else Y=[Y; img(find(img>input_thresh))]; num_voxels=num_voxels+length(img); end end % Bonferroni: search_volume=num_voxels*voxel_volume pval_bon=num_voxels*pt; monotonic=find(diff(pval_bon)>0); % False discovery rate P_val=interp1(t,pt,Y.^(1+is_tstat),'linear',0)/(1+is_tstat)^k; [P_sort, index]=sort(P_val); nfdr=length(fdr); fdr_thresh=zeros(1,nfdr); if fdr(1)<1 bon_thresh=interp1(pval_bon(monotonic),t(monotonic),fdr ... *(1+is_tstat).^k).^(1/(1+is_tstat)); % False discovery rate threshold: q=P_sort./(1:length(P_sort))'*num_voxels; for i=1:nfdr r=max(find(q <= fdr(i))); fdr_thresh(i)=Y(index(r)); end if nfdr<=1 bon_thresh fdr_thresh end else P0=interp1(t,pt,fdr.^(1+is_tstat),'linear',0)/(1+is_tstat)^k; bon_thresh=P0*num_voxels; % Q-value: for i=1:nfdr K=find(P_sort>=P0(i)); fdr_thresh(i)=min(P_sort(K)./K*num_voxels); end if nfdr<=1 bon_thresh q_value=fdr_thresh end end return