function output_file=fmri2pcnt(stat_file, input_file, .... exclude, mask_thresh, output_file_base) %FMRI2PCNT converts stat files to percent of fmri data. % % OUTPUT_FILE = FMRI2PCNT( STAT_FILE, INPUT_FILE [, EXCLUDE % [, MASK_THRESH [, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE]]] ) % % STAT_FILE is the file to be converted, usually an _ef, _sd, or _resid % file for magnitudes (t stat files and delays are of course unaffected). % % INPUT_FILE is the fMRI image file. % % Both STAT_FILE and INPUT_FILE can be a single 4D file with multiple % frames, or a matrix of image file names, each with a single 3D frame, % either ANALYZE (.img) or MINC (.mnc) format. Extra blanks are ignored. % File separator can be / or \ on Windows. Gzipped files are gunzipped on % unix. % % MASK_THRESH: all voxels where the first frame of INPUT_FILE > MASK_THRESH % are converted to %, the rest are set to zero. If MASK_THRESH=[], then it % uses fmri_mask_thresh.m to find a suitable value. Default is []. % % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE is a matrix, one row for each row of STAT_FILE; % default is STAT_FILE minus extension plus _pcnt. % % EXCLUDE is a list of frames that should be excluded from the % analysis. This must be used with Siemens EPI scans to remove the % first few frames, which do not represent steady-state images. % Default is [1]. % % OUTPUT_FILE is a matrix whose rows are the output file names, % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE.mnc or .img, %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2002 K.J. Worsley % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. %, % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright % notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 3 exclude=[1]; end if nargin < 4 mask_thresh=[]; end numstatfiles=size(stat_file,1); cid=min(find(stat_file(1,:)=='.')); ext=stat_file(1,cid+(0:3)); output_file=[]; if nargin < 5 nid=size(stat_file,2)+9; for i=1:numstatfiles cid=min(find(stat_file(i,:)=='.')); id=[deblank(stat_file(i,1:(cid-1))) '_pcnt' ext]; output_file=[output_file; [id repmat(' ',1,nid-cid)]]; end else nid=size(output_file_base,2)+9 for i=1:size(output_file_base,1) id=[deblank(output_file_base(i,:)) '_pcnt' ext] output_file=[output_file; [id repmat(' ',1,nid-length(id))]] end end output_file=deblank(output_file); d=fmris_read_image(deblank(stat_file(1,:)),0,0); numstatframes=d.dim(4); numinputfiles=size(input_file,1); d=fmris_read_image(input_file(1,:),0,0); numinputframes=max(d.dim(4),numinputfiles); allpts = 1:numinputframes; allpts(exclude) = zeros(1,length(exclude)); keep = allpts( find( allpts ) ); n=length(keep); if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(input_file); end for slice=1:d.dim(3) slice if numinputfiles==1 d=fmris_read_image(input_file,slice,keep); average=squeeze(mean(,4)); else average=zeros(d.dim(1:2)); for i=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_file(keep(i),:)),slice,1);; end average=average/n; end for i=2:numstatfiles if numstatfiles==1 d=fmris_read_image(deblank(stat_file),slice,i); else d=fmris_read_image(deblank(stat_file(i,:)),slice,1); end<=0)).*(average>mask_thresh)*100; d.file_path=''; d.file_name=deblank(output_file(i,:)); d.parent_file=deblank(stat_file(i,:)); d.dim(4)=numstatframes*(numstatframes>1); fmris_write_image(d,slice,1:numstatframes); end end return output_file_base=['ab '; 'cde '] output_file_base=['c:/keith/results/ha_100326_hot'; 'c:/keith/results/ha_100326_wrm'; 'c:/keith/results/ha_100326_hmw'] stat_file=['c:/keith/results1/ha_093923_hmw_mag_ef.mnc'; 'c:/keith/results1/ha_100326_hmw_mag_ef.mnc'; 'c:/keith/results1/ha_101410_hmw_mag_ef.mnc'; 'c:/keith/results1/ha_102703_hmw_mag_ef.mnc']; input_file='c:/keith/data/brian_ha_19971124_1_100326_mri_MC.mnc'; exclude=[1 2] output_file=fmri2pcnt(stat_file, input_file, [1 2]);